Come to The Peak

: 97th: Overlord Beheading

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Luo Yu was wearing a black dragon dragon robe standing on the high platform, the west wind was blowing wildly and chaotic, and a royal robe was hunting.

Millions of soldiers and civilians worshipped in all directions.

"Kill Yang handle!"

This imposing sound like a rainbow filled the sky, and even the Chu army hundreds of miles away could hear it clearly, one by one showing surprise.

Luo Yu was in all directions, and just now those conversations have been recorded by the clerical staff, and the snails are the evidence.

Luo Yu said loudly again: "Yang Gai committed three crimes, one for power, and two for rebellion. He slayed 400,000 Qin Army brothers. He abandoned the city in disregard of Tiansai and left millions of people. Under the butcher knife.

The three sins, the death penalty, the three sins, the cold sins of our country, the three sins, the sins cannot be pardoned, and the king Luo Yu followed the army and the hearts of the people. Today, he enforced the law on behalf of the country and chopped the Yang handle to sacrifice my brother. I have 400,000 compatriots from Qin Kingdom "

Luo Yu was domineering Ling Ran, and then grabbed Zi Zhi, Zi Jing Feng gave out a shocking Jianming, murderous side leakage.

"Bring wine!"

Luo Yu reached out and drank, and the iron sword guard next to him immediately took out an altar of wine to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu opened the wine seal, slowly lowered the wine, and said at the same time: "Three brothers, 400,000 generals, today I will kill you with a sword, and I will sacrifice you to die for the spirits, and hope to rest in Huangquan, and not to mourn on the wheel circuit."

Luo Yu's voice was low, and she had a weeping contagious effect. The millionaires underneath heard a weeping heart in her heart, and at the same time she looked at Yang Shan with her teeth gritted.

They, defending the country, throwing their heads and spreading blood, are just for the country's tranquility, and their loved ones will not be tarnished.

They are fighting **** the front line, regardless of their personal safety, how can they betray people behind their backs, chilling and cold!

In the end, half of the altar wine was left. Luo Yu drank it alone, and then left a sip of wine in his mouth, and looked at the purple lotus.


Sprinkle with purple wine!

Luo Yu slowly raised the Aster, and it was about to be cut down.

"Wait, overlord and slow, keep people under the sword"

At this time, a blue streamer from afar shot quickly. The man was a soldier wearing blue armor, with blue wings on his back, and his breath was strong.

Come here is the general Nan Feng Yi Yi night!

"Stay under the overlord sword ..."

Yi Wanshi flew to the high platform in front of the eyes and exclaimed.

"Well, isn't that Nanfeng and Yishuai? Why is he here?"

"Here, Yi Shuai and Yang Gao have a deep friendship. He came to stop the overlord from killing Yang Gao."

Many of the soldiers below recognized Yi Wanshi, and more wise men guessed the purpose of Yi Wanshi.

On the stage

"Who are you?"

Luo Yu frowned and asked.

"I've seen overlords, and I am a late messenger in Xiayi, General Nanfeng City"

Yi Wan made a fist to declare his identity.

"Oh, it's Yi Shuai. What's wrong with Yi Shuai here?"

Luo Yu asked with a frown. But in my heart I knew a little about the purpose of being late.

"Brother Luo, can you give the old man a face and let Yang handle a horse, the Marshal must thank him"

Yi Wan Shi Shen said to Luo Yu Chuan Yin, and at the same time he glared at Yang Shan. He secretly said that this guy had committed such a heinous crime for a woman.

Luo Yu laughed and radiated a radian from the corner of his mouth, and said loudly, "Yi Shuai, this Yang Yang has committed such a felony. It is unreasonable. My brother was counted as a terrible death by his brother. The battle was justified and killed, so I Luo Yu would only kill the enemy to take revenge

However, they were killed by calculations and died by their own calculations. How can you let me Luo Yu to let go of this murderer! "

Luo Yu's last sentence was already roaring and looking a little embarrassed. As soon as he imagined that Li Yu was rejected outside the city and forced to die, his heart was bleeding, his heart was like a knife cut.

