Come to The Peak

Chapter 261: : Murder now

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In the wooden pavilion on the banks of the Luoshen River, the beautiful lady in the blue palace costume looked at the golden lotus blooming in the river.

The lotus, which was supposed to be open in summer, was opened in winter. Is it blooming for the wrong time or for whom did you choose to wait in the harsh winter ...

The boy walked into the pavilion, and looked at the slightly weak back of the beauty, and felt some heartache.

"You're here!" The girl's crisp voice sounded.

"I'm here, Pearl!" Luo Zheng said softly.

Luo Mingzhu turned around and smiled slightly at Luo Zheng, saying "A fight, when have you and I become so born?"

Hearing the words and clamoring for words. There were two points of pain in his eyes, saying, "It's not a birth, I'm sorry for you, my father is sorry for you, I really have no face to see you again. If it wasn't for my father's loneliness, my uncle would not ..."

"You're not sorry to me, you said, I'm sorry to be your father, so you don't have to blame yourself" Luo Mingzhu shook her head, but there was still a bit of pain in her eyes.

"Ming Zhu, why do you want to be so understanding, the more you do this, the more I feel heartache, even if you hit me and scold me, or even kill me, you know that I will not resist" Luo contends for Luo Mingzhu's beautiful face and heartache Incomparable.

"Arguing, I can see something. Why do you still have to trap yourself in that matter, why should the older generation's grievances be imposed on our generation?" Luo Mingzhu advised.

"Pearl ..." Luo Zheng's eyes were slightly rosy and he couldn't help it anymore. He stepped forward and hugged Luo Mingzhu, and Luo Mingzhu didn't resist, let Luo Zheng hold tightly.

Luo Zheng hugged the beauties, a flash of decision flashed in his eyes, and said softly, "Pearl, come with me, leave Luo with me, no matter what Luo genius, no matter what his origins are more than Qingyang trials, I don't care Come with me. "

I heard that Luo Mingzhu stayed in tears and said, "Ah, I'm sorry, I can't go with you. Grandpa has lost his father. I can't leave Grandpa at this time ... I'm sorry ..."

"Don't say sorry, it's me who should say it" Luo Zheng's tears also slipped.

"My pulse and Luo Zhan's pulse have been fighting with your grandpa's pulse and the four elders' pulse for hundreds of years. Why are we two born in two hostile races? Do we love each other and destined to kill each other? Ending? "

Lost words are full of pain

"A fight, birth is not something we can decide, but the future is still in our hands. Why not learn to change the future?" Luo Mingzhu whispered softly.

Wen Yan Luo Zheng's eyes flashed, and she loosened Luo Mingzhu in her arms, looking at her and saying, "You mean Qingyang Trial!"

"Yes!" Luo Mingzhu nodded.

"If you won the place of the core disciple in Qingyang Trial and entered the family of Zixia Tianzong, who would dare to oppose the two of us together?"

"Azheng, in fact, your strength is not worse than the Five Great Tianjiao and Luo Zhan, but in the past six months, you have been neglected for my dad's death and blame. Ah Zheng, cheer up, for you, and for me. How about a future? "Luo Mingzhu took the initiative to hug Luo Zheng softly.

"Break out a future for me ... for you! Hahaha, Mingzhu, then I will use my hands to fight for a future for the two of us, whoever obstructs me, who will die!" Luo Zheng suddenly opened his heart, Laughed.

"Uh-huh, if you meet Luo Yu in the clan race, please show mercy, he is the son of my father and friend," Luo Mingzhu said softly.

"Luo Yu ..." Listening to Luo Yu ’s name, Luo Zheng's eyes raised another war, and he said to Luo Mingzhu, "That Luo Yu is hidden, not ordinary people. If I really confront him, it will be difficult to say, do n’t use my hands." Sympathy he can resist my attack "

"Did you hide it ..." Luo Mingzhu embraced Luo Zheng and said nothing, but there was a touch of thought in her beautiful eyes.

In the setting sun, the afterglow illuminate the pair of desperate lovers, and Ye Ye is coming quietly ...

Luo Yu went back to the courtyard by herself, thinking on the bed with a lot of thoughts. Tomorrow is the race comparison. The ups and downs, adventures and killings of this way, can't it be tomorrow.

"Mo Yu, tomorrow is the race comparison, are you looking forward to it?" Luo Yu smiled and asked the little bird on the bed next to her.

"Hmm ...!" (I'll stay with you anyway)

The little sparrow nodded.

"Haha, I'm looking forward to it too, I really want to see the expressions of those disciples in my family when I broke out, I must be surprised!" Luo Yu laughed.

"Settle down, go to bed, and don't practice tonight, raise your spirits and surprise the gang of self-righteous disciples tomorrow, hey, brother, good night!"

Luo Yu said hello to the little bird and closed her eyes to sleep, and the little bird also closed the purple pupil.

Night, gradually deepening, moon, slowly sinking ...

Luo Yu, who was asleep, suddenly opened her eyes, and Xiao Que opened the purple pupil with a stun, and then Luo Yu and Xiao Que closed their eyes again, but the corners of Luo Yu's mouth were slightly curved.


A figure wrapped in a black robe fell silently from the roof skylight into the room. There was no sound at all, like a falling dust.

The man in the robe looked at Luo Yu, who was sleeping on the bed, and his eyes were full of cold and inhuman killing. A sharp dagger flashing from the sleeve appeared in the palm of his hand.

The robe figure leaped gently with a dagger in his hands, both hands holding the dagger slammed into Luo Yu, who was sleeping on the bed, and went straight to Luo Yu's skull.

Just before the cold dagger was less than three inches away from Luo Yu's eyebrows, Luo Yu's eyes narrowed and he broke away, and a hand protruded like a lightning bolt and caught it on the wrist of the robe man holding the dagger. , The dagger was suddenly at a distance of three inches from Luo Yu's brows.

The robe man was shocked, and tried to escape, but found that his opponent's hand was held on his wrist like a iron clamp, and he couldn't twitch.

"Rock falling!"

Luo Yu rushed out with a punch, and this punch was no longer blasted by physical strength and inner strength, but was infuriated with fire properties.


A fist banged on the man's chest with a click, and the man vomited blood and flew out.


At the same time as he flew out, the little dragon sparrow moved and turned into a ocher streamer directed at the robe man, and his sharp claws went straight to the robe man's head and grabbed him.

This person's tacit understanding is perfect. This tacit understanding has been honed by countless lives and deaths, sharing sufferings and sufferings with the Communist Party.


The claw wind is fierce, and it is necessary to catch the head of the robe man. However, at the moment of fast grasping, a golden metallic qi suddenly burst out on the robe man. The anger was transmitted through the body, and the bullet opened the dragon. Attack of tits.

"Innate ingenuity master!"

Luo Yu was shocked, but it was not disturbed. He suddenly lifted the purple giant sword leaning on the bedside, and the cloth wrapped on the purple giant sword suddenly burst open, exposing a delicate purple sword with a red dragon engraved with a murderous tone. body.

"The sword is bursting!"

K ... U

(To be continued

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