Come to The Peak

Chapter 1462: : One-finger rolling

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The face of the Yu people changed, and the soldiers of the Yu people also took the initiative to fly out and gathered together to face the Titan army from afar.

Luo Yu's brow frowned slightly, and the Titan army looking at him had some speculation in her heart, and the corner of his mouth gradually hung a playful arc.

The army of the Titans stopped over the Yunhu Lake, staring at the Yuren tribe.

Yun Feier flew from Luo Yu, and said coldly, "Barut, what do you want to bring so many people to my feather people, do you want to go to war?"

"Haha, Yunfeier, you and our two people have lived in Xihuang for so many years and are neighbors. Why, I heard that your Yuzu tribe has come to heaven, so I can't come and see?"

Barut slaps his head on the head of a tangled snake, gazing at Yun Feier sneered, and then his eyes turn to Luo Yu again.

"Yo, this is your emperor, haha, only the Heavenly Six Springs, Yunfeier, you have a really high vision, such people can be your emperor, then I am not a Titan, and I can not be yours Acting guest? "

"Hahaha ~"

Barut sneered, and the Titans laughed.

"Abominable, you're looking for death. Since you guys brought it to your door today, don't even want to leave my Yunhu."

Yun Feier had a cold face, and her eyes were full of murderousness, Sen Leng said.

As her voice fell, millions of feathered human warriors rose into the sky and became murderous.

"Don't worry, since I'm here to be a guest, naturally I won't only be my Titans, Ye Qingzi, don't hide and hide, just come out and be a guest."

Barut sneered, and then thundered loudly.

His voice dropped, and a smirk came from afar.

"Ah ~ now that Brother Barut has spoken, I only have to show up."

In the distance, the void squirmed, and a large cloud came from the sky. Above that cloud, there were countless soldiers wearing black armor.

These men held war swords, and had a pair of bat-like flesh wings and pale faces behind them.

In front, a man in a black robe stood up against the wind, his eyes were dark and cold, his hair was untied and untied, his face was cold, and he stepped on a huge bat with a fierce power and brought the army into the air.

Yun Fei'er and others' faces changed again, and suddenly it became ugly. This is one of the night race, one of the aliens in the Xihuang, and has a bad relationship with the Yu people, and often has battles.

Ye family, Ye Qingzi, Dongtian Jiuquan strong.

Millions of elite warriors of the Night clan flew together, joined together with the Titans, and looked towards the Yu people.

"Ye Qingzi, Barut, what are you trying to do?"

Yun Feier said coldly. Other Feather Warriors are ready to fight.

"What you do, naturally come to see the grace of Yuren Tianzi"

Ye Qingzi sneered, he also looked at Luo Yu, showing a slight disdain and irony.

"But it's just a hole in the sky and six springs, Yunfeier, shouldn't you watch him give birth to golden bird wings and look handsome, just pull him off as a guest and do something to deceive your people."



The other Dongtian elders of the Yu people cried out angrily at Ye Qingzi, staring angrily.

"Well, I don't talk much nonsense today, Yunfeier, surrender that kid, my brother Bach, and the Turu leader of our tribe are in his hands. Otherwise, I am afraid that your Yuzu tribe will have an outrageous day. disaster"

Barut looked indifferent and stated his purpose.

In Luo Yu's cave, the spirits of the two Titan leaders, Bach and Tulu, were also detained.

"Don't think, he is now my king, you can come and try it"

The short-handed rifle in Yun Feier's hand appeared with great momentum.

At this time, a hand rested on her incense shoulder.

"Let me handle it"

Luo Yu said with a smile, facing the many powerful enemies, his face was clear and calm.

"Father, they ...; ...;"

"It's okay, let me come. In my eyes, it's just a group of dogs that can only bark."

Luo Yu patted her shoulder, took a step forward, walked in front of Yun Feier, and stood with her hands down, her eyes as deep as the sea looked at the two parties, as quiet as the ancient well without a wave.

"My Luoyu people are here. The two people who want your Titans, take the strength to talk, otherwise, none of these people today can safely leave my feathers."

Luo Yu said lightly.

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"What? It's up to you? Hahaha ...; ... boy, don't think that you were carried by Yunfeier's prodigal lady, why you are a king of feathers, don't even think about leaving safely, I see what qualifications you have to say this"

Barut and Ye Qingzi laughed when they heard the words, and Ye Qingzi made a mockery.

Luo Yu's eyes suddenly became sharp and sharp, looking at Ye Qingzi frowning: "On the two words you just mentioned, you will die today"

"Pretend to show me what you are capable of, and that leader also caught the feather king?"

Ye Qingzi sneered, and then said to the six Dongtian leaders around him.

"Patriarch, let me come, hehe"

A burly night clan licked his scarlet lips and said.

He is a world-heavy powerhouse with seven days in Dongtian, and also ranks among the top six in the night clan.

"Okay, spot, please give me a good look at this unknowing king of feathers."

Ye Qingzi laughed.

"Rest assured, a hundred recruits captured him"

Yeban was full of confidence, and then two three-foot-long hands appeared in his hands, and five-bladed hooks were held in his hands, smirking at Luo Yu.

"Boy, you go ahead, I'll let you do it"

"There is so much nonsense, you have to take a shot, hurry up, deal with you, one finger is enough, you have no chance with my shot"

Luo Yu said indifferently.

"Crazy, hey, now that you beg to die, I will fulfill you"

Yeban smiled, and then the blue real power in his body surged, bursting out, his body flying out, and his claws blurring and tearing.

"Cracked Claw"

Suddenly the sky's claws tore the void and grabbed Luo Yu, and each claw could open the sky.

Facing countless claws and tears swept through, Luo Yu was unmoved, and saw a pair of phoenix wings behind him becoming ten feet tall, and the wings flickered, and suddenly the true power condensed into countless deep purple swordsman swept Out.

puff! puff! puff!

These sword-mountain swords are so dazzling that they collided with the claws and annihilated.

At the same time, Luo Yu's body was surging with a surging black energy, and a wave of magical power emanated from him. This breath was very strange.

The surging magic energy and a blood red evil spirit saw Luo Yu converging on the index finger of his left hand, and pointing out, a huge black swirl formed in front.

I saw a huge black finger that rolled out from the vortex and went towards the night spot.

Wrath of the Demon!

This finger, the devil's power, is broken in the void, and the momentum is swallowing the sky, far beyond the sky.

Yeban's complexion changed, and he saw his two claws tear one more point, his two claws forming a tornado and roaring away.

But the black giant finger directly crushed and crushed the claw tornado and hit Yeban.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Yeban Zhenyuan's body is easily broken, and the body bursts open under the might of this finger, turning into a blood mist. Only the spirit is still scared to stay on the spot. He is in the void and is stabbed by a finger to break a huge space. hole.

This finger is magical and shocking!

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