Come To the Second Element, Show Your True Skills

Chapter 217: Campus Festival (End)

"キミを见(み)てるといつもハートDOKI☆DOKI" [My heart is always pounding every time I see you]


The first song is their new song "Light Floating Time". And "secretbase all you gave me~" was left behind by them.

On the stage, Akiyama Mio sang heartily.

At this moment, she was filled with a confident smile, her eyes kept looking at An Tan Che in the middle of the aisle.

Akiyama Mio's self-confidence is also normal, after all, Anzu Toru gave her self-confidence through the smile just now.

He hadn't used the charm skill of Smile since he had used it on Lan Yuanya Yi last time.

Charm can not only charm people's hearts, but also give people psychological hints.

Toru Azu just simply made Akiyama Mio more confident.

Although there is no need for An Tan Che's help, and Xiao Wei and the others can encourage Qiu Shan Miao, but An Tan Che also wants to show off, so why not.


After the first song was over, there was enthusiastic applause in the hall, and Akiyama Mio and the others immediately started the second song-"secretbase all you gave me~".

With the success of the first song, Akiyama Mio and the others behaved more naturally in the second song.

An Tantoru watched them playing right in the middle of the aisle.

Of course, Azuto's main purpose is not to cheer them up, but to see if Akiyama Mio will fall afterwards.

Although Akiyama Mio was wearing safety pants and knee-high stockings, he still showed a little thigh. If he really fell down, wouldn’t he justify it if he didn’t look at it?

What? Take the opportunity to go up and block it from others?

Please, there are no boys, no problem!

You can't be too selfish as a man, just show these girls safety pants, it's no big deal.

On the stage, Akiyama Mio and their performance also came to an end.

"君と夏の終わり未来の梦大きな想忘れない (Agree with you at the end of the summer, the dream of the future, the big hope, don’t forget)

10年后の8月また出会えるのを信じて (In August ten years later, I believe I can meet you again)

君がlastまで心から「ありがとう」(You are still crying "Thank you" in the bottom of your heart when you reach the end)

Called んでいたこと知っていたよ (I know what you call in your heart)

涙をこらえて笑颜でさようならせつないよね(Forcibly endure the tears and smile and say goodbye to the pain)

The highest の思い出を...(The best memory...)

Supreme の思い出を...(The best memory...

With the end of the final performance, Akiyama and Mio put down their musical instruments.

Several people gasped, sweating, and they looked like they were still lingering.

Immediately after—


"It's so nice!"

"What's the name of this song?"

"listen well!"

"I'm going to fan them!"

"The light tone department is good!"


The applause and the noise are endless!

After a long time, the applause and clamor stopped, Qiu Shan Mio took a deep breath.

She and Tian Jing Nakaru and the others looked at each other, and then looked at the audience with a big smile.

"Thank you everyone~!"

The high school in the audience is also very enthusiastic.

"Sing well!"

"It's really nice!"

"One more song!"

"Yes, one more song!"

It's a pity that this is not their solo concert. The conference church has a time limit, and there are others to perform next.

Akiyama Mio smiled at An Tan and bowed to thank the audience.

Tian Jing Zhonglu also got up and bowed to thank Dawei and Qinqijing.

After thanking them, the four were about to leave the stage.

Akiyama Mio now has a confident expression, no longer the nervousness he had when he first took the stage. After this time, I believe she will no longer feel timid about this kind of performance in front of everyone.


Akiyama Mio turned around and was about to go backstage. After two steps, he tripped on the wire under his feet.

That's the wire for the Qinqijing electronic piano!


Qiu Shan Mio fell heavily to the ground.


Tanjing Nakaru and the others went to help Qiu San Mio just as they wanted to worry, and then they were startled by Qiu San Mio's actions.

"Ah, it hurts!" Qiu Shan Mio slowly got up on his knees.


"Oh! The audience exclaimed.

"Mio!" Dai Wei, who was on the same line as Qiu Shan Mio, also exclaimed in surprise.

"Huh? What—!"

