Come to The Peak

Chapter 217: : Each show supernatural power

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Chapter 217

"Yes, he is a killer, but he is my brother Luo Yu. He was forced to helplessly as a killer," Luo Yu said.

"Luo Yu, don't say, I don't care what other people think, you take me as a brother, that's enough" Bai Yutong shook his head.

"Little Shura ..." Luo Yu wanted to say something.

"Save Linger first," Bai Yutong said, killing Lin Jiawu.

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"Well! I accompany my brother"

Luo Yu raised the Purple Sword, and then said to everyone, "I will explain to you after Bai Yutong's affairs, and help you."

Luo Yu did not care about everyone after speaking, Ti Jian killed the past.

Several others looked at each other.

"He was the one who assassinated me that night" Dongfang Yueyao asked Li Yu.

"Yes! That's right, he is the first bounty hunter of Qingyang Main City Bounty Union, blood hand Shura Bai Yutong," Li Yu groaned. "I just don't know how Luo Yu got together with him"

Dongfang Yueyao's brothers looked at each other, wondering what to say.

"No matter what, I believe that Luo Yu is a man. He is my brother. I can't let him fight alone," Li Yu said, and rushed over.

"Brother, I also believe in Luo Yu," Dongfang Yueyao said.

"Oh, since you said so, what else can I say, fight it," Dongfang Yuehua laughed.

The two then rushed up.

Only Fu Xuanxuan is left alone

"You ..." Fu Xuanxuan was speechless looking at the rushing people.

"Well ... I'm convinced, go and help a killer." Fu Xuan Xuan was annoyed.

"Xiao Hei, go, help them today" Fu Xuan Xuan yelled at Hei Yan Unicorn, and rushed up with a sword and a tiger.

It seems that this girl is also a kind-hearted person with a knife and tofu.

"I fuck, don't I, what's the young man doing to kill Lin Mu and lead so many people to help him?" One whispered.

"Yeah, Shura Baiyutong, Blood Major, Li Yu, Black Major General, Xuan Xuan, the chief of Qingyang County, the former is the first bounty hunter of Qingyang Bounty Union, the first killer, and the last two One of the five great arrogants is the pinnacle of the acquired martial arts. "

"Look at it, the blond boy and girl are not simple, the power of the almost golden sword is almost approaching the sword that is really devastating."

"Five Great Tianjiao helped the young man kill Lin Mu! Hehe, I watched a good show tonight"

There was a burst of surprise among the onlookers. Naturally, the background of Li Yu and Fu Xuanxuan needless to say. One's grandfather was Li Qingshan, the King of Pingding, one of the three army gods of the Qin Empire, and one's father was the king of Qingyang. Wang Fuchen, this background is stronger than Lin Mu, not to mention, let alone two mysterious brothers and sisters from the East.

"Abominable! Li Yu! Fu Xuanxuan! How did the little beast know these two?" Lin Mu was shocked. The two were not only weaker than him, but also named the Five Great Tianjiao with his brother Lin Feng, strength and potential. Above him, the arrival of the two men completely disrupted his deployment.

The Lin Jiawu who originally engulfed Luo Yu below was also miserable. He originally thought it was to deal with an ordinary boy. Now I did not expect to draw two strong Tianjiao backgrounds, and two men and a woman who are not weak, one bird and one bird. Beast, how can this **** fight?

"Winged python beast fire, flame sword gas"

Fu Xuanxuan sang softly, and a sword cut out a golden flame sword.

This aunt-in-law blessed the beast fire in the sword air. The power of this move was not strong. The chest of a Nine Heavenly Warrior was split open, the wound was blackened, no blood flowed out, and the internal organs were attached by the sword air. The heat is burnt directly. Compared with Luo Yu's Lei Yan beast fire, it is only as strong as it is weak. It must be the beast fire in the fierce beast.

"The Emperor's Bloodline!"

Li Yu screamed in his heart. The black armor was covered with a layer of gold. His defense was greatly improved. He didn't have to stop the attack. He pulled out the silver gun inserted in front of the warrior who was shot by him. Dancing in his hands, no one dared to approach him within three meters, the silver gun vomiting the earthy light, a shot like a cold star pierced the enemy's throat, and one shot was dead.

"The blood of the Qin Emperor is coming!"

The two brothers and sisters of Dongfang Yuehua looked at each other, and at the same time, they touched the Lingtai acupoint, emitting a golden light on their bodies, which was particularly dazzling at night. The long golden hair was automatic without wind, the golden sword gas, and the whip shadow, which could kill the enemy.

Bai Yutong, as always, shoots endlessly with flying knives, one after another. The firing speed is comparable to the continuous firing speed of modern pistols. The weird and fast body moves through the crowd. When approaching the enemy, the double dagger appears in the hand, which is too cold. With a touch of the enemy's neck, he took away a life.

Although the physical strength is a lot, Luo Yu's moves are still as wide-opened as possible. Splitting, chopping, stabbing, stabbing, slapping, each move is straightforward, and more than two thousand pounds of purple giant swords accompany his fierce beast. Each of the physical powers has become the ultimate killing move. Each move is either broken or split in half, which is more visually shocking than the killing of any other person.

The chickadee is also a black horned unicorn, and its performance is not bad. The chickadee that swallowed Yuanshi has increased its body shape and transformed into a peerless fierce bird with a wingspan of three meters. The black flames float on its body and its claws are like a black shooting star. Shocking, the cracking of the cracking skull, the sound of black phobia burning endless.

The black flame horned tiger is also a species of tiger, and it is a nine-level fierce beast. One flutter, one lift, one bite is the unique killing trick of a tiger, not to mention that it will also spit a black beast fire. Not as good as the black phoenix of the little sparrow, but it can also cause considerable damage to the enemy.

Six people, one bird and one beast, are killing among Lin Jiawu's warriors. The combat strength of that one is not the top presence in the post-mortem realm. He tried to save Luo Yu Bai Yutong from the disadvantaged number and killed dozens of Lin families Nine heavy martial arts cried father and shouted.

"Ah! Damn, how can you fight this? Master said not to pack up the two little ghosts? Why did Li Yu and Fu Xuanxuan all provoke them?" A Lin Jiawu was cut off by Fu Xuanxuan, violent Roared back pain.

"Yeah, these few people alone are far more powerful. We still have two war beasts. This battle cannot be fought."

Lin Jiawu was killed and retreated, complaining constantly.

The crowd watching the unilateral killing shook their heads and sighed.

"It is indeed a leading figure among the younger generation in the main city of Qingyang. The help of these people, together with the brutal boy with a purple giant sword and Bai Yutong, is exactly the situation that was pressed. This time, Lin Mu lost."

"Hey! Lin Mu's sister-in-law will be kicked on the iron plate. I wonder if the boy can kill Lin Mu."

"Not necessarily. The Lin family has a rich heritage, and there are countless congenital masters. Lin Mu should have congenital masters to protect himself. These people are only as good as the afterworld. It is difficult to kill him!"

Some people rejoice and some worry, some are happy and some are sad, and in the dark, there are two pairs of eyes watching the killing ...

(To be continued

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