Come to The Peak

Chapter 1701: : God wants you

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"Exactly, I also have an old account to calculate with you. At that time, you designed your daughter Li Mo to marry my ancestor, and cheated the ancestor's methods, which led to the death of my ancestor.

And today you killed many disciples of Jian Xuan Palace, this new hatred and old hate, just do an understanding! "

Luo Yu's words fell, the cold light flowed in her eyes, and a colorful sky fire was burned on the surface of the body, which turned into a flame streamer and shot to Mu Qingtian.

"It's ridiculous, eight heavens and eight springs, I can crush you with one finger"

Mu Qingtian sneered, a force of the world radiated, wrapping up this space, forming a battlefield.

"Master, do we have to help Xiaoyu?" Murong Qinghai frowned.

Before his words were spoken, Zhanlong said with a big grin: "Rest assured, this boss, my boss can solve it."

"Well, Luo Yu's strength, it should be no problem to deal with this person. If the situation is not right, we will try again."

Xinyu also nodded. Everyone had seen Luo Yu's extraordinary strength, so he was very relieved about Luo Yu.

However, in Mu Qingtian's world, Luo Yu's speed slowed down, and she felt only a powerful force from the world.

The power of this world is much stronger than the ordinary saint.

This Mu Qingtian must have cultivated the Guixu swallowing spirit and refined the world beads, otherwise the power of the world could not be so powerful.

At this time, Mu Qingtian really crushed with one finger, and the holy element of the wooden road condensed into a huge green and green finger and shot at Luo Yu. It seemed that he really wanted to crush Luo Yu with one finger.


In Luo Yu's body, two forces of the world broke out against the restraint of Mu Qingtian's world. Both the world bead and his own world bead poured out a world force.

The superposition of the two world forces is barely immune to the influence of the other world.

"Finger fingers!"

Luo Yu also crushed out one finger, the sky fire burned Yuan, the magic Qi evil spirit condensed a huge flame-wrapped magic finger shot from the vortex, hit the finger of Mu Qingtian.

Rumble ...!

The **** slammed into each other, making a thunder sound pulled by the grinding disc, and the two violent energies hit each other, regardless of the up and down.

Mu Qingtian showed a hint of surprise: "This little beast has two sons. No wonder he can kill Li Mo"

However, he then looked cold and waved his hands. In the world, a large amount of world power broke out, condensing into ten million space blades and beheading Luo Yu.

"Severe month!"

The sharp edge of this space is crescent-shaped, like the ten thousand round meniscus cutting to Luo Yu, even his own world domain has been torn out of the gap.

Luo Yu's face remained unchanged, a purple giant sword appeared in the hands, the space sword energy in the sword tire, the power of the world in the world beads poured into the sword, and a sword stabbed away.

"Quiet vanity!"

The void clicked and cracked the gap, and a large amount of space turbulently was introduced into the sword, which turned into ten million silver swords and swept across Wanyue.

The attack and bombardment of two world powers scattered a large number of world powers, and the silver air flow swept through the space.


Mu Qingtian's world sphere opened like a bubble explosion. This world power was leaked and destroyed the sky above Jian Xuan Palace, sweeping towards Jian Xuan Palace.

"not good!"

The three faces of Xinyu changed, and they quickly protected Jian Xuan Gong with the world realm. Jian Xuan Gong was saved, but the void in Wanli was broken like a mirror.

Rumble ...!

At this time, there was a thunderous sound suddenly between heaven and earth. Several black-purple sky mines suddenly shot out from the cracks in space and blasted to Luo Yu and Mu Qingtian!

The battle between the two people caused disaster and finally attracted heaven punishment.


Both of them changed their looks, and a Thunder had bombarded them.

The two did not want to fight each other, resisting the thunder that bombarded themselves.

Mu Qingtian's world realm protected him again, but the violent thunder easily broke the world realm.

"Aoba palm!"

Mu Qingtian shot it with one palm, and the palm energy turned into countless huge green leaves and blasted to the sky punishment Thunder.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The sky punished Thunder and Desolation, smashed Qingye Zhangjin, and bombarded Mu Qingtian's body.

Uh ...!

In the first, Mu Qingtian's body shook and blood spit.

Uh ...!

Second, Mu Qingtian's flesh was valgus and blood was dripping.

Uh ...!

Thirdly, Mu Qingtian's body exploded and shattered, and the holy spirit was also shattered!

The power of punishment on this day is so horrible!

On the other side, Luo Yu roared, and a black-purple flame in the body that was similar to the thunderous thunder burst out into a black-purple nine-tailed thunder fox.

"Scream ...!"

The nine-tailed thunder fox shouted and blocked above Luo Yu. That day, the thunder blasted on the nine-tailed thunder fox, and was absorbed by the nine thunder fox.

There was a sting in Luo Yu's body, and a force of destruction poured into the body, and then he was quickly suppressed by his kendo Shengyuan force.

And this force of destruction was absorbed by Luo Yu's refining and virtual refining, and merged into the true power. The power of destruction contained in Luo Yu's true vitality reached five calamities!

Then in the second and third days, the Thunder Thunder thundered. Most of the power to destroy Thunder was absorbed by the nine-tailed Thunder Fox, and a small part fell on Luo Yu.

The power of destruction in Luo Yu's body has risen to the point of seven calamities!

Luo Yu was also implicated by Mu Qingtian this time. His spirit was not transformed into a holy spirit. Even if he shot in the world, the heavenly way would not lower the heavenly punishment, because the heavenly way could not sense the spirit, unless it was a holy spirit .

And Mu Qingtian was slowly condensed together by the smashed sacred soul, re-condensed the flesh, pale, just now the sacred soul was directly smashed, which caused him to consume a lot of sacred soul power. already dead.

After several days of punishment, Tiandao didn't lower the penalty again, Mu Qingtian hadn't breathed a sigh of relief, and a sword light had fallen from the sky.

"Void Sword Cut!"

Luo Yu had already killed with a sword again, Mu Qingtian's face changed, and he angered and said, "Dare to live!"

Uh ...!

Before this fresh flesh had time to react, it was torn apart again by this sword.

"The Quartet Seals the Divine Seal!"

Luo Yu's palm was surrounded by purple and golden spirit patterns, and one palm was shot into the body of Mu Qingtian's holy spirit. The spirit pattern turned into a seal, which sealed the Mu Qingtian's holy spirit power and the world bead.

Luo Yu grabbed Mu Qingtian's neck with one hand, and Mu Qingtian looked at Luo Yu in shock and anger.

He was defeated in this battle and was caught off guard by the punishment. Only then was Luo Yu dug into the hole and defeated so easily.

At this time, Mu Qingtian was so angry that he wanted to scold.

"What more do you want to say?"

Luo Yu looked at Mu Qingtian coldly and said that this man had been ordered to kill in his heart.

Mu Qingtian looked ugly and was about to say something, but at this moment a fiery red thunder burst into Luo Yu and Mu Qingtian!

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