Come to The Peak

Chapter 575: : Soul Jade Space

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There was silence on the deck, only the sound of minced meat falling on the deck.

Luo Yu was still standing on top of the Purple Sword, and her body had killed a strong conqueror who had completed Ningyuan Realm without moving her body.

The merchant ship guard and the Tatar people looked at a young man with long blue hair and fluttering eyes, with a look of horror in his eyes.

The old man named Zhao looked at the figure of the young man and felt the violent breath that emanated, and uttered a few words from his mouth.

"In the middle of agility!"

The charming woman in red next to the old man named Zhao, looking at the figure of the young man, covered her **** cherry mouth with one hand, leaving two lines of tears in her beautiful eyes.

"Is it really you ... Luo Yu ... Brother Luo Yu ..."

He must have seen the scene of being bombarded under his eyes, shrinking his eyes, and said coldly, "Boy, you must be a pig and eat a tiger!"

"Play pig eat tiger?"

Luo Yu smiled coldly and did not explain anything. He was originally a consummate practitioner of Ningyuan Realm.

However, the blood of Jiu Zhongwu Emperor is against the sky, the Baji collapses the strength and is at least the mystery of the ranks, and the great perfect Bahu Benleiquan, how powerful is this fist.

Luo Yu lightly jumped off the purple giant sword, and the next one shook and held the purple giant in his hand.

Luo Yu held the Aster giant sword obliquely and pointedly said in a cold voice: "Give you three sucks, take the person you have to hurry up, otherwise all of you will only be buried in the sea today"

"Bury the sea forever? Oh, arrogant, boy, don't think that if you kill me, you will be eligible to swear words. Whoever buried the sea will know it after the war!"

He drank a cold drink and shot at Luo Yu with a blue trident.

"Hum, fight!"

Luo Yu didn't talk too much nonsense. He took the sole of the giant purple sword and stepped on it, and rushed to the end.

He must hold the trident in both hands and cut it from head to head.


Luo Yu held the sword horizontally with both hands, and then the sword slanted away the blue trident and kicked it away from the side of the extremist skull.

The vitality of the leg that was scratched by the leg was painful in the face, and the elbow was lifted one block. A bang of Luo Yu kicked on the elbow of the extremity, and he kicked back a few steps to release the force. At the same time, There was a burst of Ma Tong on his elbow.

After Luo Yu kicked back with one leg and kicked off with one hand and became a sword, Zhenyuan poured in.


Suddenly, nine pulsed sword qi shot and killed away from the uncle, and the nine pulsed sword awns lined up like a long blue light.

The complexion's complexion changed slightly, and Zhenyuan's body was shot at the same time. A huge blue palm print patted the nine pulse sword horns that were shot, breaking the seven in front, and the rest.

One of the two remaining shots broke through the body of Zhenyuan, and the last shot was scattered on the exquisite armor, leaving only a sword mark on the armor.

Nine pulses of Jianmang are absolutely unharmed.

"Haha, boy, are you tickling me? Not enough, not enough"

He sneered sneer, meanwhile, he waved the blue trident in his hand, and a huge blue light blade slashed at Luo Yu.

"Hum, isn't it tickle you try this trick, Bahu Benleiquan!"

Luo Yu yelled, punched out, and eight blue tigers rushed out of his fists, violently bombarding them, and at the same time Luo Yu's hands cut a large blue sword Also came out.

Uh ...!

Jianmang and Lightblade slammed together, exploded and opened, rolled sharply and swept openly, and two Tatars and human races stood too close, and the sharp sword air affected the body and immediately scratched them. Blood, flesh and blood are cut a lot.

"Hurry away!"

Both sides of the horse rushed to each other, and the merchant ship guards and the Tatar people retreated to the two ends of the ship, protecting themselves with true Yuan and Qi.

Bang bang bang bang

Eight heads of fierce tiger fist blasted to the uncle, only one palm broke five heads of fierce tiger fist, and the remaining one broke the body of the real yuan, and the last two hit them severely on the chest of the uncle.


The exquisite blue armor was exploded, and the cracks were about to be broken. The exorbitant was also blasted by the power brought by the fist shadow, and a spit of anti-blood spewed from the throat.


Luo Yu and Juezhen each rushed together with their weapons, two blue rays entangled, hit the midair from the ship, and then they fought again on the surface of the sea. Some of the swimming fish and great white sharks were directly killed by the violent and sharp air waves, or they were hanged and turned into powder.

Dangdangdang ...!

Luo Yu drew his sword and cut off the nine-sword combo. He shook back and forth, and the nine-sword never backed off from the back. It was almost peaceful to his puppet people on the sea. Stand on the sea.

He must hold the blue trident in both hands, and his feet slammed on the sea surface. The sea surface was tumbling, and he was cut off. Luo Yu's sword was blocked in front. When Luo Yu was shocked, he sank to the sea.

At this time, the corner of his mouth was a sneer, and the palm of the hand was facing the sea, and the real yuan erupted into the sea.

