Come to The Peak

Chapter 730: : Yue Yao Zhi (Large

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Chapter 730: Moon Yao Yao

Uh ...!

"Ah ... ah!"

Six men in black were shot and chopped into flesh by dozens of thousands of demon blades, extremely bloody.


At this time, the remaining twenty or so black warriors retreated together, raising their hands, and black fists the size of fists shot at Luo Yan and Dongfang Yueyao.


Luo Yao's demon blade was chopped on a black ball, and suddenly the black ball exploded with a loud explosion.

Rumble ...!

The explosion was very loud. The tens of meters of the explosion were shrouded in explosions, the house was knocked down and a large pit was blown out on the street.

This ball is more powerful than a grenade, and it is comparable to the full blow of a master in the early stages of spirituality.

"This is, Hei Lei! Not good, second brother, retreat"

Dongfang Yueyao glared at the appearance of her beautiful eyes, uttering a shock.

Black Thunder, a carrier that contains a lot of energy, has a price that is not lower than that of a fourth-grade treasure weapon. It is also something that can be made by a founder.

However, this kind of thing is forbidden. Like the siege crossbow, other forces other than the country will be destroyed if they find it to be rebellious.

So ah, this kind of thing is not for ordinary people to dare to use, ordinary people can have.

Uh ...!

And now more than ten and twenty black mines are banging at Luo Yan together, that is to say, quite twenty masters in the early stage of the spiritual realm have shot together.

Luo Yan also changed his face. He naturally saw the power just now, but the black laser in all directions blocked all the places where he fled. There was no retreat but hard resistance.

"Booming ...! Booming ...!"

"Booming ...!"

Uh ...!

The white light at the center of the street was loud, and the violent explosion sounded clearly in the urban area of ​​Barry.

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The area of ​​hundreds of meters from the center of the explosion was moved to flat ground, and the house became rubble. Dozens of onlookers were blown into the ground by the explosion. Others who were watching from a distance were frightened.

Woohoo ...!

The dust covered this area, and nothing could be seen clearly. When the dust dispersed, a purple giant bird appeared in the eyes of everyone.

This purple giant bird has a wingspan of ten meters, a phoenix head with purple feathers, two short purple horns above the brow bone, five feet on its feet, covering golden dragon scales, and nine long, purple tail feathers on its tail. Very beautiful.

The phoenix phoenix's body was a bit dim, and her feathers were a little messy, and a few were blown off, but her wings protected Dongfang Yueyao, and Dongfang Yueyao was not injured.

"Abominable, it turned out to be a transformed spirit bird"

On the roof in the distance, two men in black stood on it, and a man holding a black ancient sword yelled.

"Master Pu, Dongfang Yueyao has given it to you. I'll kill the spirit bird!"

The man in black ordered to the man in black next to him.

"Fight fast, or the Guards will not be able to do it any time soon!"

"Understand brother, leave it to me"

The other man in black nodded, and the soles of his feet were bursting in gold, his body shot like an arrow off the string.


The man in black holding the sword was also a little tiptoe and shot.

"What, spirit bird!"

"Abominable, unharmed!"

The twenty or so assassins were shocked when they saw that Luo Di had shown no damage to the bird itself.

"Long Phoenix Purple Flame!"

The dragon phoenix was also angry in his heart, whether it was in the urban area or not, with a long beak, and a purple flame spewed out.

Woohoo ...!

The towering purple flames swept out of the surrounding assassins, and the temperature in this area rose sharply.

The group of assassins were frightened, and quickly backed away, and then the flames condensed together to form a purple fire python, twenty or thirty meters long.

"Haw howls ...!"

The purple fire python roared, swept a body, and drew four black assassins from Ningyuan Realm into it, and suddenly a sound of misery rang out.

"Ah ...! Oh ...!"

The real protectors of the four assassins in black were shattered, and the whole body burst into a purple flame. The skin cracked and blood flowed out.

Two or three of the four black assassins breathed into ashes and disappeared into the blood.

"Sin beast, dare!"

There was a loud drink in the night sky.


A black streamer shot. This was an assassin in the same black suit, with a pair of black yuan wings condensing from behind.


The black assassin pulled out the black ancient sword and cut it out to the dragon and phoenix, and suddenly a black swordman roared and chopped to the dragon and phoenix.

The power of this black swordmang is not ordinary, and it is comparable to the true Yuan attack issued by those Ningyuan warriors.


The black sword-mang directly cut the dragon-phoenix bird's demon body guard, and cut out a blood hole on it.

"Well! ..."

The dragon phoenix eats the fierce light in the purple eyes, a pair of giant wings and a fan.

Whew ...!

Suddenly a strong wind rolled up, rolling up the gravel and rubble on the ground, and the demon elements on the purple wings lingered around. Immediately, hundreds of demon blades and light blades condensed to kill black assassins.

Uh ...!

Hundreds of demon blades rushed towards the assassin in black, bringing a burst of air whistling and cracking sounds, which was appalling.

The black assassin's face remained unchanged, his wrist flipped, and the long sword in his hand waved imperviously, forming a black sword-light disc.

Uh ...

Countless red demon blades were shattered on Jianguang's disc.


