An Tan took a chair and sat outside with Lan Yuan Yuzu, while Ying Lili and the others sat on the sofa, and six people sat around the stone table.

There are two stone tables in this private room, and the other one holds the assorted drinks. They play the king game on this stone table.

Lanyuan Pomelo puts six wooden skewers marked with "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" and a crown into the scoop. After the wooden skewers are submerged in the scoop, the Lanyuan pomelo presses the mouth of the tube with the palm of the hand and starts to shake.

"bring it on."

Lanyuan Grapefruit put the pick-up tube in place, let go of his hand, and everyone began to draw lots.

"I'll come first!"

Ying Riri took the lead in drawing a wooden lottery, and now Kasumigaoka Shiwa also draws one, followed by Sakurajima Mai.

An Tan Che let Lan Yuanyai pump first, and then he started pumping.

The last one is reserved for Lanyuan grapefruit.

"Who is the king?" *6

"Haha, I am the king." Ying Lili said happily.

She showed the wooden sign in her hand for everyone to see, there was indeed a crown on it.

"Tsk." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu made an uncomfortable voice.

"Come on, what's the king's order?" Lanyuan Yuzu began to command.

Everyone started to look at their numbers, hoping not to be named.

"I think about it, then do ten push-ups on the second." Ying Lili gave an order casually.

"Who is No. 2?" Lanyuan Yuzu asked.

"not me."

"It's not me either."

An Tan Toru: ""

He didn't expect that the first victim was himself, didn't he want to engage in Xiazhiqiu Shiyu?

Was it because you wanted to confuse the audience at first?

"Go ahead, An Tan. The king's order is absolute~" Lan Yuan Yuzi smiled.

Apparently, she seemed to want to see An Tan languish.


An Tan got up honestly, came to the open ground and started doing push-ups.

Ten is easy for him.






"Awesome! An Tan!"

"Awesome, Toru!"

An Tan returned to his seat calmly.

To be honest, he was not happy at all when he was praised by several people, and there was even a feeling of being ridiculed. But thinking that girls really can't do a few, I don't blame them.

Several people handed the wooden sign to Lanyuan Pomelo, and Lanyuan Pomelo began to shake.

The second round begins.

"Who is the king?" *6

"Oh~ it's me this time." Lanyuan Yuzu showed the wooden sign to everyone.

"I think about it, No. 1 and No. 2 give a hug."

"I am number 1."

"I am number 2."

Mai Sakurajima and Shiwa Kasumigaoka showed numbers.

The two looked at each other, and then gave a simple hug.

An Tan looked calmly at the two embracing, but his heart began to become happy.

He discovered at the moment that he can still enjoy the benefits of the King's Game!

If the king orders something to hug or kiss at that time, wouldn't it be good news?

Thinking of this, Azu Toru started to urge.

"Come on, next round."


The third round begins.

"Who is the king?" *6

"Ah, it's me." Lan Yuan Yayi said calmly.

"Oh, it's Mei this time, let's give the order."

"Well, then kiss me on the 3rd."



The few women looked at Lan Yuan Yayi in surprise, but she didn't expect that she would issue this order directly.

"The king's order is absolute, who is number three?"

"not me!"

"It's not me either."

"I'm not number three either."

After the women negated one by one, they turned their eyes to Azu Toru.

"Ahem, I'm number 3." An Tan rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

He just wanted benefits, but Lan Yuanyai gave him such a show.

Speaking of this order, he was a little panicked.

"Hurry up, this is the king's order." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu folded her chest with her hands and her eyes were not good.

"Well, after all, the king's order is absolute, Azumino." Mai Sakurajima also said calmly.

But Toru Azuzu could still feel the coldness in his words.


An Tan stood up, came to Lan Yuanyai, and kissed her forehead gently under the eyes of the women.

"Then what, the king didn't order where to kiss."

"Huh, go ahead."

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was obviously in a good mood.

"Count you through." Mai Sakurajima said in a good mood.

The two of them were still satisfied with An Tan Che's performance, but they were wary of Lan Yuan Yayi.

At first they looked at Lan Yuanyai, who was a little bit Sanwu. They didn't care yet, they didn't expect to be a powerful enemy.

It's really hard to guard against making big moves without making a sound.

The two looked at each other, then nodded.

It seems that it is necessary to work for one's own benefit.

The fourth round begins.

"Who is the king?" *6

"Heh, I'm finally here!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was proud.

"Tsk." This time it was Ying Riri's turn to make an unhappy voice.

"Come on, King, give your orders."

"I think about it."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced at the crowd, and then cast a glance at An Tan Che's face.


An Tan thoroughly understood the meaning of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

He opened his mouth slightly and said a number, which was his number.

"I thought, then mouth to mouth and feed me something."



This command can be said to be quite bold, and Ying Lili also guessed who was number one at once.

"Toru, you won't be number one, are you?"


An Tan touched his head awkwardly, and then revealed his wooden sign. There is a 1 clearly above.

"Damn it, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, are you a bit too much?" Ying Lili gritted her teeth and looked at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"Eh, isn't the king's order absolute?"

"Hmm." Ying Lili had nothing to say.

"Then, come on, number one, feed me something quickly." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a smile on his face.

"Well, what are you going to eat?"

An Tan Che has already started to regret it. UU reading

He shouldn't tell his numbers.

Thinking of taking up some welfare, I didn't expect Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu to make such a big joke, which directly caused public outrage.

Sure enough, color is a knife!

"I want to eat fruit, feed me fairy fruit." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said.

The fairy fruit is the little tomato. It's so small that you can't hold it in your mouth. In other words, if you feed your mouth to mouth, you will definitely touch your lips.

"That..." An Tan squeezed a fairy fruit and came to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"What's wrong? You're about to feed me with your mouth." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said with a smile.

An Tanche did not dare to look at other people's expressions. He put the fairy fruit to his mouth, then covered it with his lips, and slowly moved towards Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not flinch, stretched her head directly, and then caught the fairy fruit in An Tan's mouth.

Of course, the lips must have touched.

Not only that, the fairy fruit was still contained by An Tan, and it must have been contaminated with An Tan's saliva, but Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu directly ate the fairy fruit in this way.

"Well, yes, it's sweet."

"Ha ha."

An Tan silently returned to his position.

"Damn it!" Ying Lili gritted her teeth.

"Excessive." Mai Sakurajima said calmly.

"What does it matter? By the way, this is my first kiss." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said nonchalantly.

...Please, can you stop adding fuel to the fire!

An Tantoru never wanted to take up any benefits anymore.

This welfare is too painful, and there is no feeling of welfare at all.

"Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, you wait for me!" Ying Lili was completely angry.

"Oh, let the horse come here!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu provocatively said.

Thus, the fifth round began.

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