Come to The Peak

Chapter 749: : Assassination of Wei Yang

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At night, the moon is deep in the clouds, the earth is dim, and the habit of blowing through it gives a chill in the heart ...

As the so-called, the dark black moon kills the night, tonight, it is destined not to be a quiet night.

At the Six Kings Mansion, a team of ten soldiers holding torches patrolled through the walls of the palace. There were also several soldiers guarding the gate, which looked quite severe.

Uh ...!

Twenty men in black appeared quietly lurking in an alley not far from the Liuwang Mansion.

Twenty people were all in black suits. They could not see their faces and only had their eyes exposed.

A group of people secretly lurked past, lurking beneath the wall outside the Six Kings Mansion.

At this time, a pair of ten armored soldiers came over with torches, and the group hid in the flowers not far away, and no one found anomalies.

When the group of patrolling soldiers left, the group of people moved, and they silently overtook the wall more than ten meters high, fell inside the house, and then quickly hid.

This group of people seemed to be very familiar with the Six Kings Mansion. After entering, they scattered all the guards, whistle guards and patrol guards in the mansion, and lurked towards the middle mansion.

Luxurious room with soft bed.

The two jade bodies were naked and wrapped around Wei Yang like an octopus.

The two women had crimson faces and spit out Rulan's head on Wei Yang's arm. The delicate skin was red, and there were sweat beads.

These three were obviously just going through a big war.

"His Royal Highness, if I could have been so good all the time, there was no intrigue"

Miaoyin is like a cat, sticking to Zhu Lips in Wei Yanghuai's lips, and a pair of beautiful eyes are faintly springing.

The punchline nodded deeply.

Wei Yang's eyes were deep, looking at the second daughter, looking at the bed account.

"Unfortunately, this is not possible. I was born in the emperor's house, and we had to fight with each other. I didn't like that kind of life. Unfortunately, my second brother won't allow me to live well.

Wei Yang sighed.

Of all the princes, only Wei Yang and Wei Yong who are eligible for the throne are the queen's parents. Even if Wei Yang does not fight for the throne, in the future Wei Yong will wait for the stage in order to eliminate future troubles.

"But now with Mr. Qing Luo's help, that position will no longer be a dream"

There was a hint of ambition in Wei Yang's eyes.

"His Royal Highness, you just trust that Qinglu, and we don't know his details," Whisper frowned.

"Oh, although I don't know his details, I can see a little bit"

Wei Yang laughed softly.

Both women listened.

"Mr. Qingluo and his elder brother must have some resentment, and even want to kill the second elder brother. I saw in his eyes the intention of killing from the heart. Perhaps it was really as he said that his sister was drunk by Chunchun House. Killed it "

Wei Yang got up to cover the quilt for the second daughter, but got up and got out of bed.

"Somehow, I have a feeling of restlessness tonight ..."

Wei Yang looked at the full moon covered by dark clouds outside the window, and was inexplicably upset in her heart.


Two wipes of blood flashed.

Outside the mansion, the two soldiers widened their eyes and fell down softly, covering their necks with **** hands.

Uh ...

Twenty men in black rushed into the house with swords.

There was a mournful sound in the house, and many servant guards lay in the pool of blood.

"No, there are assassins!"

A patrolling armored man screamed at the men in black, but then a red swordman split him in half.

This group of people rushed into the mansion like a wolf, rushed into the mansion room and began to kill.

The movement here naturally attracted Wei Yang's attention here, and the two daughters suddenly jumped out of bed.

Wearing the dress and standing next to Wei Yang, holding two snow-white long swords in his hands, the blue Yuan Yuan surging on his body.

+ (Yong / Jiu gK Free 3z Watching)? Little U said

These two women are also masters in Ningyuan Realm.

"His Royal Highness, outside ..."

"Be careful…"

Miaoyin was trying to say something, but a few white lights came out, Wei Yang shouted and pulled the two women back, but a white light shot through his shoulder.

"His Royal Highness!"

The two women exclaimed, then holding the sword in front of Wei Yang, Zhenyuan swung the sword to block.

"Dangdangdangdang ...!"

Several flying knives fell to the ground.

The three rushed out of the window, and twenty people armed with weapons were surrounded.

"Abominable! Who are you, how dare you assassinate my Highness!"

Wei Yang shouted angrily, holding the two women's hands.

"Hey, whoever, naturally you are the one who killed you. Today, Mu Fang is not here, kill me!"

Sneered for the first man in black.

"There are assassins!"

"Protect Your Highness Six!"

At this time, the guards in the six palaces heard the movement and rushed over. Nearly two hundred armored men stood in front of Wei Yang and glared at the group of assassins with swords.

"A group of ants, the number of battles is fast!"

These twenty people saw this scene without fear, and all of their bodies burst out with all kinds of true vigor and vitality, all of them were masters of innate state.

Nine of them are masters of the Ningyuan Realm, and there is also a smart realm who is the short man.


Suddenly more than two hundred armored men rushed towards this group of assassins together.

Twenty assassins flashed into the crowd.


An assassin chopped a golden sword, and cut the waist of four armored men in half.

Others also slain with the assassins, and the two girls are guarding in front of Wei Yang.

Uh ...!

A well-known assassin was easily killed by assassins. The strength of these assassins and this group of assassins were obviously not on the same level.

"Huoyun Palm!"

The dwarf man jumped up and patted it with one palm, and a five-meter-sized flame palm shot down.


When the giant palm fell in the crowd, it exploded. A wave of true energy blasted dozens of armored men into pieces of meat, leaving a large pit on the ground.

"The Great Realm is Great!"

Feeling the power of the attack, Wei Yang and Miaoyin Miaoyin looked pale.

"His Royal Highness, let's run away. The other side has a spirited state of great consummation. Master Mu Fang is not here. No one can stop them."

The sound of the wonderful voice changed dramatically, and he said to Wei Yang.

"Hey, want to escape, it's late"

The dwarf man chuckled. Six assassins separated in all directions at once, completely closing the escape route.

The battle was only a dozen breaths, and all the soldiers in the six palaces were slaughtered.

The three of Wei Yang saw that the retreat was closed, and they were not running away. Wei Yang looked at these people coldly: "Are you from the second brother?"

"Hey, you'll know when you come to Huangquan Road, hey, the two women of Haojun must be listening to the wonderful sounds of Yinge, hehe, I have a good mouth today"

The dwarf man looked at the beautiful sounds and words, showing the color of wickedness ...

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