Come to The Peak

Chapter 253: : What is blood? I tell you

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Chapter 253: What is blood? I tell you


The clan disciple who was bombarded with a punch fell on the table, and the tableware on the table was dropped.

"I rely on it! No, I just defeated two Jiutian clan disciples!"

"Fuck! It's the boy who got out there, so strong!"

"His! Luo Jiao finally hit the iron plate"

All the students of the Luo ethnicity in the cafeteria looked at this scene with eyes widened, it was incredible.

"Ha ha, it's worthy of being Brother Yu, and he's so powerful!"

"Oh, that is, Yu Yu was just a character who was fighting with Luo Zhan without falling into the wind."

Talked with Luo Yu's follow-up disciples.

"How ... how is it possible! So easy to solve the two Jiuzhong disciples, even my brother can not be so fast!" Luo Jiao, with red and swollen cheeks, stood still, his eyes were shocked and incredible.

Luo Yu resolved these two disciples, and walked in front of Luo Jiao again, scaring Luo Jiao back quickly.

"You ... what do you want to do!" Luo Jiao conditioned his face and looked at Luo Yu in horror.

"What do you want! Hey, rest assured, I am not interested in pigs," Luo Yu sneered.

"I just want to tell you that origin does n’t mean everything. No matter how strong the background is, it ’s a scumbag if you do n’t work hard. Put away your pride and self-righteousness. Take a good look at the group of disciples you look down on. They are not as good as their families except in blood The disciples are not as good as the family disciples. Talents and backgrounds, huh, talents and backgrounds are just a starting point higher than others. Whoever climbs the highest in the martial arts is the king. You have better backgrounds and bloodlines. Those who are better than our separation disciples? Ask hard, we work harder and harder than you, just because we were born in a separation, you look down on us, why! "

Luo Yu's remarks made all the disciples enthusiastic.

Yes, they are separated disciples, but in order to make up for the lack of blood, and to catch up with the disciples, they put in more efforts than the disciples, but what did they get in the end? Disdain! It's cold eyes! Is it unfair? Why is it that they are disciples? Many things can be seen with a small order.

This is the indifference of this world, this is the inferiority of human nature.

No matter how powerful the background is, it is only the background. The ancestors left behind the background, but it was Jiangshan who hit them by themselves. They took the rivers and mountains that the ancestors had fortunately laid down, and used the background to oppress others. What is this?

This paragraph of Luo Yu talked about the deep inside of all the disciples. Isn't their hard-working practice just to give others a high look? But all the hard work in return is disdain, sarcasm, and unfair treatment, what is this!

"Brother, that's right, right! Why! Why do your clan disciples look down on our separated disciples because our blood is not as good as you?" A separated disciple standing tall and carrying a big knife stood up and shouted.

"Yes! Why! Ask the hard work that we are not inferior to the young masters and young ladies you can, but I will eat the meat of low-ranking beasts, and your young masters will eat the meat of high-ranking beasts, why!" Another disciple threw himself in the tableware and shouted.

"Yes, why!"



As soon as someone took the lead, countless disciples stood up and responded immediately. The fire of the stars can be ignited. There are no less than two hundred disciples in the cafeteria. Two hundred people stand behind Luo Yu and glared at Luo Jiao.

Luo Jiao was shaken by the momentum of more than two hundred people, her legs shivered, and she collapsed to the ground.

"Woohoo ..."

Luo Jiao suddenly cried.

All the disciples of the Luo clan looked at this, and no one dared to stand up and provoke the divided disciples who were in a state of anger and blood.

Luo Mingzhu's eyes shined, looking at Luo Yu in the center of the crowd. At this moment, Luo Yu became the only protagonist present.

The original disciples who were scattered in the sand were at this moment because of this young man's words, and some people's blood, because a young boy was tightly condensed together at this moment.

"Huh! I will eat whatever the family disciples eat. I see who dares to stop me today and whoever stops me!"

Luo Yu snorted, and the intense murderousness on his body came out in the second outbreak. All the murderous people were cold in their hearts. No one dared to question him. It made people believe that if anyone dared to stop him, today he would really kill.

Luo Yu walked towards the meal opening of the disciples of the Zong family. The disciples of more than two hundred families followed closely, one by one.

"Make me a meal and the best meat!"

Luo Yu said coldly looking at the master of the Luo ethnic group who ate behind the windowsill.

The master of this meal was frightened. He saw Luo Yu ’s great power just now, and he dared to mess with Luo Yu, not to mention there are more than two hundred murderous disciples behind him. Quickly gave Luo Yu a copy of the best meat.

"We're going to eat the best meat too, and give me a meal!" The two hundred disciples also roared in unison as Luo Yu shouted, and the roar was shocking.

The chef who served the meal was scared to stay in place.

"Don't you hear what they say? Not ready to hit you yet, and I want to teach you?" Luo Yu said coldly, holding utensils.

"Ah ... yes yes! I'll fight" The hit chef immediately responded.

"Hey! What are you guys still doing? Do n’t give this group anymore ... this group of Luo people

The chef was scrambling around, and he called the disciples in the next window to help him. He wanted to talk about the disciples, but he saw the killing eyes of a group of people swallow that sentence, and changed Become a Luo nationality.

And the other appetizing disciples who were still horrified came to come and dine for everyone.

A group of people shuffled around, and in the end all the disciples received a meal from a family disciple.

Some disciples looked at the meal in their hands with some sadness, and some tears filled their eyes. This was not a meal, but a breath. Did people live for that breath, and how much effort did they put into it. But in the end, they were looked down upon by the disciples of the Zong family, and today the tone was released, all because of this young boy, because the young boy who made them **** in front of him.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, happy, happy, you are happy" Luo Yuhao smiled and asked all the disciples.


"Happy, haha, his mother's anger is not so happy to kill"

All the disciples shouted in response.

"Ha ha, how can you be without wine so bring me wine!" Luo Yu laughed and said to the chef.

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The Luo ethnic food dwelling naturally has wine. As long as it is a warrior, there is no love of wine. Several disciples immediately took a large tank of wine, this is the Luoshen wine made by Luoshen leaves.

Luo Yu scooped a large bowl with a bowl, and the other disciples also scooped a bowl each.

"Brothers, drink! The pedigree of two days later is better than letting all disciples see our strength," Luo Yu said, laughing. Followed by a sip


All the disciples brought up the wine and learned Luo Yu with one sip.


October said: A brother gave me a good opinion, that is, the off topic in October is too long, which will affect the sense of reading. This was not thought before October. I will tell my brothers and sisters in October Sorry, in addition to special things and thanks for supporting October, I will try to write less questions. This is a good opinion. Thanks to the last brother for putting forward this opinion for October. These opinions can make October grow. Brothers and sisters are also welcome Comment for October

(To be continued)

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