Come to The Peak

Chapter 513: : Placeholder

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Chapter 513: Placeholder

"Brother, you just let him go. We two can kill him here."

The Dragon Phoenix on Luo Yu's shoulder also said unwillingly.

It was the first time that Luo Yu was threatened and extorted by such a threat. Long Huangque was naturally extremely angry.

"Hum! No, if you kill him here, the battle will definitely attract Zongmen's attention, and I won't lose it then, and I already know his identity, as long as someone is sent to stare at him as long as he As soon as we enter the beastly secret or leave the gate, we will have a chance to kill him. "

Luo Yu said coldly as he looked at the disappearance of the black robe youth.

Naturally, his heart was in full swing, and he practiced martial arts for four years. For the first time, he had been blackmailed by others like this.

"Okay, let's go!"

Luo Yu jumped down from the fire maple tree and rode on Bai Ze's back to rush to the summit area of ​​the Southern District of Huolingfeng.

Just after Luo Yuli left, a stunning young girl in a green palace costume appeared on the huge fire maple tree where Luo Yu was standing, and her beautiful eyes were permeating.

"Chen Bo, dare to threaten him like this, you don't have to live anymore."

The stunning girl looked at the direction in which the black robe youth was leaving, and also muttered, a pair of autumn eyes turned dark golden, revealing the coldness and ruthlessness.

This is not like the eyes of a human being, it is too cold and ruthless ...

Then a pair of green yuan wings condensed behind the stunning young girl, and a whine flew away from the place. The direction of the flight was also in the Southern District. The speed was much faster than that of the general agile power ...

Luo Yu returned to the attic, Bai Ze crawled to sleep in the living room again, and Long Huangque flew back to a room of her own.

Luo Yu gently walked up to the second floor and returned to the room where he and Qinger lived. Qinger slept sweetly on the bed.

The exquisite and beautiful face is so serene and sweet, just like the sleeping fairy.

With a smile, Luo Yu lay gently on the bed and cuddled Qing'er into the dreamland. Qing'er seemed to be aware, and he leaned tightly into Luo Yu's arms ...

In the early morning of the next day, Luo Yu called Luozhu over.

"Brother Yu, what are you doing to me?"

Luo Zhu asked curiously in the living room.

"Luozhu, you take a few brothers in turn to stare at this person. His name is Chen Bo, the core disciple of Mu Lingfeng. He is ranked 73rd on the Zixia Monument. Once he left the gate or entered The horrible beast seeks me in Juyuan Pagoda in the Dalai Lama on Sunday. "

Luo Yu took out a portrait and gave it to Luo Zhu.

With Luo Yu's skill in painting and inscriptions, this portrait is as good as a real person.

Luozhu took the answer without asking why.

Brother Yu explained what the brothers of Ding Summit could do all the time and never asked why.

Luo Zhu took the portrait and put it in the storage bag, then retreated, and Luo Yu also said hello to Qing'er and rode away on the white zealand towards Zixia Peak.

This time to go to Zixia Peak, Luo Yu intends to enter the secret realm of Zixia and upgrade the cultivation to the late stage of Ningyuan Realm. After entering the late stage of Ningyuan Realm, his strength will definitely increase a lot.

strength! Only strength is the foundation for establishing a foothold in this world. Luo Yu, who has experienced so many life and death, naturally knows this.

Riding Baize and arrived at the Zixia Peak Teleportation Hall, Bai Ze's beastly identity naturally aroused the attention of many people.

However, Zongmen disciples riding on mounts like Luo Yu are not a few in Zongmen. Many Zongmen disciples have their own war beast mounts.

However, most of them are some real monsters or first-order second-order ancient beasts. It is very rare for Bai Ze to mount third-order ancient beasts.

Luo Yu entered the Zixia Mystic Teleportation Hall, and after being deducted by the deacon of Zongmen, two thousand and four points of contribution were deducted, Luo Yu took Bai Ze and Dragon Phoenix to enter the formation.

A flash of white light flashed, after the sky turned around, Luo Yu and the two beasts appeared in the transmission hall of Zixia secret realm.

Luo Yu took the two beasts out of the teleportation hall, and walked towards the Dajutian Juyuan Tower in the middle of the training area.

Luo Yu stepped directly into the Tower of the Jutian Tower of the Day of the Week. He now ranks 35th on the Zixia Monument. His practice room is located in the 35th practice room on the ninth floor of the tower.

The strength of the heavens and the earth in the cultivation rooms from the sixth floor to the tenth floor is four times that of the outside of the tower, which is very beneficial to the cultivation.

When he came to the outside of the training room No. 35 of the nine-story tower, Luo Yu's face sank.

I saw that the stone door of the thirty-fifth practice room was tightly closed, and a sign was hanging.

"What's going on? Could it be that I haven't been occupied by the training room during this time?"

Luo Yu's eyebrows frowned. He spent nine months in the fierce beast's secret place. The practice room of No. 35 Juyuan Pagoda in Zixia's Great Crowd belongs to him. He hasn't practiced in the secret place for a long time. It is not impossible for others to occupy it.

Luo Yu walked to the stone facade and banged on the stone gate.

There was a roar from Shimen, and the rune on it flickered a lot, and Shimen was not damaged.

After Luo Yu punched a punch, he retreated a few steps and stood on his own.

The purpose of his punch just now was to call out the people in the training room.

Sure enough, Shimen opened slowly after a roar, and a furious woman came out of it.

The woman was wearing a long red dress with a long nose and a beautiful nose. Her face was also pretty and her body was uneven.

"Who? Who interrupted Miss Ben to practice!"

The woman in a long red dress screamed as soon as she came out, her face was full of anger.

And when she came out, she naturally saw Luo Yu, looked at Luo Yu and snorted a few times: "Boy, you interrupted Miss Ben to practice!"

Luo Yu raised her eyebrows and said lightly, "This cultivation room is mine, you took my cultivation room."

"Your? Wait, you are Wang Luoyu, the 35th newcomer on the Zixia Monument!"

The woman in the long red dress was surprised when she heard the words, and then she looked coldly: "What about you? Is it okay for you to borrow Miss Ben for a long time without training?"

Luo Yu's face also cooled down when he heard that, he originally wanted the other party to come out to give him a good explanation, even if the other party was in a breakthrough period, he could borrow the other party for a period of time.

After all, they are the same brothers and sisters, and Luo Yu is not a person without weight, and will not treat others because of a cultivation room.

But the attitude of the other party really made Luo Yu feel extremely hot.

"It's not impossible to borrow, but it's not possible to lend you such a foolish person. You can go now."

Luo Yu said coldly.

Just next to the quarrel between the two, two practice rooms were opened, namely the 30th practice room and the 33rd practice room.

/ 5 ^ First release "

From it came a burly man with a height of more than two meters and a young man in a black robe with a thin body and a cold face.

"Yingying, what's wrong?"

The young man in the black robe asked softly to the woman in the red long dress, and her eyes showed a touch of flattering color.

"Brother Qin, Brother Du, this guy bullied me!"

Thanks for listening to the joke in the breath and the song Yu Song's reward.

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