Luo Yu in the sea was about to swim up to the sea, but suddenly a few blue water spears condensed in the sea and shot at Luo Yu.

The dense water spear was sealed in all directions, and Luo Yu retreated.


Several water spears blasted, and the purple pupil of the dragon-phoenix bird on Luo Yu's shoulder flashed coldly, and a bite of dragon-phoenix purple inflammation spewed out. As soon as the dragon-phoenix purple inflammation came out, it evaporated more than ten meters of water , Formed a strange waterless vacuum, and Longhuang Ziyan formed a huge fireball wrapped Luo Yu and Long Huangque.

Uh ...

Numerous water spears shot on the fireball and immediately rose white smoke. When the fireball was pierced and shot into the water spear, it was almost evaporated, and the waves of ripples were shot on Luo Yu's true Yuan body, and Did not pierce the real element guard.

Luo Yu's body wrapped around Luo Yu's body broke into the air and flew out like a Mars.

"What! How is that possible!"

Definitely perceives the following things with divine knowledge, and naturally knows Luo Yu's situation, and sees Dragon Phoenix Ziyan easily defend his water spear and can't help but be surprised.

This is the five elements, the water can extinguish a fire, and the fire can evaporate water. It depends on who is better.

"Pirates, die!"

While Luo Yu ascended to Shanghai, a dragon chant rang out from the Yuanyuan rushing purple sword, and a very solid water dragon that was more than ten meters long roared out.

Bombed and killed on the sea.

Scorching Water Dragon Cut!

The water dragon broke through the sea water and turned up a wave of waves, just like the real dragon dragon went to sea.


The water dragon slammed heavily on the urn on the sea, and Zhenyuan's body shattered like foam, and the blue armor burst into pieces with a bang.

" what…"

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There was a terrible cry, and he was bombarded hundreds of meters away and fell on the sea.

Luo Yu rushed out of the sea and shot away at the cricket, but the cricket immediately turned over and dived into the sea.


Luo Yu looked at the corner of his mouth, who had dived into the sea, and didn't go after him. It seemed that he knew the other party was about to run away.

" Roar!"

There was a sudden roar like a wolf and tiger in the sea below.

The uncle who dived into the sea suddenly felt a white shadow hitting himself.


Bai Ying slammed against Jue ’s chest severely, Jue ’s eyes were glared, and then he flew to the surface of Shanghai at a faster speed, as if hit by a shooting star.

As he flew upside down, he could see what had hit him.

It was a snow-white beast, looking like a lion and tiger, with white snowy horns at the head, two sharp sword teeth showing a foot over a foot long, and a pair of blue pupils exuding fierce light.

It was Luo Yu who had ordered Bai Ze lurking in the sea long ago.

Luo Fei immediately moved when he flew up to the surface of the sea, his body burst into a shot, and he held the sword in his hands and cut it fiercely.


The purple giant sword was slammed into the chest from the back of the exquisite, the spine and bones were cut and inserted, the sword body protruded from the chest, and the inserted heart on the sword tip exuded warmth.

The eyes were absolutely glaring, all inconceivable.


Luo Yu snorted, and flew into the air with the cricket, and the purple sword suddenly burst into a suction. The blood and blood of the cricket's whole body was sucked into the sword by the purple sword.

The magpie turned into a human body with scales and bones.

A pale golden figure emerged from the exquisite skull, and was then sucked into the soul soul jade.

After the soul's jade light disappeared, the peace was restored.

Luo Yu stabbed the exquisite corpse, vibrating the Phoenix Golden Wing flying in the air, the other hand touched the soul jade on the neck, and the consciousness penetrated into the soul jade.

Inside the soul jade is a space shrouded in golden mist. The golden mist is very strong and is about to materialize. The golden mist is all the power of the soul.

After entering the soul jade, the exquisite soul was immediately wrapped in a cloud of golden mist, and then the exquisite soul was refined into a thick golden mist soul energy.

In the center of Soul Jade, a somewhat illusive figure hovered flat in the space.

This is a very pretty girl. She is now about eighteen years old, with a face of sunflower seeds, her hair tied into two bundles of ponytails, her eyes closed peacefully, and her whole body nakedly drawing a proud curve.

It is the soul of Nangong Xiner.

The golden mist in the space of soul jade lingers around Xin'er's body, and a little bit of pouring into Xin'er's body makes Xin'er's soul more and more condensed.

When Luo Yu's consciousness detected Xiner's soul condition, two lines of tears slipped on Junlang's face, and then consciously retreated from the soul jade.

"Xin'er, rest assured that you are asleep, and you will wake up when I have collected enough souls ..."

Luo Yu put the soul jade to his mouth and muttered to himself, closed his eyes and gently touched the moist soul jade with his face, revealing an indescribable tenderness.

But Luo Yu's tears were two silently absorbed into the soul jade, dripping on Xin Er's soul, Xin Er's eyes also slipped two drops of golden tears ...

Luo Yu reached into the extinct dead body with one hand, and took out three blue beads with large female fingers. This bead is the exquisite Yuanzang.

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