Come to The Peak

Chapter 706: : Wei Guo

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On the second day, Begonia's mother woke up, and the mother and daughter were naturally grateful to Luo Yu and others.

"Well, girl Begonia, don't do that kind of thing in the future, in case someone misses you again, it's not like us."

Canghai, on the deck, Luo Yu and others saw off for the mother and daughter of Begonia.

"Begonia will not do this kind of thing in the future. Thanks to the grandson Xiaoqiao and everyone for their generosity, Begonia will never live."

Begonia bowed to everyone.

"Thank you all for your life-saving grace, thank you very much" Begonia's mother bowed to everyone.

"There will be a period later, don't get caught"

"Goodbye everyone"

Then the mother and daughter jumped on the back of the black whale under the watch of everyone and slowly sank into the sea.

A lean man looked at the sea where his mother and daughter left in the captain's control room, revealing a strange color.

"Although the races are different, they are also flesh and blood and emotional life. Unfortunately, the greed of the human race is quickly destroying this race."

Dongfang Yueyao sighed at the mother and daughter who dived into the sea.

"That's the root of human nature. Compatriots kill each other for the sake of their interests, not to mention other races," Luo Yu said, shaking his head with his hands behind his back.

"Yeah, and it will be another troubled time in the future. The human race doesn't know how many compatriots they will kill each other."

Ye Zhi's poison gradually recovered after a period of healing.

"The troubled times, the heroes in the troubled times in China, this era will be under our control"

Luo Yu looked towards the endless coastline, and her ambition rose.

"Haha, yes, this is our time!"

A group of people echoed with laughter, and the passenger ship began to sail towards Wei.

Four days later, the ship finally arrived in Wei and docked at the Hailing City Pier in Wei.

Hailing City is a border sea city in the Wei Kingdom, with an area similar to that of the White Maple City in the Qin Kingdom.

However, Wei is a country in the desert. The landform of this country is mostly desert. The buildings are carved from megaliths. Most of the people are wearing silk sand clothes, which has a very exotic style.

Dongfang Yueyao will make a mission to Wei Kingdom. Wei Kingdom naturally knew that and was ready.

A ship with a size of not less than a purple cloud, and a huge yellow airship with an oval shape was ready for reception in Hailing City.

Dongfang Yueyao and others went to the main city of Hailing City to declare their identity and were immediately treated with a grand hospitality. They were then arranged into a yellow airship.

The person received by Wei Guolai was a middle-aged man in a yellow suit, named Mosha, who was also a master of agility, and there were also a hundred guards wearing a yellow armor in a true spirit.

"Mo Sha Gong welcomes the distinguished guests of Princess Yueyue Yao and Zixia Tianzong"

"Hehe, Lord Mo is more courteous, thank you Lord for coming far away to greet"

Mosha saluted the crowd and greeted them into the airship.

They are all people of the country, non-zongmen disciples, and the name of the kingdom of Wei is Tianyan, one of the seven major forces on the mainland, and there are three Emperor Wuhuang.

Among them, Xiao Han, one of the top ten emperors in the mainland, was weaker than Zixia Tianzong.

Chu State, Qin State, War God Temple, and Zixia Tianzong, these two state gates are among the top seven.

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Hailing City is not the imperial city of Wei State. Wei of Wei State is also thousands of miles away from this Hailing City. The airship finally flew to Wei Capital after flying all day and night.

Yellow megalithic buildings cover thousands of miles. Massive people enter and exit from the four city gates. At the center is a palace group carved with topaz.

A giant city that is not inferior to the Great Qin Emperor is dormant on the desert.

The desert here is different from the barren desert, with large coniferous forests, but the land is sandy.

Weidu finally arrived.

The airship stopped at the Imperial Military Academy field in the center of Weidu, while tens of thousands of people watched the airship land in the military field.

The airship door opened and a group of people came down.

"Woohoo ..."


The loud horn sound and the drum crash on the military academy sounded.

Two rows of sergeants in gold armor stood guarding on both sides. In the middle was a large red carpet covered with monster fur, and people stepped on it as if in the clouds.

A group of people walked over from the other side of the carpet. The head was a middle-aged burly man.

The man was wearing a golden robe with a golden yellow bear totem, a khaki long hair on his back, a nine-cornered jade crown, a yellow cloud belt on his waist, a lion's mouth and a tiger's nose, and his face looked like a knife and a knife. Angular.

Wei Wang Wei Zheng, the Secular Ruler of Wei Kingdom

There is a beautiful lady in a yellow costume next to King Wei, naturally a queen, followed by guards on both sides, and a group of ministers behind.

Dongfang Yueyao wore a long purple dress, with a light smile on her face, and everyone slowly stepped off the airship.

"Hahaha ... Welcome Princess Qin Yueyao to visit Wei Kingdom"

Wei Wang took a long walk and walked over and said with a laugh, his voice was loud and shocking.

"Yue Yao said hello to Her Majesty and Queen on behalf of my Great Qin Empire"

Dongfang Yueyao gave a gift to Wei Guoying.

"Meet the King and Her Majesty"

Luo Yu, Ye Ye Nan Muqing, and others salute the King and Queen with their fists.

"Haha ... I haven't seen you for nineteen years. I didn't expect Yueyao's niece to grow into a dazzling princess Qin. I went to see you in Qin Dynasty in the capital of the emperor. Is this such a tall girl?"

Wang Wei looked at Dongfang Yueyao and said with a smile.

"Uncle Zheng is still as powerful as he was then."

Dongfang Yueyao smiled sweetly, like a younger niece who met her elders.

"Ah, old, no better than you young people, come, Yue Yao, the palace has prepared a palace feast for you to clean the wind for you."

King Wang laughed, and led everyone to the palace of Wei Guo.

"Well, that's the princess of Daqin. She really looks like a country."

A handsome young man with yellow hair wearing a robe, looking at Dongfang Yueyao in the crowd on both sides, exclaimed.

"Hey, Your Highness, do you look at Princess Yueyao?" A middle-aged man in a black shirt laughed next to him.

"Well, this woman's temperament and looks are unparalleled, making people have a desire to conquer."

The second prince Wei Yong nodded.

"This time, Princess Yao is coming to our Wei country to discuss the alliance. Her Majesty's favorite is His Highness, why not ..."

The middle-aged man whispered in Wei Yong's ear. Wei Yong also smiled and nodded.

In the hall of the Imperial Palace of Wei Kingdom, the treasures of the mountains and the sea, fine food and wine were set up, and the guests and the guests settled down to start a wine feast.

"Haha, come, Princess Yueyao is not far away from my Wei country tens of thousands of miles, my king wants to have a drink with Yueyao first"

King Wei laughed and toasted on the throne, Dongfang Yueyao quickly got up to raise a glass, and drank with King Wei.

Later, the ministers and princes of King Wei also had a drink with Dongfang Yueyao.

"Yueyao, how is your father now?"

Wei Wang asked with a smile.

"His Majesty, Father Wang is still in good health, and now he has broken into the realm of nine calamities," Dongfang Yueyao laughed.

"Hehe, that's all right. In that year, in the capital and your father and king, there is no difference between victory and defeat. I have always wanted to fight with your father and king over the years"

King Wei laughed, and he was also the strong king of Wuwang.

The crowd then drank at the palace feast, and at this time, a group of unexpected guests came quietly ...

Thanks to Babao and my heart for unblocking me, thank you both, and thank you to the old songs, Chaolong, Zhang Zhan, Babao, breathing, and broken feathers.

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