Come to The Peak

Chapter 212: : Poison Division

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Chapter 222: Poison Division

"A Fan, you have enough to see and it's time to shoot! I spent so many stones to get you out of Qingyang Prison, but it wasn't for you to watch the show," Lin Mu said to a certain darkness.

"Hey, I really want to thank Master Lin." A slightly cold voice sounded from the darkness.

A young man in his twenties, dressed in black cedar, walked out of the darkness. The young man had a cold face, a scar on his left face, and a jail tattoo on his forehead. Like a serpent dormant in the dark.

"The boy below is called Luo Yu. If you can kill him, I will give you the antidote for Bone Dan." Lin Mu looked at the young man named A Fan.

"Oh! Really, I hope you can keep your promise," A Fan said lightly.

Then he turned around, and there was a flash of murder in his eyes as he turned around, but he was well hidden.

"Bone Eater? Hey, do you think I'm really afraid of that thing? It ’s just a matter of time before I practice refining the poisonous medicament," said A Fan with a sneer.

A Fan turned and jumped downstairs.

SSp \ "永 U 久 A ... Watch for free; novel $;

Luo Yu stood on the roof with a bow, and whoever showed his head slightly, a sharp arrow flew away, scaring everyone to dare to show their heads to try their sharpness.

At this time, I saw a young man dressed in black cedar jumping from the top of the building. Luo Yu didn't know if he was an enemy or a friend, and he didn't blindly shoot arrows.

A Fan jumped downstairs and stood on the street, licking her cracked lips while looking at the corpse.

"It's so **** to miss, I haven't heard such an intoxicating smell in a year"

Take a black beast bag from the waist, something akin to a storage bag.

Opening the mouth of the bag, a dense group of black bugs rushed out of the bag. These black bugs ran out of the bag, smelling the **** smell in the air, immediately rioted and rushed towards the corpses.

"Hey, darlings, presumably you've been hungry for too long, go and enjoy this great meal." A Fan laughed, his eyes were all brutal.

The dense black bugs are like locusts that have crossed the border, and they are covered with corpses, and they start to eat. The creaking sound when they eat the corpses makes the scalp numb, and soon those corpses covered with bugs The flesh and the internal organs were gnawed by these black bugs, leaving only a **** white bone.

Luo Yu stood on the roof, watching the black Changshan man below do what he did. "What kind of man is this man? How can he feed so many carnivorous bugs!"

Not only Luo Yu, but even those who watched from a distance looked cold.

"Oh my God, who is that? How could there be such a weird means?"

"A corpse-eating bug must be a corpse-eating worm! Wait, how did the young man look like a person ..." A crowd of soldiers frowned, and then exclaimed "I remember, he was a bounty assassination The first killer of the previous generation of the guild, poison fan A Fan! "

"What, he is a poisoner, A Fan! Wasn't that guy arrested and put into Qingyang prison! How could he be here?" The person next to him exclaimed.

"Who knows, anyway, except for the poison division, A Fan, I can't think of anyone who has this weird means of controlling insects."

"If it is really the poisoner A Fan, there is a good show. The guy jumped upstairs from Yaochi. It should be to help Lin Mu's thug. This guy is worse than the blood hand Shura Bai Yutong. Bai Yutong is a bounty. The mission only assassinates the target, but this guy is the wife and children of the assassination target who did not let go, all used to feed his carnivorous poisonous insects, and it is precisely because of this that he was captured by the Qingyang Wangfu law enforcement team Qingyang prison, I didn't expect this guy to come out! "

"The money can make the ghosts grind. I guess he was saved from Qingyang prison by Lin Muhua's large number of yuan stones."

The crowd of onlookers marveled.

The carnivorous worms are still eating carcasses below,

"His ..." At this moment, a snake with a thick baby arm was drilled out of A Fan's arms. The snake was surrounded by red markings, his head was triangular, and the cold snake pupil was full of fierce light. Snake letter.

Nine-step Poisonous Python, Red Alchemy King Snake!

"Chi Lian, are you hungry too?"

The poison division A Fan gently touched the head of the Red Alchemist Snake, acting softly as if touching his lover.

The Red Alchemy Snake just kept swallowing snake snakes, but the snake pupils were all hunger and thirst.

A Fan walked slowly to a corpse, his hands became claw-shaped, and a claw was inserted into the chest of a corpse. The end of his hand fell into the corpse's chest and grabbed a heart that was still steaming. Fan smiled cruelly, put his heart next to the red alchemy snake, and the red alchemy snake couldn't wait to spit out the **** heart. The thrilling and disgusting picture was horrifying. A Fan then did the same, and took three more hearts to swallow the Red King Snake, and the Red King Snake returned to A Fan's arms with satisfaction.

"Hey, sir, please walk away if nothing happens" Luo Yu on the roof finally couldn't stand it and said to A Fan.

"Oh! Are you talking about me? If nothing else, I was invited to kill you, and you say I'm fine!" A Fan sneered.

"Kill me! You are Lin Mu's running dog!" Luo Yu's face suddenly gloomed, and to A Fan Road, the dragon tongue bow in his hand took an arrow with a bow.

"Running dog! Huh, he deserves to be my master too!" A Fan snorted!


Luo Yu didn't answer him. He just shot an arrow. He just didn't do anything but just didn't know the identity of the other party. He killed but did not kill the innocent. Knowing that the other party is Lin Mu's thug, then there is no need to say more. !!

A Fan raised his mouth, and stepped on the ground to jump away from the arrow.


The arrow from Luo Yu shot a big pit on the bluestone paved street.

"Hide well!" Luo Fan sneered after Ah Fan escaped, and three black iron arrows immediately appeared on the dragon tongue bow in his hand.


Three arrows flew at Afan, who had just leaped.

"Hey, I dug a pit for me here and waited for me" Ah Fan smiled.

Luo Yu is indeed a good plan. One arrow forced the other to jump away to avoid it, and then the three arrows followed him. He leaped into the mid-air, and before the Ningyuan Realm, people could n’t borrow in the air, and most people could n’t hide. On, but is the other person ordinary? He was the first human bounty hunter and the first human killer of the previous Bounty Guild.

I saw A Fan's long sleeve waving, two black long chains shot from the sleeves and shot on the ground. A Fan ejected by the force of the long chain on the ground. Three black iron arrows shot across A Fan's body. A Fan then stood firmly on the ground.

"Your show is over, now it's my turn ..."

(To be continued)

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