Come to The Peak

Chapter 551: : Octopod Siren

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Luo Yu's consciousness shrouded an area of ​​800 meters, and then he flew a little bit in the mid-air at a height of 78 meters from the sea to explore the surrounding waters.

suddenly! Luo Yu showed a weird look, then stopped in mid-air.


There was a sound of water, and a huge figure bit at him.

This is a white shark with a length of seven to eight meters, and a large mouth of blood is full of rows of compact and sharp triangular teeth.

This is an ordinary fierce beast, the great white shark.

This fierce beast is a very common kind of fierce beast in the sea, but usually the martial arts soldiers of the Eighth Heaven and the Nine Heavenly Sky can deal with it, and the warriors below can also escape.

Seeing that the great white shark bite at himself, Luo Yu could not escape, a strong fishy smell came from the great white shark's mouth.

When the great white shark was about to bite Luo Yu in two, Luo Yu only stretched out two hands, one supporting the upper jaw of the great white shark, and one supporting the lower jaw of the great white shark. Can't bite.

Luo Yu's hand was held on the sharp triangular teeth without injury. A great white shark of more than 1,000 kilograms was held by Luo Yu with his mouth open and suspended in the air, but his tail kept swinging.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Gu Yuan was naturally shocked, and could not help revealing a trace of worship.

They met the great white shark and fled by boat, but they were as fragile as Luo Yu.

There was a flash of fierce light in Luo Yu's eyes, and his arms were strong.

Uh ...

Suddenly there was a **** rain in the sky, and the great white shark was torn in half by Luo Yu's mouth, and blood and internal organs were scattered in the sea.


With two sounds of falling water, Luo Yu threw the half of the shark carcass into the sea, and the sea was stained with scarlet.

Later, Luo Yu was surprised. A great number of great white sharks and some other carnivorous fishes rushed to this side in the distance, and then a large group of carnivorous fishes bite and devoured the carcasses killed by Luo Yu.

The scene was spectacular.

When Luo Yu shook his head when he saw this scene, he had to fly elsewhere to explore the waters. Suddenly, he stepped forward, and as soon as he had a flash of light in his head, one method suddenly jumped out.

He glanced back at the group of carnivorous fish that was devouring the body of the great white shark.

"Since this sea beast has devoured the human race, it must be very sensitive to the **** smell, so why bother looking for it or not letting it go to the net?"

Luo Yu stared at a group of carnivorous fish that devoured the body of a great white shark.

Then he took five fingers and a blue real yuan erupted from the palm of his hand. Then he was involved in a group of carnivorous fish that devoured the body of the great white shark. At once, a great white shark was rolled up again by Luo Yu. .

Luo Yu rolled the great white shark in the air, and then punched out.

An ordinary blue boxing shadow came out and blasted at the great white shark, which was also seven or eight meters long.


Blue boxing shadows bombarded the twirling Great White Shark. The Great White Shark exploded into a mass of blood rain, and then countless flesh and bones were scattered into the sea, and the blood in the sea below became more intense. .

Those carnivorous fish also devoured these flesh fragments even more crazily.

Luo Yu also fired in a row, killing four large carnivorous fishes in a row. The range of 100 meters above the sea was covered with a scarlet color, and the **** smell spread a few miles away. It came from dozens of nautical miles.

Soon, this area became a paradise for carnivorous fish, and the sea was full of scimitar dorsal fins.

There are great white sharks, tiger sharks, reef sharks, Fahrenheit fishes, Deng's fishes, all of which are a group of ferocious beast sea fish.

The small fishing boats were all surrounded by carnivorous fish, but none of them dared to attack the small fishing boats. The dragon and phoenixes exuded the powerful breath of beasts on Gu Yuan's shoulders. These fish were all fled in a ten meter range near the small fishing boats.

Luo Yu hugged her arms around her chest, and stood on the surface of the sea above the sea level, waiting silently for the Lord.

Gu Yuan in the distance is not stupid. When he saw Luo Yu's continuous bombardment of several sea beasts, he knew what Luo Yu was doing. He would actively attract that sea beast to come.

After a while, the **** smell of this blood domain became more and more intense, because some blood-eating fierce fish met here and killed themselves.

