Come to The Peak

Chapter 497: : Peak Battle of the Same Level

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Luo Yu vibrated the Phoenix Golden Wing, and the blood-red batwing vibrated. The two figures faced each other above the 100-meter-high canopy, and there was a strong momentum wave between the eyes.

Whisper ...

A hundred-meter-high sky was roaring in the wind, and a blood robe rolled up with leaves and crickets was hunting and hunting. Luo Yu's dreamy sky-blue long hair was dancing with the wind.

However, Luo Yu's complexion at this time was exceptionally dignified, looking at the Moonblood Boy with a single-handed sword.

"Luo Yu, you can fight with me in the same level. You can be proud."

Vibrating blood-red bat wings, red eyes with **** eyes faintly opened.

At the same time, a flash of blood flashed in his hand, and a long-handled blood-red sickle appeared. The sickle was surrounded by countless blood-red evil spirits, and it was the same as the evil spirit wrapped by the purple giant sword. This sickle was also a murderer.


When Luo Yu heard the words, his mouth was raised, and he said lightly, "Yang Yan, I said, three years ago, you can't compare with me, and three years later, no matter what your chances have skyrocketed, you can't compare with me."

"Hahaha ..."

On the handsome face of the blood robe youngster, there was a cold laugh.

"All said, I don't think it was Yang Yan in the past, I am a puppet now!"

The blood-robed boy licked his sickle-scythe while talking, and a pair of blood pupils flashed cold.

Uh ...

The blood robe juvenile turned into a shadow of blood, and the vibrating batwing shot towards Luo Yu.

"Huh! Whatever you are, die!"

Luo Yunian's complexion was stunned, and the Phoenix Golden Wing behind her turned into a blue shadow and shot at the blood robe boy.


Luo Yu drank softly, but the purple sword in his hand was quickly blasted, but Zhenyuan slammed and fell.


A two-foot-tall, huge blue Jianmang shot at the flying young robe howling and chopped off.

"Hum! Cut!"

The **** robe young man sang lightly, and the **** sickle waved in his hand, and the **** real Yuan raged with a **** swordmant that was no less than the blue swordmang.


One blue and one blood red true element attack collided together over the canopy, and the blue swordman exploded when it collided, oh! Turned into countless small sword awns and flew away toward the magpie, rolled up leaves thousands of stacks.

The Scarlet Blade Man was dim by the light of the explosion, but also turned to Luo Yu.

The face of the flying cricket was unchanged, and Zhenyuan was protecting her body. Then she patted it with a single hand, and a huge red bloodstained palm print slaps out, and the small radiant phoenix that shot from the flight collapses.

Luo Yu looked at the blood-red saury from the flying beard and looked coldly, punched out, and four solid blue tiger fist shadows blasted to sauer after four tiger shouts.

After four beeps, the tiger's fist shadow was chopped, and the Scarlet Blade Man exploded and disappeared.

Luo Yu and the blood robe boy finally collided after another hit.

Luo Yu slashed the head and neck of the blood robe boy with a sword in both hands. The sharp sword screamed and the sword edge crossed the sky.

The boy in the blood robe groaned with a scythe and greeted him with a smirk, and a collision of air waves radiated away.

While Luo Yu and the blood robe youth did not retreat, Luo Yu closed his sword with another sword.

Dangdangdang ...!

Luo Yu chopped down the nine swords in one breath, but all nine swords were blocked by the blood robe boy one by one.

After Luo Yu's nine swords were clenched into a fist with one hand, one fist burst out, and the four tiger fists snarled at the blood robe boy again.

The blood-robed boy still slashed with a huge sickle and chopped the tiger's fist shadow.

The fist shadow smashed, and the blood-robed boy waved a long-handled sickle to stop Luo Yu from the waist, and the slamming sound of the sword was loud, and the hanging vigor shattered the flying leaves.

Luo Yu's eyes flickered, and the sword was cut vertically, blocking the long-handled sickle cut from the waist.

But at this time, the young boy in the blood robe was spraying his mouth, and a **** smell of blood was blowing on his face.

Suddenly, Luo Yu's head fainted when she smelled the **** smell.

However, after the sickle of the Blood Robe was blocked by Luo Yu and shaken away, he took the opportunity to take a photo.

This palm was shot in the moment when Luo Yu's head was drowsy. Obviously, this series of attacks was calculated.


A colored palm print slaps on Luo Yu's chest, and Luo Yu's bang is shot and shot out dozens of meters away.

Uh ...

A spit of blood spit up against the throat.


At the moment Luo Yu was photographed by a palm, the blood robe boy moved, and the vibrating batwing turned into a residual image and shot at Luo Yu. With a sickle in his hand, the sword was cut off, and Luo Yu was divided into corpses.

Although Luo Yu was photographed flying upside down involuntarily, his wings kept steady between vibrations. Seeing the blood-robed boy slashing with a sickle, Luo Yu quickly greeted his sword.

Dangdang's impact sounds constantly, one blue and one blood red figure hits in mid-air, they collide, and then separate, like two phantoms entangled in the air, the big tree below is often cut into two and collapsed.

