Come to The Peak

Chapter 258: : Warring

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Luo Yu and Luo Zheng stood on the battlefield and looked at each other with cold eyes, both waiting for the opponent to take the first shot. The real master is not the first to take the upper hand to gain the upper hand. Sometimes the more you act, the more disadvantageous you are. The sooner you find your flaws.

The disciples who followed Luo Yu and the disciples who held Luozhu also retreated to the appearance of 100 meters. Thousands of people in the field held their breaths and looked at the two teenagers in the field.

Whisper ...

Beifeng rolled up a snowstorm, blowing the black hair of two teenagers, blowing the robes on his body, rolling up the white snow on the ground, raising a cloud of snow, and his vision was slightly blurred.


At this moment, Luo Zheng's eyes flashed in his eyes, and he slammed aloud. It's so fast that you can't see it, like a sharp arrow.

In addition to the awakening of the Luohe Blood Vessel, in addition to bringing supernatural martial arts, it can greatly increase the speed of the flesh and the attack power. As for the increase, it depends on the degree of blood cultivation and awakening.

As a genius who awakened the blood of Qizhong Luohe, Luo Zheng's blood is purely higher than that of ordinary Luo disciples of the Awakening Blood, so his physical speed and attack power are far higher than that of ordinary clan disciples.


At the same time that Luo was fighting, Luo Yu was also moving, his legs were slightly flexed, and the energy of his soles burst into bursts, shooting out like a cannonball. Go straight to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zhengquan was energetic and rushed out to Pentium. When the fist was swung out, the air was torn and a whine whine was formed, forming a fist shadow composed of air flow outside the fist.

Luo Yu's eyes narrowed, the same punch blasted out, the stone film on the fist coagulated, and the air ripped away.


There was a huge muffled sound, and a thunderous thunder sounded in the field. The two fists collided together, like two cannonballs colliding together, and a circle of air waves visible to the naked eye appeared in the air. The snow in Minet was all stirred up by the shock, and surrounded the sky with snow and dust.

After the two punches collided, they were ejected more than ten meters away by the anti-seismic force, and looked at each other coldly.

Luo Zheng was startled, and his punch had exceeded the limit of the strength of an ordinary acquired martial artist, which was equivalent to the physical strength of an ordinary congenital power, that is, the power of twenty cattle. Unexpectedly, the opponent took it. And it doesn't fall in the slightest.

Luo Yu's heart was not a little hesitant. He wasn't a postwar martial artist anymore, and his physical strength was stronger than that of a master of congenital astrology. I did not expect that Luo Zheng could meet him hard.

However, Luo Yu was carrying more than 5,000 kilograms of Aster Sword, and his physical strength was weakened a lot.

"Good boy, there are two brushes, come again!" Luo Zheng slammed and shot at Luo Yu.

"Come and come, who's afraid of who?" Luo Yu's voice fell, and she shot at Luo again.


As soon as they got close, they punched a few more punches, and no one lost and no one benefited.


Luo Zheng leapt a few hundred and sixty degrees to the hanging gold hook and sank down vigorously, heading straight for Luo Yu's head.


Luo Yu's body is extremely fast, one side turns to avoid it, Luo Zheng splits his leg on the battlefield made of Pu Yaoshi, and all the weapons that are difficult to be injured by Pu Yao are cut into a few cracks. To what extent is Luo Zheng's power so strong.

Luo Yu also moved when Luo Zheng slashed on Yao Yaoshi with one leg, and also lifted his knee and slammed his whip legs to sweep Luo's face away. If he is swept by this whip leg, he will either be kicked into the head or be disfigured.


Luo Zheng's response was also very fast. Crossing his arms, Luo Yu's leg kicked over Luo Zheng's arm.

Uh ...!

Luo Zheng was kicked out by seven or eight meters with the power of this leg.

Huh! Without a leg, Luo Yu stomped his feet and rushed to Luo again.

Luo Zheng threw his slightly tingling arm and shot at Luo Yu.

The speed of the people's engagement was too fast, and the group of Luo ethnic disciples was dazzled. These two people could not match the group of Luo ethnic disciples simply by the speed and attack power of the physical outbreak. And so far they have not used much martial arts.

"Abominable, this stinky boy is so powerful that he can fight with his brother." Luo Jiao's eyes widened, it was incredible.

In her world, Luo Zheng is the strongest person in her heart. Even Luo Zheng, whose blood is above Luo Zheng, may not be as good as Luo Zheng in her mind.

"Oh my god, so fast, so strong explosive, all of Yao Yaoshi was shattered."

"His ... There is such a strong teenager in the separation, and he can compete with Brother Zheng."

"I am afraid that the physical explosive power of these two people has surpassed Houtianjing."

The disciples of Zongjia looked at the two figures who were staggered in surprise, while the disciples were happy.

"Good brother!"

"Fuck him! Brother Yu, make them dare to look down on our separated disciples"

The disciples shouted and cheered for Luo Yu. This was not only the battle between Luo Yu and Luo Zheng, but also the long-running conflict between the disciples and the family disciples.

"Sister Yan, brother Yu is so handsome." Xiao Dan looked at Luo Yu with a look of foolishness.

"Brother Yu! Xiaodan, when did you recognize Brother Yu again? Why don't I know?" Luo Yan Xiyu said.

"Eh ... people just recognized him! Hee hee hee ... Sister Yan, this Luo Yu deserves you," Xiao Dan asked with a smile.

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"Well ... this Luo Yu is very strong, at least not under me, what do you look like ... just make sense," Luo Yan hesitated.

"Hmm ... Sister Yan, you're saying that there is a show," Xiao Dan laughed.

"You, you, this little-headed melon seed is less thoughtful. How many martial arts snacks are cultivated by your martial arts talents and why are they under me?"

Luo Yan shook her head helplessly.

"Hee hee ... people don't like these fights, Sister Yan, look at it, Brother Yu and Luo are fighting for martial arts."

Xiao Dan exclaimed.

Bang bang bang

The two fought against each other and stood apart.

"Luo Yu! You are strong!" Luo contended for Luo Yu Road, this time he was no longer named Luo Yu kid, apparently Luo Yu's strength was recognized by him.

"Luo Zheng! Oh, you are not weak!" Luo Yu smiled coldly.

"You deserve my full treatment, Luohe Bloodline, Kai!"

Luo Zheng screamed angrily, the blue light in his pupils flashed blue, and his body burst out with a blue light similar to the true nature of water. This blue light was more intense than Luo Shuihan.

"Look at it! Brother Zhan is about to use his blood power to use magical martial arts." Disciples of the Zong family burst into exclaim.

"I can force my brother to use his blood, even if he loses, he won't be ashamed."

Luo Yu looked at the blue light on Luo Zheng's body, and his eyes flashed fiercely. The energy contained in this blue light was no less than that of Qi.

"Are you going to decide with me?"

Luo Yu didn't use her energy, the thunder flame animal riot in Dantian, a layer of purple flame immediately appeared on her body ...

(To be continued)

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