Just as Qishan Mio wanted to ask Dawei what was wrong, he immediately realized his situation at the moment.

At this moment, she knelt and climbed on the stage, **** facing the audience. The sights of the stage and the audience are at the same level, and she is still wearing a skirt, so don't think about it, the scenery under her skirt is unobstructed.

Fortunately, An Tan Toru reminded her to wear safety pants. At this moment, the scenery under her skirt is only white safety pants and white legs between safety pants and silk stockings. There is nothing embarrassing to show.

But for Akiyama Mio, it's different.

I just gained a little confidence, and ended up falling down on the stage like this, and also exposed all the scenery under the skirt. Right now, I was embarrassed.

And the self-confidence that I just had is gone!

The conference church fell silent at this moment, but then—


An Tan took out his cell phone and took a picture of Qiu Shan Mio from the audience's point of view.

In this quiet environment, the sound of taking pictures is particularly loud.

Qiu Shanmi didn't look back at the direction of the audience at this moment. The sound of taking pictures directly made her feel ashamed.


Akiyama Mio's sorrow sounded through this conference church.

Thirty minutes later, the Qingyin Department Activity Room.

"Sorry, Mio, I just somehow owed a picture of me just now." Toru An Tan apologized to the dead Qiu Shan Mio.

At this time, Qiu Shan Mio was more mournful than he was heartbroken.

She sat on the wall of the activity room with her arms folded, her head buried in her arms, and everyone could feel her despair.

"Mio, the problem is not big, aren't you wearing safety pants? And the audience is all girls, it doesn't matter."

Tian Jing Zhongru came to sit down next to Qiu Shan Mio, patted her on the shoulder and comforted.

"Yeah, there's nothing to be shy."

"Don't care too much!"

Qinqijing and Daiwei also uttered comfort.

"Woo, I have no face to meet people!" Qiu Shan Mio raised his head, showing a tearful expression.

At present, Akiyama Mio just feels ashamed of being embarrassed. Fortunately, wearing safety pants, did not expose the blue and white bowl, otherwise she would really find a hole to get in.

"It's okay, it's okay, nothing is revealed." Tian Jing Nakaru patted Qiu Shan Mio on the shoulder.

"But it's still shameful! With such an indecent posture... Tetsu-kun actually took pictures!"

"Haha, UU reading couldn't hold back for a while." An Tan touched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Almost deleted!"

"Okay, delete it now."

With the protection of safety pants and the comfort of a few people, Akiyama Mio quickly cheered up.

The performance was barely successful, and nothing happened afterwards, so An Tan Che took a few girls out of school for a celebration banquet.

Of course, Sakako Yamanaka also came with him.

She provided costumes, but she still contributed.

When he left school, An Tan Che saw the uncle of the doorman in the morning, and of course, he also saw An Tan Che.

Seeing An Tan Che with four or five girls around him, An Tan Che was looked at with contempt by the guardian until he left the school gate.

An Tan Che thinks that the doorman is jealous of him. Everyone is a man. Who doesn't want to be surrounded by beautiful women?

The adults have a lot of Azutoru decided not to care about the uncle doorman.

It was only three o'clock in the afternoon, and a few people were not hungry, so they found a barbecue restaurant with private rooms.

At the celebration banquet, Akiyama Mio was naturally the protagonist.

However, she could be very happy at first, but it was a pity that she had an embarrassment and she didn't speak much during the barbecue.

A barbecue meal was eaten at half past four, and a lot of money was spent, but An Tan Cheo didn't care about that little bit.

Leaving the rotisserie, Azutoru and Akiyama Mio separated.

Akiyama Mio and the others have to go back to clean the school.

Today is the last day of the campus festival, and a lot of **** naturally needs to be cleaned up.

An Tan Cheol didn't plan to go back to his school anymore. Wouldn't it be fragrant to go straight home?

After the campus festival ended, An Tan couldn't help but began to look forward to a stable life.

Unfortunately, he didn't know.

Today, Sakurajima Mai and Kasumigaoka Shiba have a deep resentment for his absence.


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