Come to The Peak

Chapter 539: : Final Emperor Road

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Luo Yu flew out of the enchantment and stood in the air.

A pair of blood-red eyes stared at the **** long hair of tens of thousands of disciples, and there were wounds all over the body, blood dripping.

At this time, Luo Yu, like the one who had just been killed from hell, had a violent aura.

"Brother Yu, what happened to Brother Yu"

Xiao Dan clasped Luo Yan's arm with both hands and stared at Luo Yu in the air.

Luo Yan's eyes are also full of doubt. Now Luo Yu's breath is violent and scary. A pair of blood-red eyes are as human as ancient beasts.

At this time, Luo Yu gave all those who were familiar with him a sense of strangeness.

"Luo Yu! What is Luo Yu doing?"

Tens of thousands of disciples also exclaimed.

The blood robe youth in the crowd saw a weird smile when they saw this scene.

"Into the body, into the magic, haha, the show is about to begin ..."

A flash of blood flashed in Luo Yu's eyes, and slowly raised the purple giant sword in his hand.


"Not good! Luo Yu went into trouble"

In the midst of the air, the elder Wuwang, the **** of fire, also saw the abnormality of Luo Yu, and someone exclaimed.

Luo Yu raised the Purple Sword to cut it out from the crowd, at the same time, a **** swordman cut it out to the crowd.

"No, Luo Yu went into trouble and retreated!"

Tens of thousands of people exclaimed, and quickly backed away.

I have seen Luo Yu's shocking sword killing Fengchen. Who can compete with Luo Yu at this moment?


The huge blood-colored sword-mang cut to the crowd, and the crowd quickly retreated.

Click ...!

Jianmang was chopped on the ground, and the white light on the ground flashed and then dim, and a tens of meters of scary sword marks were chopped out, and even the formation on the ground was destroyed!

Fortunately, all disciples saw in advance that Luo Yu's situation did not retreat, and no one was killed or injured.


After Luo Yu growled, she wanted to kill with a sword.

"Stop him"

The Emperor Dao Yiwu, the three chiefs in the void, ordered to drink, and the three were also shocked by the sudden change in Luo Yu.

In fact, there is no need to order, the Elder God of Fire Realm has already been blocked by someone.

The man who shot was Elder Yan Su who presided over the life and death fight.

"Luo Yu, don't wake up yet!"

Elder Yan Su yelled, and this yell contained the power of the soul. At the same time, he turned his palm and grabbed Luo Yu.

The thick soil property Zhenyuan erupted, and it became a two-footed yellow palm and grabbed Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's consciousness was restored to a little Qingming by Elder Yan Su, but he was instantly replaced by violent killing intentions.

"Kill! Kill!"

Luo Yu's eyes were blood red, and after two roars, she even lifted the sword to the yellow palm that she caught.


As soon as another blood-red Jian Mang was cut out, it was instantly cut off to the yellow palm.


The huge yellow palm was cut in half by a sword.


Elder Yan Su issued a panic sound. His general state of agility was absolutely impossible to cut, but he was the King of Seven Fires.


Elder Yan Su is about to make a shot, but at this moment the vitality of the heavens and the earth in the void is volatile, and an old man wearing a purple robe with dragon hair and a childlike appearance appears in the void.

As soon as the old man appeared, his figure fluttered across a distance of 1,000 kilometers, and appeared in front of Luo Yu instantly.

Luo Yu was furious, and the sword was slashed to the old man in a head-to-head manner.

The old man's face remained the same, indifferent to the extreme, a white palm wrapped in green Zhenyuan grasped Luo Yu's purple giant sword.

And Luo Yu's purple giant sword did not leave a wound on the palm of the old man.

Instead, the old man's hand sent a horrible force, grabbing Luo Yu's purple giant sword to make Luo Yu twitch.

This scene was extremely uncoordinated, astounding tens of thousands of people, but after seeing the figure of the old man, one after another showed his worshiping eyes.

After the old man grabbed Luo Yu's purple giant sword, his other fingers changed and each green rune appeared in the palm of his hand.

The old man pointed out, and pointed at Luo Yu's forehead and brow, all the runes end into Luo Yu's forehead.


The old man drank softly, like a thunder reverberating between heaven and earth.

Luo Yu's blood flew all over the purple giant sword again.

The momentum of Luo Yu is also falling rapidly, and the agile state is complete, and the late, middle, and early stages of agile state are fully completed!

Luo Yu's momentum suddenly returned to the great consummation of Ningyuan Realm, his own cultivation for strength.

Luo Yu ’s hair also turned black, and the blood in her eyes faded into pure blue. When Luo Yu ’s eyes suddenly turned black, she fell into the air.

As soon as the old man waved his hand, the strength of the world fluctuated, and an invisible force dragged Luo Yu up.

Luo Luoyu, who can kill Fengchen with one sword, is as vulnerable as a baby in front of the old man. The old man shot to uniform Luo Yu, and the whole process was just three or four breaths.

Even before some people recovered from Luo Yu's frantic horror, Luo Yu was subdued.

Then the old man turned his head and looked at the more than 100,000 people present.

And all the elder Emperor Wuhu of Shenhuojing in the air quickly flew onto the ground, and the three palm lords in the void also flew lower than the old man, flying to the heads of all disciples.

"The disciple meets Da Zhangzun!"

Except for the old disciples who had just entered the school for more than a year, all the disciples kneeled on one knee, and looked up at the old man with a feverish look.

"The disciple meets Da Zhangzun!"

All the Emperor Wu of Shenhuojing even kneeled on one knee and looked up at the old man with worship in his eyes.

A warrior can kneel, but he cannot bow his head!

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Man, you can shrink back, but you can't bow your head either!



"Meet the big brother!"

The Emperor Wuzhuang of the Three Great Yuan Concubine was holding a fist to bow to the old man.

Shabu shabu

There are several streamers in the eight peaks, all of which are the elder Wuwang, the **** of fire and fire, who has not come to see life and death. There are more than thirty people.

When these people saw the old man, they also fell to the ground immediately and drank with one knee on their knees, saying, "The disciples, see the big palm!"

The entire Zixia Tianzong, everyone except the old man, is visiting this old man!

Who is this old man?

He is one of the top ten Emperors of the Emperor Wu of the mainland, and the emperor of the same rank as Qi Huangliuhao!

The emperor's way was empty, and Zixia Tianzong's contemporary masters lived. He lived for nearly a thousand years and was the first person in the entire Great Qin Empire.

Emperor Road is empty!

At this time, the new disciples also reacted, and Lulu was shocked. It turned out that the old man was the strongest in the Qin Dynasty. One of the top ten world-class powerhouses on the mainland, the Yuantai Realm exists.

At the same time, the new disciples in the Four Realms quickly knelt on one knee and looked up at the old man.

The comatose Luo Yu was suspended in front of the old man, and his body was bruised.

The old man lifted his hands in the air and said, "The elders of the disciples are exempt from courtesy, and the three masters and sisters are exempt from courtesy."

The voice of Daoxu's big palm respect is very bland and soft but it is an indescribable majesty to tens of thousands of people.

At the same time, more than one hundred thousand people felt only a force to pull themselves up, stood up and straightened their waist.

This hand shocked everyone again, except for some people, of course, such as the young man in the blood robe and Ge Xiuzhu Waner, in their eyes there is no trace of respect ...

Thanks for your uncle ’s effort to unblock the seal, kiss one, thank Xiaoqiao for the essential oil reward, thank Yueyao, fo, Guyuan, Tuobahong, silence, Uncle Yu and others for the reward. Come and kiss a bunch ...

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