Where this level of combat still belongs to the Ningyuan Realm, it is rare to see it in the early days of the agile realm.

The fighting power of the two men's full-scale outbreak was beyond the reach of their peers.

It's a pity that there is no audience in this stunning battle, otherwise we don't know what cheers and exclamations will erupt.

The fighting between the two men was very large. The range of several hundred meters was within the attack range of the two men, which led to the roar of some beasts several kilometers away.

Uh ...!

The blood robe boy was hit in the chest by Luo Yu with a punch, and his ribs cracked suddenly. The blood robe boy flew out.

At the moment when Luo Yuhong was in Luo Yu's blast, the sickle of the blood robe boy was also chopped on Luo Yu's shoulder, the blade broke through the flesh and cut a deep knife mark on the jade bone.

Luo Yu's shoulders were in great pain, and his left arm almost lost consciousness. Both of them flew backwards and fell into the forest, causing the branches of the trees to break continuously.


Luo Yu fell on the ground, and there were four or five blood in her body, and the flesh of the semi-naked upper body showed crystal jade bones, which looked so tragic.

The blood robe boy also severely fell into the bushes, his chest was sunken, and his arm and thigh had deep bone wounds.

Misery! Misery! The two of them are quite equal, and they can't kill each other in an endless stream of moves, but it can only be described with a bitterness.

The dragon and phoenix on the tree beside Luo Yu was anxious, and he wanted to shoot more, but he knew the pride of his elder brother, and he would never let himself go.

Unless it's time to die.

"Cough cough ...!"

Luo Yu coughed up a bite of blood, supported her body with a sword, and climbed up. There was a painful pain in her shoulders.

Luo Yu's eyes stared at the wolf-blooded teenager who had also risen up tens of meters away.

Both of them saw the horror in the other's eyes.

Luo Yu said nothing, the momentum and sword of the whole body rose up, the sword slowly lifted up, all the blue true yuan poured into the purple giant sword.

The blood robe youth was also dazzling with blood, lifting the long-handled **** sickle in his hand, and Zhenyuan rushed in.


Suddenly, two amazing momentums permeated and spread around the two. Zhenyuan overflowed outside and stirred in a space of more than ten meters, shaking the surrounding giant pines, ancient trees and shrubs into powder.

"Scorching waves, water dragons cut!"

Luo Yu's complexion slashed down with a purple sword.


A dragon murmured, and a blue water dragon with a thick, lifelike bucket of more than ten meters came out of the sword and roared away to the blood-blooded boy in the distance.

The blood-robed boy looked dull, and was also cut with a big sickle.

"Blood Dragon Eater!"


A blood-colored dragon, which is also more than ten meters long, was shaped between the swings of the giant sickle, and blasted to the blue water dragon with amazing power.

Bang bang bang

One blue, one blood red, two long dragons galloping where the big tree shrew was shaken into powder, the dead leaves on the ground, and the dirt was rolled up to form a wave.


After two dragon chants, the forest gave a terrifying roar, two waves of air burst into the sky, one blue and one blood red, two colors of intertwined true energy waves radiated, 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters, three 100 meters!

Within 300 meters, any trees and rocks were shaken into powder and formed a huge vacuum zone.

Each of the two figures vomited blood and flew hundreds of meters away, breaking one tree after another.


Luo Yu slammed the blood on a large tree 400 meters away, and then he threw blood on the ground, and the Phoenix Golden Wing feathers on his back were broken, and blood was flowing.

The experience of the Blood Robe teenager was similar to that of Luo Yu, and the bat wings behind it also opened large holes one after another.

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At the center of the explosion, a huge earth pit with a radius of 100 meters and a depth of 55 meters appeared. The roots of the tree were tangled and the rocks were bare.


The phoenix bird was frightened, and quickly turned into a human Luo Luo, supporting Luo Yu.

At this time, Luo Yu was scaly all over, her flesh was turned out, all wounds were spread over her naked chest, and Junlang's face was also cut.

The blood robe boy couldn't get better, the blood robe on his body was broken, and sword marks spread all over the body, and the blood was so scary.

Luo Yu shook her head and said that she was okay. She looked at the blood robe boy, her eyes full of horror.

The blood robe youth also looked at Luo Yu, his eyes were gloomy, and there was a huge mound between them.

"Luo Yu!"


The two spoke at the same time.

"Very good, how many years, except him you are the first person in my class to make me so embarrassed"

The blood robe boy looked at Luo Yu with a somber face.

The heart is turbulent and terrible. This young man's practice speed and combat consciousness are really terrible. Who is he? He is an eternal demon emperor. Although he has no one skill, he is absolutely invincible in the same rank, but Luo Yu can fight him to this point.

Luo Yu's heart was equally terrified. The boy who was overwhelmed by him now can be indistinguishable from himself! What adventure did he get?

"Very good, here is my strongest blow, if you can take me away immediately"

The blood-robed boy said with a somber face.

"Hum, here is my strongest blow, but you don't want to leave alive"

Luo Yu said coldly.

Strongest blow! This peak battle of the same level is finally about to win!

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