Come to The Peak

Chapter 1800: : Battle of Dragon City

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In the world that swallowed the python, there was the ability to refine the sacred soul. If it was not for Kai Dan, the demon might have fallen into the belly of the snake.

"Thank you Lord for saving my life"

This great dragon saint salutes respectfully, and Kai Dantian demons coldly glances at him, saying: "Shoot in Sancang Realm, their law of saints will be stronger than us, and they will fight in chaos in the future. Hit in space "


This demon dragon saint hastened to be respectful.

Kai Dan didn't pay much attention to him either, and flew away alone.

And the dragon dragon saint followed.

As one of the four major royal families, the dragon family is no less than one hundred strong in their realm. How can the creatures in this small eastern wasteland be blocked.

Killing, fighting, and the whole Eastern Wasteland were caught in the flames of war.

There are also people-inhabited cities in the eastern wasteland.

Hundreds of magic dragons fly above the city of one million people


A dragon in Yuanyuan roared, killing a black dragon in his mouth and blasting into the city.

Buzz ...!

A layer of white light curtain enchantment rises above the city to resist.

That Long Yan bang in the enchantment did not blast away.

"Abominable, it is the Qipin Defense Spirit Formation"

The Yuantai Demon Dragon scolded, and then shouted, "The demon listens to the order, attack me with one force!"


Hundreds of magic dragons responded, and then all of their attacks followed the Yuantai Demon Emperor bombarded a place in the enchantment, and they were about to storm the city.

Ten thousand warriors have also gathered in this city. They all exist on top of the true state of mind, but there are only a few 200 people in the master state of agility, headed by a emperor Wuhuang.

"Oh my God, where did these monsters come from? Is there such a monster in Donghuangjing?"

A young man with a bow and arrow looked at the giant outside the enchantment, and the dragon threatened his legs to tremble.

This time, the demon warriors who invaded the Three Cang Realm are all in a state of agility.

The spiritual state is a threshold. The martial arts life under the spiritual state is called low-level martial arts. It is difficult to fly and does not have the ability to travel in the universe. The spiritual state to the magical fire state is considered to be medium martial arts.

Above the Yuantai Realm that walks in the sky, is a high-level martial artist.

"These monsters look like dragons, but the dragons are not so terrible, and their energy is not like dragons."

The martial arts soldiers in the city were frightened to discuss.

A middle-aged man and several men in blue brocades stood on a high-rise building, looking at the demon dragon that was madly smashing out of bounds and looked ugly.

"Master, what the **** are these guys!"

A warrior in armor asked in shock.

"Devil, Devil Dragons"

The middle-aged man said coldly that he is also the existence of Ming Yuan's fetus. Although he has not experienced the robbery of the late ancient times, he still knows this race.

"What, the demon, the demon, how can there be a demon, wasn't the demon was rushed back to the demon world, why is he now back to Sancang"

The people around were astonished.

"I've heard that there are ancient remnants of the demons in the magic sea. Now it seems that it is correct. Everyone is preparing. This enchantment can not last long. I am ready to fight. I have transmitted the message to my fellow races in other cities. They will come to support us "

This middle-aged man is drinking.


Thousands of warriors roared.

But how do they know that other cities are also under attack, I'm afraid that support will never come.

Rumble ...!

Finally, with a roar, the enchantment broke and the dragon flew into the city.

"Huo Yuan Cannon, let it go!"

At this time, a war king in armor was roaring.

I saw that there were more than ten high platforms in the city, and there was a Zunyuan gun on the platform.

A large amount of Yuan Shi was put into the formation method, and turned into a convergence of artillery.

boom! boom! boom!

More than a dozen Yuanli artillery fired red-red beams of light, directed at the flying dragons.

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A fire cannon fired on a magical dragon, and the dragon launched a monster attack.

However, the demon Yuan was directly scattered by the Huo Yuan Cannon and was bombarded on the body of the Demon Dragon.

Uh ...!

Dozens of devil dragons made a terrible sound and were shot and exploded. The three demon dragons behind were also killed.

This fire element gun is a collection of refining techniques, formation methods, and machine techniques. It is a type of machine gun. Its power is comparable to the one hit by the emperor in the Yuan Dynasty, as well as the Thunder Element Cannon and Feng Yuan Cannon.

However, long storage time and high consumption are the biggest drawbacks.

boom! boom! boom!

Dozens of fire dragon artillery burst into anger, and suddenly dozens of dragons fell.


Thousands of warriors in the Ningyuan Realm opened their bows and arrows, and a stream of light shot into the sky. A demon dragon was hit by dozens of sharp arrows. It also fell into the sky, hit the ground, and destroyed many houses.

Everyone in the city hid in the cellar of their house, listening to the sound of gunfire and roar trembling.

"Mother ... I'm afraid!"

A girl trembled in her arms, crying.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, your father is a great warrior, there are many uncles of warriors outside, they will protect us"

The woman in yellow comforted her child, and the ashes kept falling from above the cellar.

"Abominable, roar!"

When the leading Yuantai Realm Demon King saw this scene, he roared, and as soon as the war started, he killed nearly a hundred men with the power of weapons.


A blast of demon blasts hit his turret, and the turret was still charging.


The turret was bombed and dozens of warriors were wiped out.

"The people of Shenhuojing attack the fortress with all their strength, others, and kill the warriors of the tribe!"

This Yuanlong Dragon Emperor roared, and dozens of Demon Dragons were divided into more than ten strands and killed at the battery.

Huo Yuan Cannon has a three-second charge for each bombing.


After killing two Dragon Kings with one shell, the Huoyuan gun was charged to fire a second gun.

However, the seven or eight headed dragon king had already flew in, and a swarm of dragon flames swept over the fort.


Dozens of warriors on the turret burned fiercely in Long Yan.


A human warrior was among them, and his true Yuan bodyguard vibrated Yuanyi and blasted to the other side, splitting it with a knife, and dozens of feet of golden swordmang split on the neck of a dragon king.


The huge dragon head fell, and the dragon king died.


However, a huge dragon tail was drawn, and he was severely beaten on him. The sharp bone spurs on the dragon tail pierced the Wuwang through several huge blood caves, and his skull was blasted by a spike.

Soon, more than a dozen turrets were destroyed, and the other party was also bombarded and killed more than twenty dragon kings.

Without the turret threat, these demon dragons roared in the air, sending out a number of demon elements, and Long Yan bombarded the soldiers below.

The powerful one also flew into the air, and fought a fierce battle to protect the homeland with the dragon.

And this is just the tip of the war

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