Come to The Peak

Chapter 714: : Xiang Yan

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There was a noise outside, but the courtyard was quiet.

After Luo Yu entered the palace, she used the cover of a bonsai to sneak into the palace. The palace was filled with some serving maids. Naturally, Luo Yu could not be found by these people.

In the middle of the Sihe Hall is the main hall. Generally, the main talents live in the hall.

The light was bright in the hall, and Luo Yu sneaked into the main hall quietly. At this time, two white-clad maids came over, and Luo Yu's heart went into a room.

"Xin Er, what seemed to be moving outside just now?"

A palace maid said to her companion.

"It seems that someone broke into the mansion. I really don't know whether to die or not. Someone dared to break into the residence of the envoy of Chu State," said another woman, frowning.

"Yeah, there are so many masters here, and there are smart martial arts soldiers. Even an army of 10,000 people can't break in."

"I really don't know who didn't open our eyes to break into our mansion. Okay, let's go and get the princess' bath supplies ready."

Between the two of them, they came to this side so desperately.

Luo Yu entered this room very empty, no furniture or anything, only a row of hangers, a green jade screen and a chair

Luo Yu regretted it when he entered. How acute his five senses were. He didn't use his knowledge to find out that the two maids were heading here, and there was no hiding place in this room.

"Fuck, how bad luck is it to kill the two maids?"

Looking at the empty room, Luo Yu was speechless in his heart, which allowed him to kill two weak women, but he couldn't do it, so he ran to the screen and went to hide temporarily.

Fortunately, there was a huge one-man rosewood bath barrel behind the screen, half a barrel of steaming hot water, and a layer of delicate red petals floating on it.

Luo Yu didn't care about other things either, he jumped into the wooden barrel gently and sank into the bottom of the barrel, while the petals on the top covered him hiding in the bottom of the barrel.

A palace maid opened the door of the room and came in, walked to a hanger, and put some clothes on, while a palace maid went to another room aside.

Dressed in a sky blue palace dress, Chu Xinli, who was light and beautiful, was looking at the letter on the desk in the study. Mei Mei was still a little swollen and still silent in the content of the letter.

"Beloved, is your father and compassion in your heart, just a political tool? Pity, compassion, I am your most beloved daughter."

Chu Xinli did not want to believe the content of this letter.

"Hmm ...!"

At this time there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in"

Chu Xinli received the letter and looked up, readjusting his emotions.

"Princess, the hot water is ready, please ask the princess to bathe and change clothes"

A white maid came in and bowed.

"okay, I get it"

Chu nodded sympathetically, put the letter in the drawer under the book case, and Lianbu nudged out of the room with the maid and walked to the bathroom.

Chu Xin entered the bathroom, and the two maids stepped back respectfully, closed the door gently, walked out of the doorway, and waited for the exit of the corridor in the distance.

Chu Xinli walked to the jade barrel behind the screen, slowly relieved the bun on his head.

The coiled three thousand blue silk was scattered, Chu Xinli loosened his belt again, tied his clothes, and slowly fell in a palace costume.

A delicate body with snow-white skin like jade was revealed, and the white and red crystal clear skin looked so charming under the light.

Chu Xinliu has a lotus with green leaves and red petals on her back, which adds two more charming charms, but Chu Xinli is still a rare white tiger.

Chu Xinli gently lifted his jade legs into the jade bucket, closed her eyes and lay down slowly.

Then ...


A ninety-feet woman screamed in the Sihedian, and the voice surprised the maid outside.

"Ah, what's wrong?"

The two court ladies who were kept outside were frightened when they heard the scream and hurried over. Several other court ladies in the temple also rushed over and surrounded the bathroom.

"Princess, princess, what's wrong?"

A palace girl asked, bowing outside the door.

In the bathroom, in the jade barrel behind the screen, Luo Yu hugged Chu Xinping with one hand and covered the latter's mouth with one hand, her eyes were all awkward.

"Answer them quickly and talk well"

A dagger appeared in Luo Yu's hand than Chu's compassionate neck, posing a touch of coldness.

"Woohoo ..."

Chu Xin nodded in pity, Mei Mei was still in terror.

"Princess? Princess? What's wrong?"

The outside maid was still wondering.

"No ... nothing. I saw a mouse just now and it scared me to death. Just step back."

There was a pitying voice in the bathroom.

"It turned out to be a mouse"

All the palace ladies were relieved when they heard the words. Although their princesses were also warriors in the Ningyuan Realm, they knew about the terrible mice.


The palace ladies all retreated, and Luo Yu, who was hugging Chu Xinli, was relieved in the bath tub. She took away the dagger that was on Chu Xinli's neck, and at the same time she let Chu Xinli's hand go .

This wooden barrel was very large, more than two meters in diameter, and Luo Yu immediately let go of Chu Xinli and got rid of Luo Yu's embrace.

Turned his hands to protect his chest and looked at Luo Yu.

"It's you!"

Chu Xinli was surprised when Luo Yu saw it, and then a look of anger appeared on her face.

"Heh ... heh ... heart ... heart princess ... I ..."


Luo Yu was extremely embarrassed, looking at Chu's unreserved jade body, and two lines of scarlet flowed out of her nose indisputably.

At this time, Luo Yu recovered her original shape, and Chu Xinci naturally recognized Luo Yu at a glance.

But before Luo Yu's words were finished, Chu Xinli slapped him on the face with a slap, and this slap also forced Luo Yu to slap him.

"Asshole, haven't seen enough, go out!"

Chu Xinjiao drank, water mist had already appeared in the beautiful eyes.

Luo Yu stayed for two seconds, then shot out of the bucket immediately, stepped out of the screen, stood awkwardly in the bathroom, facing away from the screen.

After the screen came a sparse sound of dressing, and Chu Xin, who was dressed a moment later, came out.

Chu Xinli's complexion was ugly, her hair was wet and a little waterdrops, just like the green lotus in the water, more charming.

Chu Xinli came to Luo Yu and looked at Luo Yu coldly, staring directly into his eyes.

The most √F new chapter \ 'section h ‘;

"Huh, I didn't expect Qin Guo to be this kind of goods on the first day, but he was a shameless gangster!"

The words said that our brother Yu was not embarrassed, and two beans were sweating on his head.

"The princess misunderstood, I ... I ... I didn't come to see the princess taking a bath, no, no, no, I didn't mean to see the princess take a bath, no, nor ... I ... hey ... princess, you should hit me again "

Luo Yu is usually a sharp tongue, but now he is stupid, and said such a fart for a long time.

Luo Yu looked at Chu's pitying eyes, his face turned red, and he was helpless to a child who had done something wrong. There was the arrogance of Chu Jingtian and Wangchuan in the daytime.

Chu Xinli has been looking at Luo Yu's eyes. There are panic, embarrassment and apology in these blue eyes.

Looking at Luo Yu's helplessness and panic again, Chu Xinli laughed aloud.

After Chu Xinsi smiled, she seemed to feel her fault, and immediately became serious again, and recovered her coldness.

"Why, this guy is obviously frivolous, why can't I kill him in my heart, not even hate."

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