And Yi Wan changed his face greatly. He didn't expect that Luo Yu was so indifferent to him that he just clicked out.

The soldiers and the people below were not fools. They also guessed the purpose of Yi Wanshi's enlightenment. After listening to Luo Yu's remarks, one by one he was full of blood, and his heart became infinitely worshipped.

Men are like overlords, warriors are like Luo Yu!

Yi Wan made his face look blue and his voice cooled down: "Huh, I hope Overlord can consider the consequences"

"Hahaha ... I Luo Yu acted with pleasure and revenge, never considering the consequences, you ask the million soldiers below, should this Yang handle be killed!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Millions of soldiers danced and yelled in unison.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Millions of people filled with indignation and shouted to kill Zhentian.

"Hahaha, okay, I have Luo Yu's military intentions, obey the hearts of the people, kill!"

Luo Yu laughed, her eyes were fierce, and her hand holding the purple lotus dropped suddenly.

"No ... Luo Yu, you can't kill ..."

Uh ...!

Yang Shan's pupils shrank, and a roar came out, and the word Azimu fell, the sword light flashed over his head and rolled down, and a cavity of blood spurted out ...

After Yang Shan's head fell, the soul was absorbed by the soul jade, and the blood was absorbed by the aster, which did not turn into a seal energy.

Yi Wan's eyes widened, this Luo Yu really beheaded Yang handle.

"it is good!"

The soldiers shouted in unison below, and then knelt down.

"Overlord Dayi, Overlord Dayi!"

Millions of people are so excited that they yell on one knee.

"Overlord Dayi!"

The wine was sprinkled with purple coriander to cut off the murderer.

Blood-stained high platform festival heroes!

At present, overlord Shun public opinion,

The cry shook the sky!

The name of this poem, beheading.

Yang Shan's head fell to the ground, and his body was drained, but he could not die.

And Yi Wan made a complexion and pointed at Luo Yu, speechless.

"Luo, Luo Yu, today's business, you better think about how you will deal with Grand Marshal's anger, huh!"

Yi Wan snorted Leng, then condensed a pair of winged wings, and flew away with Yang Shan's body.

"and many more!"

Luo Yu was indifferent at this time.


Ziyanhua shot out for a purple sword light flying, blocking in front of Yi Wanshi.

Yi Wan made a figure for himself, then turned rudely, "Why, the overlord even wants to kill me?"

"Hehe, I'm not interested in you. I left the body. My third brother died. The bones are missing. You want to take the body away. How can it be so easy?"

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Luo Yu shouldered his hands and said with a chuckle.

Yi Wan was so angry that Wen Yan looked so angry that he couldn't help anymore, and roared out, "Luo Yu, don't do too much!"

"Absolutely? I think I'm gentle enough"

"You ... Okay, I see what you can do to get the body back from me."

Yi Wan even spoke to Luo Yu with a single palm, and the blue real power suddenly burst into force, turning into a blue ocean wave, and several blue palm prints slammed at Luo Yu.

This easy night makes it impossible to let go.

"It's enough to deal with you!"

Luo Yu's face remained unchanged, her body disappeared in place, and suddenly there was a figure of nine Luo Yu in the air.

Nine Shadows is now complete!

Nine remnants rushed to Yi Wanshi at the same time, Yi Wan changed his complexion, patted with two palms, and patted Luo Yu with palm prints.


Bursts of Zhenyuan force exploded, and Jiudao Luoyu's figure was all broken.


Luo Yuzhen appeared suddenly on the side of Yi Wanshi, and then punched out.

The eight tigers sang in unison, and the eight-headed purple tiger fist slammed into Yi Wanshi's body.

Uh ...!

Yi Wan shattered Zhenyuan's body and was thrown away by a blast of blood.

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