Come to The Peak

Chapter 213: : Red Alchemist King Snake

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Chapter 123: Insect Control, Red Alchemy King Snake

"Your performance is over, now it's my turn." A Fan snorted and waved twice. The two iron chains shot at Luo Yu, and the ends of the iron chains were twinkling with cold light. sharp knife.

Luo Yu drew two sharp arrows and fired.


Two sharp arrows shot accurately on the iron chain, and the two clanged and ejected. Luo Yu closed her bow and pulled out the purple giant sword on her back. She stepped on the roof and held the purple giant sword to Afan.

A Fan stepped back and forth.


The giant purple sword cut a huge crack on the bluestone ground.

Luo Yu didn't get enough strength in one hit, hey! Ejected to Afan.

A Fan's double chain was wrapped around his arm, interlaced one block, Luo Yu slashed a string of sparks on A Fan's hand, and A Fan was shocked by the force of the sword.

"This boy is so powerful!" A Fan was startled, shaking his aching arm.

Luo Yu did not give each other a chance to catch his breath after shaking up Afan, and raised his sword forward.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The five-strike serial cut made A Fan not to fight back, only to parry.

The sole of A Fan's feet shocked, and she flew out ten meters, looking at Luo Yu.

"Fuck, don't you say that A Fan was the first killer of the last Bounty Guild, how could he be beaten by this boy without a fight," said a fighter.

"Hum, what do you know, A Fan is not good at close range physical combat, don't forget, he is called Poison A Fan, a second-grade poison division, good at using poison together" beside A martial artist said coldly.

"Huh! But in three more moves, I will defeat you," Luo Yu said looking coldly at A Fan.

"Beat me? Joke, hey ... boy, I just loosened my bones with you just now, I am not good at physical surgery," A Fan laughed, and then took out a black bone flute from his storage bag.

A fan put the bone flute on his mouth and murmured ... a strange flute sounded in the street full of lights, echoing in the open night.

Luo Yu frowned at A Fan's weird behavior.

Strange things happened. The venomous poisonous insects that had crawled on the corpses immediately stopped eating when they heard the flute, and rushed to Luo Yu densely.

"This is ...!" Luo Yu was shocked, and immediately understood the intention of the other party to play the flute. The original flute sound of the black bone flute could control these corpse-eating poisonous insects for their own use.

Luo Yu didn't dare to care about it after understanding. Those corpse-eating poisonous insects are not good. Not to mention that amazing ability to eat food, and they contain venomous poison, a poisonous insect can poison a buffalo in one minute. Not to mention a dense crowd. If all bite on Luo Yu, I'm afraid it will kill you instantly.

At this time, all the dense corpse-eating poisonous insects swarmed over, all biting away from Luo Yu, Luo Yu's complexion changed, and her soles leaped to avoid these corpse-eating poisonous insects.

"Huh! You also have time to hide? And I can wait for you to hide." A Fan waved his arms as he spoke, and two chains of chain blades shot into Luo Yu in the air. This scene is similar to Luo Yu just now. Treated him exactly the same.

Luo Yu's eyes narrowed, and in mid-air he swept away the two chains of chained blades. However, after being swept away, he fell weakly, and the bottom was covered with dense carnivorous poisonous insects.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Luo Yu's energy gathered at the sole of his feet in Yongquan. When he landed, his energy suddenly broke out, and his energy shook all the carnivorous poisonous insects around his feet.

A Fan's complexion changed, and then he continued to sound the black bone flute, and the venomous worm immediately bite at Luo Yu, who fell on the ground.

"Yan Yan refinery will definitely run for me!"

See), Chapter 7 of the N version ¤ Section! @

Luo Yu drank enthusiastically, and ran the phage refining body to mobilize the Lei Yan Beast Tinder in Dantian. The Lei Yan Beast Tinder sent out a heat stream, which passed through the meridians of both legs to the Yongquan acupoint, and then used the longitudinal foot plantar. Qi method blasted out this heat flow, and suddenly a black and purple flame heat wave appeared on the ground.


The heat waves scattered around Luo Yu as the center. Any carnivorous poisonous insects that were within five meters of Luo Yu were burned to death by the heat waves emitted from this circle, and they gave out a creaking roar, a wailing sound, and all the poisonous insects were Half of this heat wave was burned to death.

"What? How is this possible! My carnivorous poisonous insects!" A Fan was frightened, his face was full of heartache, it was not easy to cultivate the carnivorous poisonous insects, and they need to be fed frequently to the dead flesh and blood. Luo Yu was killed so much by the power he deserved.

"Smelly boy!" A Fan bit his teeth in anger, and then blew the bamboo flute, all the carnivorous worms backed away, ran towards him, opened the worm bag, and all the carnivorous worms entered the worm bag obediently, This worm bag should be exactly the same as the storage bag, with its own internal space, otherwise the slap bag can hold so many poisonous insects.

After collecting the worm bag, A Fan looked at Luo Yu coldly, and said, "Boy, kill me so many carnivorous poisonous insects, I will kill you today"

"Oh! Hehe, do you have this ability? With these bugs, you want to kill me" Luo Yu's Purple Sword giant sword punched the ground in front of him, and looked at A Fan and laughed.

"Is there any skill, hey, you'll know right away!" A Fan smiled coldly, then a triangle snake head was protruded from his arms, the fiery light flashed in the pupil of the snake, the bright red snake letter was spit, cold Looking at Luo Yu.

"Go to Chilian. This guy is so strong and bloody, that heart must be very delicious, he belongs to you," said A Fan stroking the head of the snake.

Shekou of Red Cultivation King seemed to understand A Fan's words. He spewed a snake letter and climbed out of his arms. The snake body surrounded by red spots twisted and crawled towards Luo Yu.

Luo Yu must have his eyes fixed. When he saw the other side took out a small snake with a thick baby arm, what could such a small snake do? Even if he was venomous, he couldn't pose much threat to him.

Luo Yu thought, preparing to lift the sword to chop the little snake that crawled towards him, and saw that something strange happened, and the body of the red alchemy king snake that came to him with a thick baby arm was in a circle. The lap grew up and grew extremely fast, growing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

One meter, two meters, three meters, four meters, five meters, six meters, seven meters!

The Red King Snake, which was one meter long from the baby's arm, suddenly grew into a giant python that was seven meters thick at the waist.

"This snake has the same ability to change its shape as Mo Yu!" Luo Yu was startled. At present, the beast who has this ability to change his shape only knows that there is the Blood Spirit Monkey King Ape Spirit who has practiced five-bird forging. , And the small dragon finch Mo Yu after swallowing Yuan Shi, did not expect this red alchemy king snake also has this ability.

The Red Alchemist Snake was half-branch and stood more than two meters high. The cold snake pupil looked at Luo Yu ...

(To be continued)

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