Come to The Peak

Chapter 1737: : Little Bridge Crisis

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Jin Leizi, Feng Leizi, and others slowly walked to the medical hall. The world area had already imprisoned this space, and looked indifferently at the small bridge and Qi Feng.

Jin Leizi and Feng Leizi don't know Xiaoqiao, but some of them have seen it.


Xiaoqiao's eyes were sharp, and his face was a bit ugly.

"Say, where is Luo Yu, don't try to resist, you know, you are not our opponent"

Jin Leizi said indifferently.

Xiaoqiao put the imprisoned Qi Feng into his own world, and said indifferently, "How did you find me? I should not have been in direct contact with your people."

She also did not reveal her own cultivation ethos, and the sage could not find his cultivation ethics if he did not understand it.

As she spoke, Yu Jian, who was holding a piece in her palm, also secretly flashed.

"Hehe, the last time in the chaos in chaotic space, my **** has probed you, knowing your spirit and breath, you can come out, I can find it naturally"

The other man in the yellow robe sneered.

"If I say, can you let me go?"

Xiaoqiao bit his lip and seemed hesitant to say.

"The thing we want to kill is Luo Yu. If you want to say, we can consider letting you go, but you have to be loyal to our Lord Jiu Lei."

Jin Leizi blandly said.

Xiaoqiao didn't speak, and seemed to be hesitant. After a while, she nodded.

"I'm just sanctified and don't want to die, well, I tell you, he's here ..."

Before the words were over, Xiaoqiao's eyes suddenly became cold, and several black jade bottles appeared in her hands. She shook her hands and turned into several streams of light directed at the opposite group of people. At the same time, she collapsed.

"court death!"

The opposite Jin Leizi and others looked angry, and suddenly shot out, and several thunders smashed the streamer.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The streamer burst, but a black gas burst out and swept across the crowd.

Uh ...!

Space is eroding under this black gas.

"Not good, poisonous, back!"

Jin Leizi and others turned away quickly and quickly, but the black gas seemed to have spirituality, turned into a serpent and penetrated the world of the two saints, pouring into the body.

"Ah ah ah ...!"

The two saints made a terrible cry, and a large piece of flesh rotted instantly, even the bones were thawing, and the flesh was rotten between breathing.

Even the Holy Spirit was flooded with this poisonous gas, which could hurt the Holy Spirit and scare them to stop the soul power to resist.

Xiaoqiao is the medicine sage, and the medicine way already covers the use of poison. She can use medicine to save people, but she can also use poison to kill people.

"Smelly bitch, catch me!"

Jin Leizi roared, tearing the space, and chasing the others in the direction of the small bridge.

After this group of people left, the world domain also disappeared, Qingyang City returned to its original state, and everyone lived as usual.

In the chaotic flow of space, Xiaoqiaohua fled for a green streamer, and more than ten people chased at a faster speed, and Xiaoqiao also showed a sense of panic.

A group of people galloped in the turbulent space. Before long, they were only a few hundred miles away from the bridge.

Feng Leizi sneered, a blue thunder surged in his hand, and swiped with a single palm.


A blue thunderbolt slashed towards the small bridge hundreds of miles away, but the distance of hundreds of miles was not instantaneous.

Xiaoqiao had to turn around and back up with a green palm print.

Uh ...!

The palm print was easily torn and torn apart by Feng Leiguang blade, and it was severely split on the bridge.


Xiaoqiao wailed with a palm and broke an arm.

She then patted a black leather bag around her waist, and suddenly a large number of blue butterflies flew out.

These butterflies emit a blue hazy light, and thousands of them are gathered together dreamily.

These blue butterflies all swept to Jin Leizi and others.

"No, it's Dream Blue Butterfly, don't be met by it!"

Feng Leizi promptly reminded, but one person was shot out of the world, and he couldn't escape, and was hit by dozens of dream blue butterflies.

It is strange that the dream blue butterfly turned into a light spot and merged into the saint's body.

The saint's body stopped for a moment, only feeling an unprecedented drowsiness, and his holy spirit fell into a coma.

"Huh, Jin Lei cut!"

Jin Leizi snorted, holding the sublime artifact directly, the thunder sword, and split it out.

Rumble ...!

Countless Jin Lei billowed, turned into a sky full of sword strength, and blasted towards the dream blue butterfly.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Countless dream blue butterflies in the thunder, turned into powder, all smashed.

This gold thunder swept towards Xiaoqiao again.


Xiaoqiao screamed, his body shattered in the thunder, and his flesh was annihilated.

And Feng Leizi shot several wind and thunder soul chains in his hands, entangled the sacred soul of the bridge, and pulled the bridge back into his hands.

"Mother, bitch, how dare you lie to me!"

Jin Leizi grabbed Xiaoqiao, holding his neck with one hand, and slap the other hand on Xiaoqiao's face.

After more than ten slaps, he grabbed Xiaoqiao's neck fiercely and said coldly, "Tell me, where is Luo Yu?"


Xiaoqiao spit his blood on Jin Leizi's face, and Jin Leizi was so angry that he punched Xiaoqiao's abdomen. This punch shattered the intestinal viscera in the newly solidified body and made Xiaoqiao ache A scream of sorrow.

"Don't you say, I have a way for you to say, let Luo Yu come out, let's go!"

Jin Leizi and others left with the bridge.

After a while, twenty or so people rushed here, it was Chi scales, Yan Ting them.

Feeling the violent breath remaining in this turbulent space, Chilian and Yan Ting are both ugly.

"It's the breath of Jin Leizi and Feng Leizi."

Yan Ting said with a somber face.

They all came after receiving the bridge's voice, but did not expect that they were one step behind.

"Ah, it's Jin Leizi and Feng Leizi, so, that little bridge ..."

As soon as Zhanlong and others changed their faces, they knew that the strength of the two men was better than the ordinary Tiansheng, and they also had artifacts, which were not something they could deal with.

Xiaoqiao met Jin Leizi and others, and the result was self-evident.

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"Since the other party has managed to catch one of our people, it will certainly not be easily killed. We should want to pry out information from Xiaoqiaokou. Let's go back and discuss it from a long-term perspective."

Chichen frowned, Yan Ting nodded in agreement.

And a group of people flew to Shennong Valley with great anxiety, and in Shennong Valley, there is still a small world hidden, where is the usual gathering place for everyone.

And in the starry sky outside the ancient Cang continent, on a yellow planet millions of miles away from the continent, in the palace temporarily condensed with strength.

The small bridge was nailed to a stone pillar in the back room, repaired to be sealed, and the limbs were penetrated by several huge iron nails, which were firmly nailed to the stone pillar.

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