Come to The Peak

Chapter 1802: : No less than the name of the teacher

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"Well! This ...; ...;"

Everyone heard a word, and then looked over. At this moment, their legs were trembling.

I saw a distant sky, a large cloud of black swept away, and in the dark cloud, there is a large dragon beside the head, the number is no less than 10,000,


That horrible dragon power, and the rolling magic power were all audible hundreds of miles away.

"Oh my god, so many dragons!"

"It's over. It's dead this time. Just a few hundred magic dragons were so powerful. This time, one, two, three, four, you can't count them!"

"Damn us!"

"Escape, run away"

The warriors in the city were completely frightened when they saw this scene, and even the owner of the city showed despair.

"Don't panic, don't panic, fight with the magic dragon, we can't escape them"

The city owner hurriedly drank, but at this time people were only scared, so many magic dragons had no hope of victory.

Soon, the demon dragons had already flown over the city, circled over it, and surrounded the entire city.

Looking at the magic dragon flying in the sky, Ye Chengfeng's face was also dignified.

And in this group of magic dragons, there are several powerful dragon emperors in the cave.

"Well, what happened, there are so many dragon corpses in this city"

A dragon-headed emperor formed a black robe man, standing proudly in the air.

"Master, the warriors in the city below should have fought with a small tribe of my clan, and hundreds of people have died."

A magic dragon flew over and said respectfully.

"Hum, kill my saint, you should pay the price of blood, slaughter the city."

Long Di said coldly.


Suddenly, the demon dragon roared and made a sound of thousands of miles.

The dragons circling above roared and rushed towards the city below.

boom! boom! boom!

A large number of Long Yan swept into the city, numerous buildings exploded and burned, the cellar collapsed, and the people hiding in the cellar were buried alive in the collapsed cellar.

Hey ...; ...;!

"Ah ...; ...; ah ...; ...;"

A group of magical elements exploded, and dozens of meters of potholes appeared on the ground. Seven or eight warriors were killed and tossed away.


The little girl lay crying under his father, his father's back had been blown into pieces.

"Xiang Xiang ...; ...;!"

Ye Chengfeng roared and flew over quickly.


However, at this time, a magic power fell from the sky and bombarded the area.

Rumble ...; ...;!

The rubble was splashing and the dust was diffused. There was only a large pit of tens of meters left, and nothing was left.


A little finger fell from the sky in front of him. It was a child's finger.

Ye Chengfeng held this little finger, and tears fell down.

"Ah ...; ...; Devil Dragons!"

An angry roar sounded, echoing the clouds.

Ye Chengfeng's hands were sealed and six runes of rune poured into his body.

"Seal, unlock!"


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A powerful energy erupted from within the Yellow River like a dyke, and Ye Chengfeng's repairs exploded from the peak of Yuantai Realm all the way to Jiuquan in Dongtian Realm.


Epee Jinming, Ye Chengfeng rushed to the sky with a sword, and a thousand swordsman tore the sky.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Dozens of monster dragons were torn apart under this sword and exploded into a mist of blood.


Ye Chengfeng's eyes were red, a sword split, the space shattered, and dozens of magic dragons were cut off and destroyed.

"Roar! Roar!"

Suddenly a thousand dragons roared and killed him, and a swarm of dragon flames swept over him, and the sky became a sea of ​​black flames.

"Huh, bite into the body, close!"

Ye Chengfeng snorted coldly, a flame vortex appeared on both palms, and all the endless dragon flames were sucked into the vortex by him, turning into a burning force in his body.

As a warrior with the attributes of fire, he is also a disciple of Luo Yu. Naturally, he has cultivating inflammation, and he has refined several kinds of strange fires.

However, he focused on Luo Yu's dominance.

"Jiuyang Tianjian!"

A sword stabbed, and endless incineration led into the sword, turning it into nine black sun Jinwu.

Nine incendiary sword qi Jinwu swept through the dragons in all directions and exploded.

puff! puff! puff!

A demon dragon was used to pierce the body by this sword gas, and the body of the dragon exploded.

Thousands of dragons did the same, dying under this sword.

"Nineteen Sword Realms, Jianguang Spiral!"

Nineteen swords were condensed on Ye Chengfeng's body, and he was transformed into a red sword-light spiral and rushed to the dragon group.

The nineteen stabbed swords became the biggest killer, and the sword was hundreds of miles away.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A demon dragon with a head in this range was strangled and decomposed, falling into the sky, and a large amount of dragon corpse meat fell like raindrops.

The original frightened people in the city were stunned.

"Hiss ...; ...; Is this the strength of Tianyu Shengzong disciples? Okay, so scary!"

"Terrible, that predecessor turned out to be the power of Dongtianjing. We are saved!"

A large number of monster dragons were hanged by Ye Chengfeng, and this also caused the anger of four dragon emperors in this monster dragon tribe.

"Boy, look for death!"

The four dragon emperors killed Ye Chengfeng, and the demons blasted to Ye Chengfeng, smashing nineteen swords.

Ye Chengfeng was also flying several kilometers away from the explosion.


A dragon emperor slashed at Ye Chengfeng.

"Huh, Jianbo Qianfold ...; ...;"

Ye Chengfeng stabbed with a sword, and nineteen red sword waves radiated to the dragon emperor.

The emperor's body burst into pieces. The internal organs were smashed, Ye Chengfeng took his head with a sword, and a golden soul sword shot at the opponent's soul, killing someone instantly.

"Magic fist!"

"A thousand annihilation!"

"...; ...;!"

The other three dragon emperors issued the strongest strike to kill.

Ye Chengfeng's eyes were cold and cold, and a lot of space sword gas poured into the epee in the sword tire in his body.

"Void, sword cut!"


A hundred-zhang-sized silver sword gas was cut out, smashing three attacks, and turning it into a space sword gas that swept across three dragon emperors.


The three dragon emperors were smashed in the air of space sword spirit, and the dragon soul fled in terror.

Where Ye Chengfeng was willing to let go, three golden soul-stealing swords shot into the three souls, and the souls were cut in half and perished.

Luo Yu is a great evildoer, and the disciples he trained also do not deserve the name of his evildoer.

"grown ups…;…;!"

The other monster dragons saw the four emperors in their tribe beheaded and killed by the young man, showing a horror.

"My lord is dead, we are not his opponent, run away!"

Some dragons exclaimed, and all of them suddenly fled.

"You all have to die today!"

In anger, Ye Chengfeng refused to let him go, and roared, and chased away the dragon.

Rumble ...; ...;!

But at this moment, a sudden cloud of magic surged in the sky, a large amount of magical energy emerged from the void, a black giant palm shot at Ye Chengfeng, with terror and coercion.

Ye Chengfeng slashed his sword on the giant palm, but the giant palm broke his sword.

Hey ...; ...;!

Ye Chengfeng's body was photographed flying, falling from the sky ...; ...;

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