Come to The Peak

Chapter 242: :dispute

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Chapter 242: Disputes


Punch out, oh! With a bang, the young man flew out.

"Who dares come to my Luo tribe to make trouble!"

The Luo guards at the beginning of the gatehouse saw Luo Yu suddenly beat him, and was frightened, and couldn't care to greet the Luo disciples from other places. There were about a dozen nine-level Luo warriors surrounding Luo Yu. The Luo disciples from other places also looked at this dusk with surprise.

The dozen or so Luo warriors in black-colored clothes were aggressively encircling Luo Yu. These Luo warriors were all cultivated by Jiu Zhongtian.

The Luo disciple who was blown and punched by Luo Yu just got up, covering his **** face, and his nose collapsed. Obviously, the bone of the nose was interrupted by Luo Yu. Of course, this was the result of Luo Yu's strength. He did not fight to the point of killing each other, otherwise the punch could just smash his head.

Luo Yu wrapped her arms around her chest, looking at the dozen Luo ethnic warriors who surrounded him.

"Young man, you are a disciple of the Luo family there, why did you violently hurt someone for nothing?" A young man with a burly beard surrounded by Luo disciples who surrounded Luo Yu asked.

"Oh, why did you break through the bruise and hurt you?" Luo Yu sneered, and his fingers just climbed from the ground to the Luo military warrior who was hit by him.

"I'm also a Luo disciple, and thousands of miles came to join the clan race, but he asked me to drill holes in it. What does this mean? Do you look down on all of our disciples? This is the martial arts of the Great Qin Empire Everyone Luo? "

Luo Yu sneered and snapped a big brat, saying that the other party was dumb, and not all the family members were as weak as the Bailu Luo family. Qingyang 18 cities, except the first main city Qingyang main city. There are also 17 large cities, each of which is a city with a population of nearly 10 million, and some Luo families have even become first-class forces in the city. Among them, there are a lot of congenital masters. The status is not so low, but this also depends on the situation. If the family you are in is weak, the worse you are treated in Luo.

The Bailuluo family was left out by the clan for three hundred years. The cultivation resources that other branches should have, but the Bailuluo family did not get it. It left itself to self-destruction, and martial arts gradually fell away. Now, only Luo Xingchen and Luo The father and son of Yu broke through the innate realm, while the other Luo family branches did not have ten or eight congenital masters.

"Is that so? Adong!" The burly young man asked the young disciple of Jiuzhongtian who had just been hit by Luo Yu.

The youth of A Dong looked at Luo Yu with a murderous eye. Just now the other party suddenly shot under the eyes of the other, which made him very embarrassed, and he hated Luo Yu with his teeth.

Adong Minato said something to the burly young man, and the burly young man was slightly surprised when he heard it, and then looked at Luo Yu with no intention.

"Adong is right. The side door is indeed prepared for your Bailuluo family. You have no one in Bailuluo's family. You do n’t respect the clan. You have n’t come to the race comparison for more than ten years. This time I want to give you a little "Little punishment" The burly youth suddenly stared at Luo Yu Road with cold eyes, while A Dong next to him looked ruthless.

"Boy, you want to fight with me, you're still tender"

Luo Yu's face was gloomy. It seems that some people in the Luo ethnic group are deliberately rectifying his Bailuo Luo family. According to his father Luo Xingchen, what I can think of in my mind, except Luo Dao, can't think of anyone else. Makes it difficult for his Bailuluo family.

"Want me to go out of the door to drill a dog hole! Oh, okay, then let me see what you self-righteous clan disciples have to say about this" Luo Yu sneered.

"Huh, kid, are you toasting instead of eating and drinking, aren't you? Then we can only make you suffer." The burly youth Lengheng.

l "3

"Brothers, come on!"

With an order, a dozen Luo students disciples embraced Luo Yu.

More than twenty other Luo family disciples around looked at this twilight in surprise.

"This buddy is from there. How come there was a conflict with the people of the clan family!" Asked the teenager around eighteen and nineteen.

"I don't know, because it's the Luo family disciples from that place. I can't stand the violent temper of the family disciples." The other Luo family disciples shook his head.

"Hey, it's possible that we disciples who came to participate in the ethnic comparison within the clan, that one who is not a genius in the local Luo family, are all temperamental people, and the clan brother is always proud and arrogant, and the conflict is normal." Hehe smiled.

"I just don't know if this boy can beat them"

"I think it's dangerous. Although these clan disciples are proud, but they also have pride, you see these ten caretaker Luo disciples, that one is not a soldier of the Ninth Heaven."

A group of separated disciples argued that Luo Yu and this group of disciples fought.


How fast is Luo Yu, walking among these Luo family disciples, alas! With a punch like a thunder, a clan disciple was hit with a punch on his stomach, his eyes opened, his mouth spit blood and flew out. When Luo Yu fought with this group of people, he did not use real energy. He only used pure physical strength and no blessing. Even with his physical strength far exceeding twenty cattle, these disciples could not bear it.


After another round of kicking, a young disciple rushed up was kicked with one leg on his shoulder and kicked and flew more than ten meters away.

Together with the cold hair behind Luo Yu, a Luo disciple took a close flight and punched Luo Luo with a punch. Luo Yu snorted, his blood twitched slightly, and his body paused to look forward, without any problems. While he was hit by this punch, Luo Yu lifted his elbow and turned sideways. He hit his face on the face of the close-up Nine Heavenly Warrior, and the Luo disciples made a terrible noise, and his front teeth were shot down.

Luo Yu's physical strength and simple fighting skills and dealing with this group of people, much more than he did not want to reveal his true strength, and Luo disciples did not use martial arts, they are only on-duty guards, are not eligible to kill to join the clan The disciples of the Luo ethnic group in various places are only motivated by the fact that someone behind them arranged to make Luo Yu difficult.

Shuangmen fought in front of the gatehouse, and this group of Luo disciples were Luo Yu's opponents. The fighting skills honed in this life-and-death battle alone frustrated the large group of children who had not experienced many storms. Six or seven people were miserable lying on the ground.

The burly young man looked somber and suddenly shot up.

Martial arts ---- Broken Palm!

One palm rose from behind Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's back was cold, and his eyes flashed fiercely. Since the other party used martial arts, he didn't have to be merciful. Wandering between the body methods to avoid this palm, and then punched away with the force of falling stones.



The burly young man made a terrible cry, his arm was broken at the sound, and Bai's broken bones were blasted to the ground by Yu Li ...

(To be continued

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