Come to The Peak

Chapter 525: : Stunning evidence

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Luo Yu finished his sentence and looked at Elder Wu calmly.

Elder Wu heard a sneer and said, "Evidence, will I arrest you without evidence? Hehe, since you want evidence, I will show it to you and convince you to take it orally."

After Elder Wu finished speaking, Luo Yu's heart was raised slightly.

I saw Elder Wu clap his hands, and a young man wearing a robe of Zongmen disciple walked out from the crowd below.

The young man looked at Luo Yu coldly when he passed by Luo Yu, and Luo Yu was shocked when he saw this man.

"Chen Bo! Isn't he dead? The body was burned by me, no! No, he's not Chen Bo, he just looks like Chen Bo."

Luo Yu was shocked to see this man, the young man and Chen Bo killed by him were like seven or eight.

The young man came to the case of Elder Wu, bowed down and said, "Chen Zhong has seen the elders."

"Well, good, Chen Zhong. Tell me what you know."

Elder Wu said lightly.


The young man who claimed to be Chen Zhong bowed, and then turned to look at Luo Yu with a cold voice: "One month ago, my brother Chen Bo was going to practice in the fiendish beast, and he gave me something when he left, and said that if he were a month I did n’t come back because I was killed, so I gave this thing to the Temple of Law Enforcement.

It is over a month now, and the disciples felt anxious about the safety of their brother in the past two days, so he took out his brother Chen Bo's storage bag and took out an impression crystal ball.

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The disciple evoked the impression that the crystal ball recorded the entire process of Luo Yu's killing of fellow disciple Brother Hu Ren and others, and the disciples reported it to Zongmen in shock.

The disciple ’s family is still unknown. His disciples suspect that his brother has been killed by this Luo Yu. ”

Chen Zhong looked excited when he spoke, and finger Luo Yu screamed angrily: "Luo Yu, is my elder Chen Bo hit by your poisonous hand, elder, please be sure to decide for your disciples"

Chen Zhong turned around and bowed to Elder Wu with a sad look. At the same time, he took out the impression crystal ball and placed it on the court case in front of Elder Wu.

"Very good, Chen Zhong, and you step down, the king will decide for you"

Elder Wu said lightly, and Chen Zhong gave a fierce glance at Luo Yu and bowed back.

The Luo Yu below saw that the impression of the crystal ball had become gloomy. He knew he was carrying it, and he underestimated Chen Bo's treacherousness.

Elder Wu picked up the impression crystal ball, and a red real element was input into the crystal ball. The crystal ball levitated, suspended in the hall, and then shot a light curtain.

A dynamic picture appeared in the light curtain. In the picture, the dragon and phoenix Luo Luo burned and killed the two thunderous disciples. The domineering and fire control ability of the dragon and phoenix saw the thousands of disciples below shocked and horrified. Looked at the Dragon Phoenix on Luo Yu's shoulder.

Elder Wu was equally shocked to see this scene.

"What kind of spirit beast is this! Good domineering beast fire, so exquisite fire control ability!"

Elder Wu was surprised.

Later, there appeared a picture of Luo Yu's battle with Hu Dao. Hu Dao was cut off by Luo Yu and fled, then he was shot down by Luo Yu with an arrow.

This coherent battle and Luo Yu's truly amazing power surprised everyone present.

Elder Wu also looked at Luo Yu with a strange look. This disciple who has been new for more than a year is definitely a martial artist, a real wizard.

However, he only sighed slightly, but his heart was not soft. Since Luo Yu really violated the rules, even if he was genius again, he would not be soft.

After all, the state-owned state law has patriarchal rules, and the disciples all kill the same door like Luo Yu. Is n’t that the door of the door is chaotic?

Later, Luo Yu tortured Hu Blade and interrogated Hu Blade's picture. The conversation between the two of them was inaudible at all. The impression that the crystal ball only had the ability to take pictures and couldn't record.

The picture of Hu Blade being burned by Luo Yu's fire control, the picture of that leg being burned a little, the picture of Hu Blade's pain and distorted face and the picture of Luo Yu's indifferent look.

This scene raised a chill in everyone's hearts, looking to Luo Yu's eyes with a bit of fear, especially those who had a holiday with Luo Yu, they were all afraid for a while.

Fortunately, he did not offend Luo Yu to death, but fortunately, he did not meet Luo Yu in the fierce beast!

Ruthless, ruthless, at least they can't think of such a torture method, ruthless, ruthless, evil!

These words can now be used to describe Luo Yu's body, and people who are in the dark see this scene as pale.

They are not afraid of Luo Yu, but they are worried about Luo Yu. These pictures do not confirm that Brother Yu has killed the same great sin?

Killing the same door and betraying the ancestral door are all crimes of death, but Hu Blade does not die. They do not care how they die.

They only care about the people who have taken themselves all the way to the martial arts sacred place of the Qin Empire, so that they will not be oppressed, and they will have the best resources to cultivate.

Luo Yu, Yu Yu, they only care about him.

Then came the confessional picture of Hu Blade, and the picture of Luo Yu killing Hu Blade with a sword. When the picture was put here, it suddenly disappeared into a light spot, and the crystal ball fell into the hands of Elder Wu.

At this time, Elder Wu received the crystal ball and looked at Luo Yu indifferently: "Luo Yu, now the evidence is conclusive, what else can you say?"

Thousands and thousands of people outside the hall looked at Luo Yu to see what he had to say ...

Among the four halls suspended by Zixia Peak, a garden in Suzaku Hall.

Although it is winter, the flowers and plants in the garden are blooming, and a strange fragrance is emitted from the air.

In an elegant courtyard in the garden, a handsome young man wearing a green fir is in the courtyard with a beautiful woman wearing a normal red dress.

The layout of the courtyard is exactly the same as the layout of Lin Sheng's residential courtyard in the Forge Hall. There is also a thick purple flower tree blooming with a few red plum trees.

A beautiful woman in a red dress, Emperor Huiwu, gently twitched her fingers over a guzheng, and a crisp and pleasant piano music popped up.

Lin Sheng stood aside, closed her eyes in the face of Zijinhuashu, and listened quietly to the music of the beloved.

A piece of broken heart, a piece of red dust, a piece of love, a piece of life.

At the end of the song, Lin Sheng's eyes closed with a drop of tears, and then he turned and laughed, "Sister, the more you listen to this song, the more I can't help myself."

Dao Hui heard a fascinating smile and said, "You have loved listening to this song since you were a child, and you have not been tired of hearing me play it hundreds of times."

Lin Sheng heard the words and looked at Dao Hui softly: "As long as the sister played, I won't get bored after listening for ten thousand years"

Dao Hui listened to a strong sentiment, and a little girl's shame was revealed on her pretty face, and Lin Sheng gave a white look: "Since you like to listen, I will always play for you"

Saying that he would hold the strings, he would play another song, but Lin Sheng hurriedly said: "Hehe, sister, let's do it next time. I have something urgent for you this time."

"Oh! Urgent"

Emperor Dao Huiwu heard that his hand was lifted from the strings, and looked at Lin Sheng in doubt, saying, "What's the urgent matter?"

Lin Sheng sat opposite Dao Huiwu and heard: ...

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