Come to The Peak

: 388th Arrow: Nine Arrows Chasing Stars

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A flame-shaped building in Red Flame City stands among countless building lofts, which is the Founder's Guild.

An old man in a black fire-patterned robe was sitting in the living room, and beside him was a middle-aged man also wearing a black fire-patterned robe.

"President, yesterday, the members of the Lin family of Qingyang City came to Chiyan City to hunt down Luo Yu, and now they are among the Red Robber mercenaries in Luo Yu's footsteps." Qinghai, a middle-aged man, sat beside the founder's chief, Xin Wu. Said. ,

"Oh! People from the Lin family!" Wen Yan Xinwu gave a slight hesitation, and then said, "What about Luo Yu?"

"Luo Yu was not in the Red Robbery Mercenary Regiment, but now the Lin family used the Red Robbery Mercenary Regiment to force Luo Yu to appear," Qinghai said.

"Although Luo Yu is a pseudonym Luo Feiyu who came to my Red Flame City Foundry Masters Association to come to our guild to obtain a caster master, but now he is also a member of our Foundry Masters Guild. Should our guild care about this?"

"Well ... this Luo Yu's martial arts talent is extremely outstanding, and the caster talent is also so outstanding. This kind of talent is a talent that our Foundry Masters Association is trying to attract, and it is impossible to sit idly by," Xinwu said with a deep grin.

"And he is most likely a disciple of that adult ..."

President Xinwu remembered the hammer method used by Luo Yu's foundry master that day, and could not help thinking of the legendary figure in the foundry industry.

"Then we are going to the Red Robber mercenary group to force the Lin family to leave?" Qinghai asked.

Although the Lin family is the top family power in the Qingyang state, the official power of the Foundry Masters Association throughout the country is not afraid of the Lin family.

"No, you send a few masters of the Ningyuan Realm to the Red Guards mercenary regiment, and just hold Luo Yu when he appears, and we can't offend the Lin family too much," Xin said without thinking for a moment.

"Well, I'll say goodbye first," Qinghai Wenyan nodded quickly.

The new hopeless back of Qinghai left the old eyes full of thoughtfulness.

"You are far away from the extreme cold, how could this Luo Yu be your hammer, is he really your disciple? If this is the case, Luo Yu ’s future achievements are truly limitless ..."

At this time, the Red Robbery Mercenary Corps has attracted the attention of countless forces. The fire maple street where the Red Robbery Mercenary Corps is located has now appeared countless warriors. The teahouses of the major inns are full of people, and they are all in Wait for someone.

Purple sword Shuluo Luoyu!

In the old mountains of the Qingyang Mountains, the sound of bombing and bursting was heard from time to time, and from time to time, thick and old trees were bombed and broken down.

A three-meter-high giant monster covered with earth-colored scaled armor resembling a wild boar is attacking wildly in the forest. A young man wearing a white robe carrying a large purple sword and holding a fiery red bow.

The young man's face is bright and handsome, with a slender and strong body, about 1.95 meters tall. From his face, there is still a touch of tenderness, but a pair of sword eyebrows reveals a mature and stable, blue eyes like crystal flowing, a black-haired black casual Behind his mind, the whole person has a strong and decisive momentum.

The white-robed boy entangled with a monster.

Iron armored demon pig, Zhenqi real monster, the scale armor on his body is comparable to the defense of Ningyuan real Zhenyuan shield, and it is also an extremely difficult monster.

Luo Yu stood on an ancient tree, and looked down at the iron armored pig over ten meters below.


The Iron Armored Pig roared loudly, and a ball of earthy light ball blasted at Luo Yu in his mouth.

A branch of Luo Yu's toes quickly ejected, and at the same time three black iron arrows appeared in his hand. At the moment of avoidance, he opened up and shot arrows at the iron armored pig.


Three black iron arrows shot on the scaled armor of the iron armored demon pig were ejected without harm.


The ancient tree that Luo Yu originally stood on was also broken and broken by the demon light ball. The leaves fluttered and scattered.

