Come to The Peak

Chapter 503: : Overlord bow hard

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There was a scorching smell in the space, and Tyrannosaurus's huge body was lying motionless on the ground, and his whole body was black.

The dragon phoenix flew to the Tyrannosaurus, opened the scorched body with sharp claws, and grabbed a huge heart.

Luo Yu walked over, took out several large jade bottles, cut open his heart and took its essence.

The pale golden blood is full of four large jade bottles. The energy of the blood essence in the essence blood is much stronger than that of the ordinary third-order ancient beast.

Cold as frost looked at this scene in surprise, cherry's mouth opened slightly, looking at the beautiful eyes of the dragon and phoenix, there was a hint of fear.

The dragon phoenix swallowed the heart of the tyrannosaurus and became the size of a crow. He flew back to Luo Yu's shoulder and began to fall asleep. In this battle, he consumed too much physical energy and energy, and was slightly injured.

When Luo Yu took the heart, she would leave without expression, but then there was a sound of coquettish drinking.

"Sexy thief, don't go, I will kill you"

Luo Yu turned and frowned, and at this time Leng Rushuang had shot at him with the blue sword, and I didn't know when he recovered a little bit of real energy.

"Fuck, crazy woman, you have no end!"

Luo Yu was so angry that she saved her life anyway, and she was still entangled in seeing what happened to her and she was naturally furious.

Luo Yu raised the purple giant sword against the sword, holding the sword in his hands, Zhenyuan poured into the sword and cut it off.


A huge blue sword-mang cut to the cold frost.

Cold white frost in the hands of the long sword shook off the same white ice sword.


Two swordsman burst open at the chopping, and the violent sword gas tore the rock fragments on the ground.


After the two swords were cut at the same time, they shot at each other violently. The sword trembled in the cold hands of Frost, and pointed out countless cold lights, and several sword lights shot at Luo Yu.

The large purple giant sword in Luo Yu's hand is one block in front of him, like a huge shield on the same side.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Countless sword lights shot on the purple giant sword and gave out the crisp golden sound of tinkling, and the sparks on the sword splashed.

After Luo Yu blocked the sword, she lifted it down, and the purple giant sword cut through the night sky, bringing up a series of phantoms.

The long sword in Leng Rushuang's hand smashed away.

With a loud bang, a huge force from the Purple Sword was transmitted, which shook as cold as frost and numb hands, and the sword was blocked by fear in my heart.

At this time, Frost's cold palm slaps out again, and an ice palm slaps to Luo Yu.

The cold air rushed towards him, and Luo Yu's complexion changed slightly, and then a punch was blown out.

Roar ...!

After the eight-sounding tiger howling, eight shadows of the tiger's fist rushed out from the punches, blasting on the ice palm.

Uh ...

A series of slams sounded, and the ice palm print was smashed and destroyed by the seven tiger tiger fists in front, but the last tiger tiger fist did not dissipate towards the cold frost.

Leng Rushuang's face changed slightly, and Zhenyuan's body shielded the shadow of the tiger.

But her Zhenyuan didn't recover much after all. After Zhenyuan's body blocked the Tiger Fist shadow, she collapsed and opened, and then a shadow of a figure rushed into the cold frost.


Luo Yu raised his hand and patted the long sword in Leng Rushuang's hands, and his long arm held the cold Frost in his arms fiercely.

Leng Rushuang's body shook, his eyes were all shocked, and he was caught in the arms by a strange man, smelling the male breath of Luo Yu in his nose, and Leng Rushuang had a sense of dizziness for a while. And even forgot to struggle.

Luo Yu's heart was full of anger at this moment, but she was holding the soft and delicate body of the beautiful woman in her arms, and felt the touch left by her plump breast on her chest. Luo Yu's heart also felt a strange feeling.

A wicked flame in my heart burned, and somewhere stood tall and stood on the cold, flat belly.

Leng Rushuang seemed to feel something, and his cheeky face suddenly turned red. At this time, the eyes were full of anger and began to struggle in Luo Yu's arms.

"Sexy thief, let go of me!"

Leng Rushuang struggled while joking, but how could she be depleted by Luo Yu? Luo Yu's physical strength was so strong. The cold and frosty struggle made Luo Yu's heart worse. .

"Hum! Sinister thief, since I yelled at you, I will show you"

Luo Yu made a slight difference in her arms between the words, and looked down at the frost that was shorter than herself.

Just as cold as frost was also looking up at him, facing each other, Luo Yu suddenly lowered his head and took the little cherry mouth into his mouth.

There was a bang in the cold head of Frost's head, opened his eyes wide and looked at the handsome face close by, and he was kissed!

Then she just felt a tongue like a tiger getting caught in her mouth, entangled with her tongue, while the other side was still allowed to **** the Kazu in her mouth.

This will be as cold as frost, completely dead, and there is no face resisting dullness and looking at him almost next to him.

Luo Yu seems to be getting more and more daring. One hand even reached into the white palace dress and climbed the plump breast. The kind of tenderness and flesh like sheep fat jade made Luo Yu put it down.

