Come to The Peak

Chapter 500: : Naked relative!

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After four tiger screams, four tiger fist shadows bombarded a tiger with black markings all over it.

The black tiger was dizzy, and Luo Yu's sword came as expected.

Uh ...

A huge skull was cut off, and hot blood splattered Luo Yu's body.

There was a smile on the corner of Luo Yu's mouth, and he skillfully took the essence of the tiger.

"It is estimated that after soaking this bottle of blood, the Eight Tigers Ben Leiquan should be able to cultivate to a satisfactory state. The Eight Tigers are all out together."

Luo Yu looked at the blood in his hand and said to himself.

Today is the third month that he has entered the ferocious beast. I don't know how much he is stronger than when he first entered.

After he has cultivated the gods and dealt with the beasts or warriors without gods, killing the same order is just like killing dogs.

"Oh, **** again!"

Looking at the blood on his body, Luo Yu smiled helplessly, and then took the Dragon Phoenix to gallop away in one direction.

Wow ...

The white waterfall hangs down from the tens of meters high rock wall, and the roar is clearly heard ten miles away.

Bursts of white mist filled the water, and below the waterfall was a large pond with a radius of several kilometers, and a river wide by ten meters spread into the distant ancient dense forest.

Luo Yu came to the edge of the pond, and there was a layer of white mist over the water surface, which looked like a layer of white veil.

This water pond is dozens of miles away from the canyon. He discovered it not long ago. Luo Yu will come here to take a bath every once in a while.

When he came for the first time, there was also a third-order white water python in the water pond, but it was natural that Luo Yu encountered him to cut off the blood from the gallbladder.

Luo Yu took off her trousers and jumped into the puddle, while the Dragon Phoenix was boring and dozing off in a tree in the distance.

He is a **** beast of the fire attribute. The most disliked thing is the cold things like water. Naturally, he will not be too boring to jump into the bath.

Luo Yu was washing the blood on her body in the pool.

"Well! That's ..."

Suddenly he noticed that there was a blurry figure in the white mist in the center of the pond.

Luo Yu was curious, wrapped her feet in her feet, and stepped on the water.

At this moment Luo Yu's face suddenly became strange.

I saw a naked, beautiful woman standing above the water with her eyes closed.

This woman has a beautiful face, with a beautiful eyebrow and a beautiful nose, a small cherry mouth with fat like snow, a long white hair hanging down to a round and snowy white hip, and a pair of snow-white jade legs that are straight and looming.

The slightest coldness in the water pool poured into the woman's whole body skin, apparently practicing some exercises.

So a naked beauty appeared naked in front of Luo Yu.

At this time, Luo Yu was also naked, and she couldn't help but see this scene. Two scarlet heat flows from the nose and her breathing began to rush, and some places reacted ...

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Luo Yu, however, is the evil fire that rises in the belly and is about to leave quietly.

But at this moment, the woman's closed beautiful eyes opened her eyes, and this look just saw Luo Yu who was naked on the front and was about to leave.

In four eyes ...


After a moment, the dragon and phoenix dozing on the tree heard only the woman's sharp scream.

The sound was far more than 80 cents, echoing through the entire water pool, and even squeezing the roar of the waterfall, scaring the dragon and phoenix almost falling off the tree with instability.

Then he saw his elder brother flying out of the pool with his bare buttocks, taking out his robe and putting on while running.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Longhuangque flew over and asked.

Luo Yu opened her mouth and wanted to answer, but before she opened her mouth, there was a sound of coquettish drinking.

"Sexy thief, I will kill you today!

The sound was as pleasant as a clear stream, but extremely cold.

Then I saw a beautiful woman in a white palace dress with a slender figure flying from the pool. The beautiful prettyness was covered with a layer of frost, all cold and rosy.

The drooping white hair was still stained with water droplets, wet like a hibiscus, but in his hand he held a three-foot-long, blue crystal sword, with the cold wind around the sword, and the halo flowing, depicting five Mingwen is a top-notch treasure.

