Come to The Peak

Chapter 555: : Homemade Swordsmanship

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Woohoo ...!

The sea breeze blew the white robe of the young man and the black hair on that end, looking wild and unruly.

The waves came from time to time, and the Wu Peng boat was also shaking in the waves.

But no matter how small the boat swayed, Luo Yu's figure was as if rooted on the deck, without a trace of cricket.

Gu Yuan's boating skills are also very good. The boat swayed in the waves, but the direction of the boat never deviated from the direction, and it still broke the waves to the east rising from the sun.

At this time, Luo Yu had no thoughts in her heart. It seemed that her heart had become the sea, the sea breeze, the waves, and the vastness of the sea and the boundless accommodation.

Suddenly, Luo Yu's original body moved slowly, and her back fell for a while, and the purple sword on her back fell into Luo Yu's hands.

Luo Yu closed her eyes and shot the sea with her purple sword in her hands. She wrapped the blue true element on her feet. Luo Yu ran on the sea as if she had no trace of weight.

Gu Yuan, who was driving the boat, saw this scene, and his eyes were full of surprise and doubt. The paddle in his hand stopped, stopped the boat on the sea, and looked at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu ran to the sea three or four hundred meters away from the boat, and the purple giant sword in her hand waved.

Pumping off the flow!

Try to split Huashan!

Sword gas stacking style!

Kill the wolf hand!

Overlord swordsmanship!

The swordsmanship that Luo Yu knows has been continuously displayed, and the figure waving a giant sword on the sea is like a flying butterfly, giving a natural and harmonious feeling.

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With the deepening of Luo Yu's sword style, the surrounding seawater was actually motivated, and a seawater vortex formed around Luo Yu.

Then the sea water rose into the sky and became a huge water column with a thickness of two or three meters. Then, with the Luoyu sword-like change, the water column also changed on the sea.

This scene saw Gu Yuan stunned, and the Dragon Phoenix was also a little surprised, because Luo Yu was just practicing swordsmanship without using the real element.

Without using material energy such as true element, how did he induce this seawater to condense and not change in the air?

The sea, the world, and the sea, do not choose a trickle. The sea has no mood or anger. After any storm, he still breeds hundreds of millions of souls.

The sea is the beginning of life. It is said that the human race was born in the sea and originated in the land, just like when a man is in the fetus, he can breathe freely in the amniotic fluid of the mother.

Someone put a newborn baby in the water, but after the baby was immersed, he even swam in the water, and seemed to be born close to the water.

These indicate that the origin of the human race is inseparable from the sea, and now Luo Yu seems to be trapped in a mood of the sea.

Luo Yu's sword suddenly slowed down, and the sword became very slow. Gu Yuan could see the sword's swing clearly.

But this slowness gives a continuous feeling of endlessness, there is no obscurity to block one sword after another.

Suddenly, none of the swords that had not irrigated Zhenyuan poured into Zhenyuan, and the purple sword giant sword that poured into Zhenyuan was released in blue light. With the swing of Luo Yujian, it turned into blue waves.

The ripple pulse is no different from that of Luo Yu's feet.

Suddenly Luo Yu's domineering sword intention emanated again.

Sword meaning is heavy, sword meaning is double, sword meaning is triple, sword meaning is getting stronger and stronger.

Whisper ...

The strong sword eruption erupted at sea, and the seawater within a 100-meter radius gradually boiled. Later, Luo Yu was the center. Three giant water swords formed by the seawater were formed. The water sword foot was ten meters in size.

Ke Luoyu's sword is still strengthening, at a horrible speed, triple, middle triple, late triple!

Luo Yu's eyes suddenly opened, emitting two fine lights.

"The sword is fourfold, broken!"

Whew ...!

With a light drink, the sword in his body exploded for another burst, and the seawater in the sea level beneath his feet was tumbling again, and the seawater surged up.

The fourth water sword is shaped!

Four huge water swords surround Luo Luo, and Gu Yuan and Long Huangque Bai Ze are gazing at this scene in the distance.

They were hundreds of meters apart, but still could feel the stern and overbearing breath, that was the sword!

Luo Yu stands on a horizontal surface like a **** of heaven, surrounded by four huge water swords.

Luo Yu's blue eyes looked at the red sun on the horizon and raised the purple sword in her hand.

The purple sword giant sword is blue, and the blue water ripples ripples.

"The vast blue sky rises,

Endless waves of waves! "

Luo Yu spoke with a sword like a pen from God, and came out like a flat spike of Jinghong's present dream.

Correct! It was a flat stab, and a simple forward stab, it seemed so simple that anyone could do it.

But this simple stab is like a fusion of all the sword moves that Luo Yu can, into a simple stab.

Buzz Buzz ...

For a while, the trembling sword of the Aster, seemed to want to escape from Luo Yu ’s hand, and then the Aster sword became blue again, and the blue ripples wafted forward. There were four circles of blue ripples.

Rumble ...

Everywhere in front of the sea after being radiated by the blue ripples, there was a tumbling wave, and then a violent explosion blasted a monstrous water wave, just like several bombs exploded.

There is a huge sea reef that is five or six meters in height. After being hit by a blue ripple, it explodes into powder. This blue ripple gradually disappears after hitting a hundred meters ...

"There are endless waves of waves, this trick is called Jianbo Qianfold!"

Luo Yu muttered to himself as he watched the scene destroyed by the blue sword wave in front.

This Jianbo Qiandie was naturally created by him at the time of epiphany, and the sword intention has always been merged into the Jianman sword strength by the warrior to increase the power of the sword.

However, this move of Jianbo Qiandie is that Luo Yu directly uses Jianyi as an attack, instead of using blessing on top of the sword, and directly uses Jianyi to bless Zhenyuan to create a attack on the sword.

The power of the Jianbo Qianjie just now is comparable to the full explosive power of the Xuanjie Zhongpin martial arts.

Don't look at the power of the medium-level Xuanjie martial arts, but this is just a quadruple sword-like sword wave. If it is five-fold five-fold, six-fold six-fold, or even one thousand stacks, how powerful is this trick? powerful? Unimaginable.

And how old is Luo Yu? How much cultivation is done, and now has created a martial arts skill that is quite mysterious, and this martial art has room for improvement. If it is passed on, I do n’t know how many scared geniuses will be scared to death.

Based on Luo Yu's current experience and cultivation, it is estimated that not many people will be surprised if they create a yellow-level martial arts. After all, Ningyuanjing's great strength is a popular talent everywhere.

But he created a mysterious martial arts skill, and he can continue to improve his power, which is too shocking.

Luo Yu satisfactorily retrieved the purple giant sword obliquely inserted in the back. Even if he did not find the flower of fire and water this time in the South China Sea, the realization of Jianbo Qianjie's understanding did not make him useless.

Zhenyuan wrapped her feet, Luo Yu flew back to the Wu Peng boat with a few jumps on the sea. Regardless of everyone's surprise and doubt, she went straight into the Wu Peng and crossed her knees to practice.

He still needs to understand the trick Jian Qian Qian just created, and see if there is anything that can be improved ...

And Gu Yuan also came back, singing a fishing song, shaking the black shed boat galloping towards the sea, and the simple fishing song mellowed perfectly with the sound of the waves ...

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