The cold as frost was the shock of Jiao Xun, a current swept across his body instantly, the body suddenly weak.

Luo Yu's hands were fickle, and began to become more and more excessive. On the smooth skin, Luo Yu's hands penetrated into the skirt below, and on the rounded buttocks. Walk around and stay on round thighs.

This time Frosty was finally awakened by humiliation, and at this time, Luo Yu's hands invaded every part of her skin.

Cold as frost bite, biting on the tip of Luo Yu's tongue.

Luo Yu suddenly let go of the coldness under the pain, holding his mouth and whining.

The cold frost from Luo Yu's arms suddenly collapsed to the ground.

The eyes turned red.

She was in her thirties, leaving most of her time to martial arts, and no man could approach her three feet away.

But after meeting this young man who seemed to be smaller than himself, he was not only seen by the other side all over, but now he was forced to kiss, and his whole body was violated all over again!

Although Leng Rushuang is in her thirties, she is still just a young girl to the 300-year-old life in the spiritual realm.

Shame, intense humiliation, as cold as frost can no longer bear, sitting on the ground and sobbing softly, arms folded above his knees, his body trembling slightly.

At this moment she really wanted a weak and helpless girl.

There was a bloodstain on Luo Yu's tongue covering her mouth, and now she recovered, but she saw that the girl was sitting on the ground holding her knees and sobbing.

How painful this sobbing picture is. Only those who have seen this scene in person will know. This scene reminds Luo Yu of Bai Linger. When Linger was violated by Lin Mu, it was not helpless. Sobbing?

Guilt! Strong guilt! There was a guilty guilt in Luo Yu's heart. Even if the other party chased and killed himself, he should not treat others like this. After all, the other party is a girl. If people didn't bite their tongues, and the pain caused them to wake up from their lust, Luo Yu really didn't know what would happen next.

Maybe it will really eat others as it develops.

Luo Yu thought that she raised her hand here and gave herself a slap. She slaped a little blood on her mouth, and then she shook her head and stood awkwardly.

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In the forests of the night, the sound of insects was endless, and the roar of the beasts roared from time to time in the ancient and remote forests.

A young girl in a white palace dress was sitting on the ground, holding her knees and sobbing softly, and her dress was still a little shabby, and a handsome young man in a white military robe with a huge sword standing on his shoulder and standing with a purple bird on his shoulder was awkwardly standing, with both hands not. Lifting is not, his face is extremely strange.

I didn't know how long it took before Luo Yu embarrassedly said softly, "That ... that crazy woman, no! It is sister, brother ... brother, sorry ..."

Luo Yu's tongue was a little knotted when she spoke, and some words were incoherent and I didn't know what to say.

The white-haired girl holding her knees and sobbing on the ground suddenly stopped crying, as if she heard Luo Yu's voice.

After a while, the girl slowly stood up, and the tears on Qiao's face had disappeared, but her beautiful eyes were still extremely swollen.

The white-haired girl recovered her indifference. She sucked in her hands, and the blue sword that fell from the distance in the distance was sucked into her hands. She slowly raised the blue crystal sword in her hands and pointed at Luo Yu, her eyes were cold, and There is a trace of complexity, and it is rare that there is no intention to kill.

Luo Yu looked at the young girl with her sword pointed at her. She looked complex and did not make any defensive moves. Her hands were raised.

If others had treated him this way, he would have used the thunder to subdue or kill the opponent.

But for this girl, Luo Yu only smiled bitterly. After all, she was a bit too much. After all, he still remembered that she touched those parts of the girl, and she felt a little guilt in her heart.

One person pointed at the sword, and the other stood silent, the atmosphere was not killing, embarrassing, or humorous.

Leng Rushuang bit his **** lips, and there still seems to be a teenager's breath on his lips, remembering that the other person's tongue showed a little shyness on the arrogant girl's face in his mouth.

There was another tear in the corner of the girl's eyes, and the tears slid down the delicate cheeks, closing her eyes gently.


As soon as the girl closed her hand, she inserted a scabbard into her sword, turned around, and disappeared into Luo Yu's line of sight, leaving only a embarrassing Luo Yu.

"Just leave?"

Luo Yu touched her nose, staring at the disappearing Qingying for a while.

Regardless, Luo Yu knew that the shadow of the girl in a white palace costume would be imprinted on her mind.

"I just want to be a lover, I just want to be with Qinger in this life, but who knows that the world is impermanent, Linger ... Xiner, it seems that he has already owed a lot of romantic debts ..."

Luo Yu sighed bitterly.

He is not a gentleman or a wolf in color, but he is a man, and sometimes when his sexual desire comes and he can't control it, he just wants to guard, care, and love the young girl who has guarded him for seven years. How much love can't help?

"Ah ... crazy woman, sister ... sorry ..."

Luo Yu turned and left after a sigh ...

Thanks for the midsummer night's dreams and the heartbeat in your breath, and thank you Xiaoqiao, Midsummer, and the eagle for your dreams.

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