Luo Yu did not care about the beauty of this hibiscus, and the fiery red body on the surface inspired the pedal to the surface of the water like a sharp string arrow, and took the dragon and phoenix towards the distance.

At the same time, he exclaimed: "Don't misunderstand me, my brother just came to take a bath in the pool, there is no intention of peeking at my sister"

The white-haired woman chasing behind, heard that the corpse was ashamed and angry, as if thinking of something, and then turned into a cold killing intention. A pair of white wings like ice crystals condensed on the back of the jade. Zhen Flying with wings, chasing Luo Yu at a faster speed.

The powerful breath that radiates from the body is truly a spiritual state, and at least the middle period.

Luo Yu turned around and saw that in this scene there were bitter smiles. After taking a bath, she saw things that should not be seen, which led to hunting and he was drunk.


The upper body's robe was broken, and a pair of beautiful golden feathers ejected. Luo Yu's feet leaped on the ground and then the golden wings slammed into a golden streamer. The speed was no faster than the distance. White-haired pretty woman is slow.

A little surprise flashed in the white-haired girl's beautiful eyes, and then a cold hum, Zhenyuan was inspired to turn into a white streamer, chasing Luo Yu at a faster speed.


One stream, one stream, one stream, and two streamers blasted away on the vast mountains and forests, and flew a hundred meters away in one breath.

Luo Yu saw that the white-haired girl behind was a little faster, her eyebrows were wrinkled, and two red air streams erupted on the soles of her feet. Zhenyuan burst out from the Yongquan cave, forming a huge thrust , Push Luo Yu's body to shoot into the air at a faster speed.

Originally, the woman in the white palace dress was about to close the distance to launch an attack, and under the speed increase of Luo Yu, she opened a distance of 100 meters.

The white-haired girl was shocked and angry, but she was really turbulent, her speed increased a lot, and Luo Yu got closer.

The two figures blasted in the sky, naturally attracting the attention of many ancient beasts and experienced disciples. The ancient beasts roared more than the figures passing over the sky.


A blue-haired giant wolf shot up with legs and jumped several hundred meters high, biting at the white-haired girl behind.

This is a third-order ancient beast blue wolf.

The white-haired girl looked cold, and her sword was waving at will.


A white Mori Han sword's qi came out, and the blue wolf flung down.

With a short whistle, the blue wolf was actually cut directly into two halves, and the blood and internal organs sprayed were instantly frozen into frost by the cold air on the sword.

This scene frightened Luo Yu, who looked back. This understatement killed a third-tier ancient beast. The strength of this white-haired girl is definitely the existence of the top ten core disciples.


At this time, a sharp sound was heard in front of Luo Yu, and a sound of breaking air came. I saw a strange bird that looks like a lizard and has seven or eight meters of long back meat wings.

Pterosaur roared, opened a mouth full of fine fangs and lobbed at Luo Yu.

"Fuck! The third-order ancient beast, pterosaur!"

Looking at Luo Yu's face, his face changed, and then a purple giant sword appeared in his hand.


Suddenly, a huge red sword horn whistled and cut off to Pterosaur.

The pterosaur did not evade, Jian Mang cut and exploded on his body, and turned into numerous blood holes punctured by numerous Jian Mangs.

Pterosaur whistled, but at this moment Luo Yu had already flew to Pterosaur's severe blow.

Roar ...

After the eight-sounding tiger howl, eight red tiger fists slammed on the pterosaur's body.

With a bang, the huge body of the pterosaur was exploded and exploded, turned into countless blood mist and minced meat, internal organs and so on ...

"Eight tigers come together! The boxing is complete!"

Luo Yu stared at his fists.

"That's it?"

There was also a hint of surprise in the eyes of the white-haired girl behind Luo Yu.

She already knew through the consciousness that the practice of this gangster was in the middle of Ningyuan Realm.

Can Ningyuan Realm blast the third-tier ancient beast in one punch?

But then her face was covered with frost again, Jiao yelled: "The gangster is killed!"

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