In the early morning, a ray of sunlight shot into the room along the gap in the curtain, and the light shone on the face of the boy on the bed. The light was a bit dazzling, he frowned and couldn't help pulling up the quilt to block the light. After a few seconds, he violently lifted the quilt, got up and sat up.

"Haha~" An Tan yawned as he stretched his waist.

Today is the first day of school, but you can get up a little later than usual-no, it should be earlier, after all, it was a holiday before.

The spring break lasted for two weeks, and An Tan Toru played with Dawei and Tojo Nozomi each for one day, staying at home for the rest of the time.

No, I will go out one day, it is to participate in the premiere of the movie.

The live-action version of "April is Your Lie" by An Tan was released on April 1.

It can be said that it is very timely. It happened to be April, and April Fool's Day again, and "April is Your Lie" could not be more appropriate to be screened on that day.

On that day, the audience was very generous, and there were no empty seats. But they are all book fans of Azu Toru.

When the live-action version of the Four Lies revealed that the male and female starring actors were Toru Azumino and Mai Sakurajima, it caused quite a stir. Well, not in the movie circle, but in An Tan Che's circle.

The fans and classmates of Toru An Tan were extremely excited when they heard the news. There are few doubts, and most of them are very interested. After all, this is the starring role of the original author. And there is Mai Sakurajima, it doesn't matter if the leading actor is bad at all.

On the day of the screening, Mai Sakurajima also went. Unfortunately, An Tan Toru did not say a word to her alone. Basically all are formula words.

This actually relieved An Tan's mind a lot.

Unwilling to pay attention to him, it means that he is still very angry at him, so it also means that he is still thinking of him in his heart. This also shows that there is still a chance for a turnaround.

But the opportunity depends on how Toru An Tan finds it.

Fortunately, there were no special events that day, otherwise it would be embarrassing for Sakurajima Mai to not buy it if someone messed up with him and Mai Sakurajima.

The movie has been in theaters for a week, and Toru Azumoto heard that the box office seems to be pretty good. Although it doesn't have much to do with him as the lead actor, there are still some benefits to be gained as the original author.

Book fans, come on! Watching a few more games is not a big problem!

When he got up, An Tan changed his clothes and started to wash and cook.

Today is the opening ceremony, and I will be back at noon, so there is no need to make a lunch box.

Since Valentine's Day passed, An Tan Che has no need to make bento every day. Lanyuan Yuzi went to the cafeteria for dinner with friends at noon. Kirisu also went to the teachers cafeteria for dinner with his colleagues, and he also went to the cafeteria for dinner. Bento or something is no longer needed.

What's more, the Department of Literature has been disbanded. If An Tan Tetsu brings a lunch box, where can he eat it? Balcony?

An Tan is free now, and he is really free in school. It is suffering Fumino Guqiao. She has no chance to eat the bento made by An Tan Che.

Make a breakfast for three people, set it on the table, and An Tan Cheer went upstairs to wake the two of them up.

Lan Yuan Yayi was always there during the holidays, but because there were a lot of things to start the school, she, the acting chairman of the board, would naturally be very busy, so she had already left early.

When the two of them got up to wash, and after a good breakfast, the three of them went out to school.

But as soon as I left the house, I saw a mover on the other side who was moving furniture cartons or something.

"Eh? Has anyone moved in from the other side" Lan Yuan Yuzi said unexpectedly.

This apartment has two rooms on the first floor. However, since An Tan moved in, the other room has been vacant, and no one has moved in until now.

"Let's go to school first, and come visit again at noon." An Tan Che said.

Now it’s all workers, and I don’t see anyone who looks like the master, so it’s better to go to school first.

"Well, good~"

The three went downstairs to the underground garage.

Today is not only school day, but also shift day. When you come to school in the morning, you can watch your new class. After the new class is gathered, you can go to the large conference room to start the school opening ceremony.

"Great, Toru, we are still the same class."

Before the sign, Lan Yuan Yuzi found her and An Tan Che's names, both of whom were in Class B.

The second grade is not based on grades, but each class will be divided into at least a few people with good grades. An Tan thoroughly heard Kirisu Matsumoto say that it was decided by lottery.

It is said that the names of the few students with the best grades were written on the paper ball, and then the head teachers of the class took lottery by themselves, and whoever caught them was assigned to their own class.

It's really casual.

But this is also good! After all, if it is randomly assigned, if a class is all good students and a class is all bad students, then the head teacher may be split. They also count on their students to get the first prize in the exam.

Therefore, Toru Azumino is naturally the most popular student. The teacher of Class B was very excited when he caught An Tan Che. That day, he directly invited the head teachers of other classes to dinner.

After all, An Tan Che's results are unquestionable, and his bonus will be stable.

An Tan took a look at the students in Class B, and it was a pity that Ying Riri's name was not on it.

"Yinglili is not here." Lanyuan Yuzu said regretfully.

"Yeah. Let's go, to the new class."


No matter if you are not in the same class, at least you don't need to face to face embarrassment now.

After changing indoor shoes in Menting, Toru An Tan and Lan Yuan Yuzu went up to the second floor. The first floor is already the site of the new first grade, and they are going to occupy the second floor.

The second floor is slightly different from the first floor.

On both sides of the stairs on the second floor, there are classes A, B and offices on one side, and classes C, D, and E on the other. Unlike the first floor, Class A and the office are together, and the other four classes are mixed.

On the second floor, An Tan Toru and Lan Yuan Yuzi walked directly into Class B. The originally noisy Class B also became quiet instantly because of the two people coming in, but then-


The girl's surprised voice resounded throughout the teaching building.

"Great! It really is Jun An Tan!"

"Hahaha! I didn't really believe in the list of class students!"

"Great! I'm in the same class with An Tan-kun again!"



An Tan Che saw the people in his previous class and also saw people he didn't know, and of course, he also saw people who disliked him.

"An Tan, great, we are in the same class again!" Sato Kazuo came to An Tan Toru happily.

"Haha, what a coincidence." An Tan smiled thoroughly.

"You talk, I'll go to Qianming." Lanyuan Yuzu walked towards Omikawa Qianming.

The two were lucky, and they were in the same class again.

After Aihara Yuzu left, Toru Azumino chatted with Kazuma Sato. Thanks to him, An Tan Che no longer has to deal with the girls in the class. But Sato Kazuma was hated by the girls.

But this has nothing to do with Azu Toru.

After ten minutes, the head teacher came. Not Onodera, but a middle-aged uncle. After he came over to call a good name, he greeted the students to the conference church.

He stayed with An Tan Che, because An Tan Che was going to give a speech as a student representative, and the head teacher had to tell him some details. During the period, Toru Azu also knew the surname of the class teacher.

This last name is something.

Then An Tan Che followed a teacher to the conference church.

When I came to the conference church, the principal was already giving a speech. Needless to say, it will take a long time to wait.

When the principal finishes teaching the dean's lecture, the instructing dean finishes the teacher's lecture. After more than an hour, it was finally An Tan Che's turn.

"Next, I invite student representative-Toru Anzuo to give a speech."


"An Tan-kun!"

"Is this senior with such a high reputation?"

"So popular!"


Amidst the cheers of the sophomore year and the curiosity of the first year of high school, An Tanto slowly walked onto the stage.

With a smile on his face, he looked down at the stage, his mouth raised slightly.

"Hello everyone, I am Toru An Tan!"


The voice of excitement resounded throughout the hall.

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