Come to The Peak

Chapter 251: : The Secret of the Blood Vessel

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"Oh, those three?" Luo Yu asked.

"The first is, of course, the Luo battle. Luo battle is a genius that is rare in the clan for a hundred years. The power of the Luohe bloodline has awakened as many as eight. As for the tenth weight, no one has reached it except the Luohe Wudi ancestors. "Luo Mingzhu said.

"Yeuba!" Luo Yan was really shocked by Xiao Yan.

He didn't know how powerful the blood awakened Yae was, but when he was at Bailuluo's house, Luo Shuihan was also a disciple who awakened the power of blood, but he was only awakened by the quadruple. And he was defeated in the first fight and Luo Zhan awakened directly to Yae! It's double that of Luo Shuihan. How strong should that be?

"What about the second one?" This time asked Lome, who was equally shocked.

"The second name is Luo Zheng. The power of blood veins has awakened the sevenfold, and it is also very powerful. It is the first person under Luo Zhan. The third name is Luo Li, the blood power has awakened sixfold." Luo Mingzhu said.

"Well, this Luo tribe is really a hidden dragon and a tiger. It is good that the disciples who are usually separated can have a disciple who has been awakened by the power of triple quadruple blood, and the disciples have awakened the disciples who are eight or seven." Road.

"The Luo ethnic group awakened six disciples, three of whom were five, thirteen of whom were four, and twenty-eight disciples who were four, and they did not know how many there were," Luo Mingzhu said.

Those with the lowest Awakening Power have triplets, while those under the Triplet have no power, and the effects of the Blood Vessel Power below the Triplet can be ignored.

"Hee hee, sister Azhu, how much did you wake up?" Luo Mei asked with a smile.

"Oh, I'm one of those three," Luo Mingzhu laughed.

"What! Did you wake up to the power of the Sixth Bloodline?" Lome and several other disciples were startled.

Luo Yu is not surprised. Luo Mingzhu is the granddaughter of Elder Luosong, and the clan has four straight bloodlines. One is the pulse of the Luo patriarch, the other is the pulse of Luo Dao, and there are two pulses of Luo Yu. I no longer know.

In fact, there were originally five veins. The fifth vein was the vein of Luo Yu's ancestors. However, the ancestors of Luo Yu were naturally not counted after being expelled from the clan by the seal blood veins. These five ancestors were all descendants of the Luo ancestor who founded the old ancestor Zonghe People, and other branches were slowly expended.

"In fact, this is not surprising. There are so many disciples of the clan awakening the power of the bloodline. Apart from the bloodline, they are a little purer than the disciples. The biggest credit is Luoshenshu."

Luo Mingzhu said looking out at the huge blue tree that was standing proudly in the center of Luo ethnic group.

"Roseau Tree!"

Luo Yu also looked at him. When he first entered the Luo family, his first impression was the huge blue ancient tree. The largest ancient tree he had ever seen was the wine heart purple jade fruit tree in the beastly mountain range, but this blue one Ye Gushu is several times larger than the wine heart Ziyu ancient tree, like a large blue umbrella that stands in the center of the Luo ethnic group, and the shade covers a range of several kilometers.

"Well, if the clan disciples are at the beginning of the martial arts test, if there are martial arts root disciples, they will be rewarded with a Luoshen flower. Luoshenhua has the power of awakening blood. It can be said that the Luoshen tree is the most important of the Luo people. One of the foundations, but not all disciples can awaken Luohe blood even after taking Luoshenhua. It only increases the chance of awakening the blood. However, this Luoshenhua is only useful to my Luo students. How many strong puppets to attract.

The Luoshen tree is rumored to be an ancient tree planted in the small world of the Luohe ancestors. It was nourished by Luohe ancestors with essence and blood. Therefore, the Luoshen flower bloomed contains a trace of the power of the ancestors ’blood, which helps to awaken the blood.

Luo Mingzhu explained the origin of Luoshen Tree and the reason for the awakening of the power of Luo blood to everyone.

After hearing this, Luo Yu marveled that the martial arts became more and more magical in the end. What opens up a world in the body, is it still possible that people can do it? In the myths of previous lives, the legend of the world ’s father and **** breaking ground does not seem to be groundless.

Luo Mingzhu continued

"Because every five years, the clan and the families will measure the root bones of the young disciples to see if the younger ones have martial arts root bones. Therefore, every five years, the clan will transport some Luoshen flowers to the families to help the disciples awaken their blood. After all, the purity of the blood in the disciples is not as pure as the blood in the clan disciples, so the awakened disciples are not as many as the clan, and the power of the awakened blood is not as high as that of the clan disciples, but this is not necessarily true. Among them is the power of the blood in the body of a girl named Luo Yan. The seven levels of awakening are as high as the clan's Luozheng. "

Hearing Luo Yu's gloom here, because he had never heard of Luo Shenhua's power of awakening blood at Bailuluo's house. He never saw the family take out Luo Shenhua when measuring the root bones. His father was the owner. Then it ’s not that the family treasures are reluctant to take out. There is only one reason. The Bailuluo family was suppressed by Luodao. The Luoshenhua that originally belonged to the Bailuluo family were deducted. No wonder the family has not awakened the so-called bloodline for so many years. Power.

The branch of Bailu was originally a blood line of the Luo ethnic group. The purity of the blood in the disciples should not be lower than that of the clan disciples. For so many years, no one has awakened the blood. His father was extremely talented. He was awakened by the blood and was sealed by Luo Dao. Seal of suppression.

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"Luo Dao! Luo Dao!"

The thought of a strong murderous spirit leaking from Luo Yu here, a few people around were horrified, and were shocked by the sudden outbreak of murderous spirit, Luo Mei gave a few of his disciples who were weaker. The blood pressure was so cold that his face was frightened.

"Brother Luo Yu! Brother Luo Yu!"

Luo Mingzhu exclaimed twice, Luo Yu woke up from her anger, recovered her murderousness, and looked at the people around her. Luo Yu smiled apologetically and said, "Oh, sorry"

"Luo Yu, what happened to you just now? How could such a strong murderous outburst suddenly occur? How many people have such a strong murderous murder?" Luo Mei asked in surprise.

"Haha, it's okay, just because I thought of some unpleasant things, my emotions got a little out of control and it scared everyone, haha, I'm really sorry," Luo Yu said apologetically.

"Unpleasant thing?" Luo Mingzhu looked at Luo Yu thoughtfully. As the granddaughter of Elder Luo Song, he naturally knew something about the clan and Luo Yu's family.

"Haha, it's okay! But the murderous anger that Brother Yu just broke out is really scary. How many people have you killed so intensely?"

A split disciple asked with a smile, and the name of Luo Yu became a brother without knowing it. These are the results of strength. This is the world where the power is weak and the power is the respect. Only when you are strong, others will Respect you.

"Hehe!" Luo Yu laughed without saying a word, how many people have killed? There are not a thousand or eight hundred people killed together.


Just then, there was a clear slap in the canteen ...

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