Luo Yu frowned suddenly, looking at the sea in a certain direction, her mouth slightly raised.

"Jesus, are you finally here!"

I saw a huge shadow swimming towards this side, and those marine fish that had been eating the corpse or killing each other suddenly stopped, and then fleeing madly towards the surrounding waters. There seemed to be something terrifying. Out of general.

Suddenly a huge large object emerged from the sea, and eight thick and long tentacles stretched out, engulfing eight great white sharks and other sharks.

The eight carnivorous fish twisted wildly after being rolled, but there were some sucker-like mouths on the tentacles. There were sharp fangs in the big mouth. Among the tentacles.

A few breath-taking kung fu pieces of huge carnivorous fish left only a **** skeleton.

"Appeared, sea beast, eight-footed sea monster!"

Gu Yuan shouted in the distance, his face full of panic.

Luo Yu in the air frowned and looked at this sea beast.

This is a huge sea monster that looks like an octopus. Its head has a two-story attic, its eyes are crimson, the size of a person's skull is eight tentacles with tens of meters in length, each with a bucket thickness and densely packed on it. The mouthpiece is full of sharp mouthparts.

These suckers are like the mouth of an eight-footed monster chapter, and the entangled things are directly bitten and eaten by the tentacles, and then the essence of flesh flows into the body.

Luo Yu swept away with divine knowledge. The eight-footed demon chapter has fluctuations in the demon element. It is cultivated as a true psychic sea monster in the late Ningyuan Realm.

The Eight-footed Monster Chapter swallowed up eight carnivorous fishes and looked up at Luo Yu in the air. The crimson eyes were full of fierce light.

Cultivation is like it, and it has long communicated with spiritual wisdom, but ordinary monsters can only spit people's words when they are in a spiritual state, and the divine fire state can be transformed into a person. Humans have become human beings, and gods and beasts can naturally become humans, such as dragon phoenix and fire unicorn.

"Quack quack ...!"

The Eight-footed Demon Chapter made an unpleasant screaming noise at Luo Yu. At the root of its eight tentacles, it also had a huge mouth full of fangs.

"Hum! Beast, you and I have no resentment. If you practice in the sea with peace of mind, I will not come to trouble you, but you come to my territorial waters to devour my human flesh and blood for cultivation, no wonder my Luo Yu is chopped today. Killed you and ruined it for hundreds of years "

Luo Yu said coldly as he left the air.

"Quack quack ...!"

The Eight-footed Demon Chapter still made an unpleasant sound, but it still understood Luo Yu's words. After a flash of murder in his eyes, four of the eight tentacles swept towards Luo Yu.

The four tentacles were like four pythons, entangled towards Luo Yu, bursting into the air, and the speed was very fast.

Luo Yu snorted with the sword fingers on his hands, the blue blue yuan poured into the sword fingers through the meridians, and then the nine blue sword puppets swept away by the four tentacles that swept away.

At the same time, Luo Yu's speed flew away, oh ...!

Nine pulsating Jianmang Fei don't chop on the four tentacles, but four tentacles have emerged into a dark blue demon Yuan wrapped tentacles. Nine pulsating Jianmang chops on the tentacles did not leave any wounds.

At the same time, because Luo Yu's body flew back, those four arms did not roll into Luo Yu.


At this time, four tentacles joined the battle group, and eight tentacles swept away from Luo Yu like pythons dancing wildly. These tentacles are very flexible, seemingly only tens of meters long, but they can pull two or three. A hundred meters long.

In the range of two or three hundred meters, the warrior can only stay close to this range, and the true Yuan attack of the warrior in the Ningyuan Realm will not cause much damage to the eight-footed monster chapter.


A tentacle struck, and Luo Yu's body flickered to the left and avoided, while Luo Yu pulled out the purple giant sword behind her and slashed away at a tentacle that had shot.

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The tentacles attacked Luo Yu, but they were severely chopped down by the purple giant sword that Luo Yu raised. A thick bucket of tentacles was chopped and cut off. The demon element on the protector had no effect at all, and could not stop the purple giant sword. Sharp.

One of the tentacles was chopped and dropped, and the octagonal demon chapter issued a painful roar, and all the other tentacles came round to Luo Yu ...

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