"This guy's defense is really amazing. My three arrows are enough to break the Qi body guard and shoot the Qi soldier. But there is nothing he can do to face this guy."

Ejected Luo Yu secretly said.

At the same time, he fled away immediately, and a group of demon light **** exploded on the place where he had stood. The ground was blasted out by a large pit with a diameter of three meters, and the earth splashed.

"Huh, it seems that I have only tried to use the trick I just learned." Luo Yu looked away at the Iron Armor Pig after avoiding, and her eyes flashed brilliantly.

The Iron Armored Pig looked angry at this small human one after another, it was amazingly defensive, and its attack power was not weak. The disadvantage was that the body was not flexible and the attack was not fast, so Luo Yu could avoid it again and again.

Seeing that he couldn't help this human armored boar didn't want to entangle, and turned to leave.

"Wait! Big stupid pig, you just forced the little man to jump up and down and now you want to go? No way."

Luo Yu shouted on an old tree in front of the Iron Armored Pig.

Iron armored pig called a fire in my heart, I don't want to entangle with you, this is your own death!

Then the demon spirit in the iron armor demon pig agitated, and a wave of demon light blasted to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's body is elegant, like a leaf dancing in the wind, avoiding the crazy bombardment of the iron armored pig.

The surrounding old trees were moldy, and the thinner old trees were blown off directly, while the thick old trees were also blown out of the tree holes, and the sawdust and leaves fell in the forest.

"Huh! Stupid pig, it's my turn to attack enough!"

Luo Yu's toes jumped a little over ten meters high, three black iron arrows appeared in his hands, and he hurled his bow and shot at the iron armored pig.


The three black iron arrows were fired next to each other in turn, and the tip of the latter almost hit the tail of the previous one.

The three arrows just came out and the six arrows were rampant, and each arrow was basically shot in succession.

Nine arrows chase the stars!

The nine black iron sharp arrows turned into a long black light and shot at the iron armored pig.

Iron armored demon pigs are also monsters. The fighting instinct is stronger than humans, and a layer of earthy demon qi is stirred up on the body surface to form a shield.

The demon air guard plus its scale armor defense, the iron armored demon pig is confident to take Luo Yu's arrow skills.

But is it really that simple?


The first black iron arrow was shot on the demon shield, the light of the demon shield was darkened, and then the second arrow following it suddenly broke the demon shield, but the black iron arrow also exhausted. drop.

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The next third arrow was shot from the scaled armor of the Iron Armored Pig, and only a dent was shot on the scaled armor.

But there are the fourth arrow, the fifth arrow, the sixth arrow, and the ninth arrow.


At the sixth arrow, the scale armor of the armored demon pig was completely broken, and the last three arrows completely fell into the neck of the armored demon pig, shooting off the throat bone of the armored demon pig and bringing up a blood mist.

The Iron Armored Pig wailed and fell into a pool of blood, and the light in his eyes dimmed.

Nine arrows chase the stars continuously, and the attacks all converge at one point. This trick is the strongest arrow technique of star-chasing arrows, which specifically breaks the defense.

"This trick is so strong without infusing Zhenqi. If the body shield infused with Zhenqi Ningyuan Realm can be easily broken," Luo Yu looked at the corpse of the Iron Armored Pig secretly.

Then came to the iron armored demon pig, the soul of the iron armored demon pig turned into a faint light shot out of Luo Yu's chest through the soul of jade.

Luo Yu pulled out the Aster Sword, and a sword pierced into the neck wound of the Iron Armored Pig to **** blood.

Youyu collects the soul, purple lotus eats the blood, and the brother Yu is not wasted at all.


At this time, a purple giant bird with a wingspan of ten meters hovered above Luo Yu's head. Luo Yu received a little toe shot from the sword and landed on the back of Dragon Phoenix.

"Brother, where are we going now?" Long Huangque spoke out.

"Direct Red Flame City, let's go!" Luo Yu said.

The Dragon Phoenix nodded, and then fluttered with wings and flew towards Red Flame City ...

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