Come to The Peak

Chapter 390: : Chopping vegetables

Biquge, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Pinnacle!

"Today, don't you, any Lin family, want to go alive!"

Luo Yu growled with red eyes.

Uh ...!

There were eight crisp sounds in the body, and eight true auras, burst!

Dan Tian and the meridians are filled with eight times the surging vitality, and Dan Tianzhong clicks and is opened up by the sudden increase of eight times the vitality. In the middle of the true spirit, it is broken!

After a few months of hard work and this surge of infuriating impact, it finally broke through to the later period of authentic energy.

From the early period to the later period, the practice speed can be said to be against the sky.

"The power of blood, Kai!"

Inside the Ninomiya Palace, a blue energy flowed out of the Ninomiya Palace and merged into the true energy of the fire flowing in the meridians, and Luo Yu's dark hair gradually became a dreamy sky blue. .


A powerful momentum radiated, ten times stronger than before, agitated, Luo Yu in a white robe hunting and hunting, sky-blue long hair dancing without wind, blood-red eyes staring at everyone in the Lin family, The murderousness shuddered.

Lin Hua's brothers were also shocked by the sudden rising momentum of Luo Yu, looking at Luo Yu with some surprise.

"No wonder you can kill Lin Dong, some small beasts really have two brushes!" Lin Dong secretly said in his heart.

"But I'm not Lin Dong's fool!"


At this time, an exclaiming sound came from the gate of the courtyard. Three figures in black fire-patterned robes shot violently. The head of the group was Qinghai.

The three of Qinghai rushed over and immediately blocked Luo Yu.

"How many friends are ...?"

Lin Hua looked at the three with a grim look, and he also saw them wearing fire-patterned robes. These three were forgemakers! And they are all Sipin casters!

Qinghai glanced at everyone in the Lin family and said lightly, "Everyone is the elite of the Lin family? In Xiaqing, the vice chairman of the Red Flame City Foundry Division Association"

"Vice President of the Foundry Division Guild!"

Lin Hua et al. Changed their expressions and hugged their fists. "We are the Lin family. We met President Qinghai. I don't know what happened to President Qinghai?"

The other party's cultivation may not be much stronger than him, but the vice president of the caster's guild is another Sipin caster. This identity and status is much higher than him, and he can never afford to offend.

"That's right, Luo Yu is our third-grade foundry division of the Red Flame City Foundry Division Guild. Can some of you give me a face today, just stop doing this," Qinghai said.

"What! This little beast is a Sanpin caster!" Wen Yan Lin Hua and all the Lin family disciples looked at Luo Yu inconceivably.

But they knew that Qinghai's identity could not lie to them, fifteen-year-old congenital, fifteen-year-old Sanpin foundry master!

What an evil spirit is this! A few chills arose in the hearts of several people, while killing Luo Yu even more.

This little animal must not be allowed to live, or it will bring disaster to the Lin family in the future!

"President Qinghai, this ..." Lin Hua faced embarrassment.

"President, thank you, but today I and the Lin family endlessly die!"

Qinghai was trying to say something, but Luo Yu's cold voice and emotionless voice came from behind him.

Qinghai turned around and looked at Luo Yu, and quickly said, "Luo Yu, don't take your time, these three are Ningyuan Realm."

"I know, President, thank you, but please let it go" Luo Yu's tone remained cold.

"You ..." Qinghai's heart was a little bit angry, and Luo Yu was angry.

"Ah ... well, I will try to save you when it matters"

Eventually Qinghai retreated with a sigh.

Luo Yu stepped forward two steps, staring sharply at Lin Hua and others.

"Hey, little beast! You're looking for yourself today!" Lin Hua sneered.

Seeing Luo Yu take the initiative to let Qinghai back away, he was ecstatic. If Qinghai wanted to protect Luo Yu, he really couldn't help it.

"I said, don't even want to leave the Lin family today!" Luo Yu's face was calm, but the anger in her heart had burned to the extreme.


At this time, a thunderous sound in the sky, and a large cloud of clouds began to rain. The raindrops became denser and denser, and eventually a heavy rain poured into the basin. Trying to wash away the sin and hesitation of the heart.

The dense crowd of people on Huofeng Street did not retreat because of heavy rain. On the contrary, many people ran to the top of the attic building around the compound to better see the upcoming war, and looked down at the upcoming battle.

"Oh, don't even want to leave alive?" Lin Hua's brothers were all ironic.

"I don't think it's you who wants to leave alive! Qing Yewei, give me all!"

Lin Hua ordered drastically.

Update # most x fast (☆ on?

The eleven young men wearing green robes behind him all agitated with anger and killed Luo Yu with a sword.

"Ha ha ha ha, come here well, the clutter of the Lin family, **** it!"

Luo Yu smiled without surprise and pulled out the purple giant sword on her back, swallowing the red sword awn on the sword.


The solemnity of Luo Yu's soles rushed to kill one of the youngest guards who came first.

When 啷!

Luo Yu took the sword and cut it down, and that Qing Yewei was really protective, holding the sword for a block.

But his face immediately changed in this block. The purple sword sent a force that he could not resist, and the sword in his hand was cut into two pieces at once.


The purple giant sword cut the green cricket guard from head to toe in half, and the internal blood was flowing.


The dragon phoenix on Luo Yu's shoulder also moved, and did not change in size. For example, the same purple lightning shot at another green pheasant who wanted to attack.


There was a skull-sized blood hole running through the back of this Qingyiwei's chest, and it was shot directly by the Dragon Phoenix!

Today's Luo Yu's flesh is more powerful than the original after being quenched by Phoenix essence blood, and the flesh's physical strength can reach 50 cattle! A full force of 50,000 pounds.

Now that the eight qi species are exploding, the power of the bloodline is blessed, and the strength has been increased more than ten times. How can these young green guards be his opponents.

Only one minute after the start of the battle, he was beheaded and killed by four people, and the dragon and phoenix were shot and killed, and five of them were eleven young guards.



Luo Yu roared, and a green cricket guard was chopped in half by a sword.

"The sword is bursting!"

Another flaming Jianqi backhand chopped off to a green cricket guard who struck sideways.


Qing Zhenwei's body shield popped up, but was instantly blasted by the exploding sword gas, and countless small sword gas shot him into a sieve.


The dragon claw's claws, full of golden scale armor, smashed the head of the last green pheasant, sprayed their brain blood, and the headless body landed on the ground.

The last barbarian guard, die!

Luo Yu and Long Huangque couldn't afford to take two minutes. Eleven young soldiers died. Killing the same ranks of warriors was like chopping melon and cutting vegetables. This scene really shocked countless people watching in the heavy rain.

The raindrops fell on his body without any feeling of Luo Yu, but his heart was all sad, kill! Kill all the Lin family members present!

The three brothers Lin Hua also watched, and the eleven elite Lin Qingweis of the Lin family were all killed in such a short time?

Then the three talented people returned to God and were furious. So many young soldiers were killed. If they could not kill Luo Yu, they might not have any good fruit to go back. Lin Hua was inspired by Zhenyuan and roared.

"Little beast, I will kill you today!"

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