The black assassin then rushed to the front of the dragon and phoenix, a sword stabbed as if in shock, and a black sword thorn pierced the throat of the dragon and phoenix.

The dragon phoenix took a shot of a giant wing directly, and patted it on the thorny black sword-man.

"Body and sword in one!"

The black assassin Zhenyuan poured into the black ancient sword in his hand again, and suddenly a black sword light covered the whole body of the black assassin.


The assassin in black turned into a black sword light lasing towards the dragon phoenix, the speed was very amazing.


This sudden acceleration turned into Jianguang, and the dragon phoenix couldn't help but was caught off guard, and was stroked on the chest by a Jianguang, drawing a huge bloodstream.

Uh ...!

The black sword light was radiating around the dragon and phoenix. The dragon and phoenix was too big to protect the whole body, and under him was Dongfang Yueyao. He also wanted to protect Dongfang Yueyao. Several breathing rooms were drawn out. Several huge sword marks.

Dongfang Yueyao was naturally distressed when she saw this scene.

"Second Brother, leave me alone, kill the enemy with all your strength!"

Dongfang Yueyao quickly exclaimed.

"Okay, sister five, take care first!"

The dragon phoenix did not hesitate, and its body size shrank suddenly. After a flash of light, it turned into a handsome young Luo Luo with purple hair.

At this time, Luo Yan had wounds on his chest and on his back. This was naturally the wound that had just been attacked.

Two more one-foot-long purple flame daggers appeared in Luo Yan's hands. This flame dagger was not the real element of Ningyuan Ning, but Luo Yu refined the dragon phoenix with the hardest feather and ore of the dragon phoenix. Fifth-order treasure, purple blood!

Luo Yan held the purple blood double dagger into a red light, the speed is very fast, no less than the black assassin into a sword light.

Dangdangdang ...!

Two people, one black and one red, and two lights fought in the night sky.

Dongfang Yueyao hides in a rubble and waits and sees Dongfang Yueyao when Luo Yan fights. As soon as an assassin approaches him, he will attack and stop.

However, there are always accidents in everything, a figure shuttles through the ruins, escapes everyone's attention, and approaches the Dongfang Yueyao silently.

Most of Dongfang Yueyao's mind was put in the battle between Luo Yan and the black assassin, and he was also paying attention to the surrounding movement.

Suddenly, Dongfang Yueyao's face changed, and his body quickly fired away.


A golden sword-horse dazzled like a meteor in the night sky, and shot towards the East Yueyao.

Dongfang Yueyao was a spirit, and she fled away quickly, but the sword was too fast, leaving a sword mark on her jade arm.

A man in black appeared and was surprised to see Dongfang Yueyao dodging a blow. Then he moved into a golden light and shot at Dongfang Yueyao.

The breath emanating from the man in black was awesome.

"Great martial artist!"

Dongfang Yueyao was so horrified that she wanted to run away without a real Yuan blasting out from the other side, forming a big hand to hold her.

A sword stabbed at Dongfang Yueyao.

Luo Yan, who fought fiercely with the black assassin, saw that someone had escaped his consciousness to assassinate Dong Yueyue Yao, and was suddenly dismayed, fighting the risk of being struck by the sword of the black assassin on his back, and shot back to save Dongfang Yue. Yao.

But he's still late!

A golden long sword became bigger and bigger in Dongfang Yueyao's pupil, and eventually stabbed in front of him.

Uh ...!

A golden sword with a sword pierced through Dongyuan Yueyao's true body armor, pierced his chest, and pierced his heart.

A puddle of gorgeous blood spewed out of Dongfang Yueyao's chest, and the beauty's complexion suddenly lost her blood.

"Sister Five, no!"

When Luo Yan saw this scene, he shouted sternly, his eyes became extremely red.

"Demon element, burn!"

Luo Yuan's demon Yuan boiled all over, and rushed down in no time. The man in black was frightened and quickly pulled out his sword and flew back.

"Howl ...! Death!"

However, Luo Yan's two daggers blasted out like lightning and shot at the man in black. The man in black changed his face, but a dagger stuck in his left shoulder, and another hole penetrated his belly.


The man in black fell to the ground with a bang.

Luo Yue rushed to Dongfang Yueyao, and Dongfang Yueyao was already lying in a pool of blood, spitting blood in her mouth, her beautiful face was bloodless.

"Sister five, sister five, ah ..."

Luo Yan picked up Dongfang Yueyao, the demon Yuan desperately stopped Dongfang Yueyao's blood, and tears kept falling.

Following Luo Yu, I have known too many people. Luo Yan and Luo Yu have not been lonely for a long time. Dongfang Yueyao has a very important status in Luo Yan.

"Two ... brother ... I ..."

Dongfang Yueyao stretched out a hand to touch Luo Yan's cheek. Blood was still spitting out in her mouth, and her heart had been stabbed.

Injured by ordinary people, this kind of injury is dead, but for the warrior, it is also a fatal injury.

However, Dongfang Yueyao's hand fell down weakly before touching Luo Yan's face ...

Thanks for your uncle's unblocking, zAN Xing's guardianship, and thank you Xiaoqiao, Xusan, Duanyu, and Yueyao for their rewards.

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