Come To the Second Element, Show Your True Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 53: Ying Lili and Kasanooka Shiwa meet again

"Are you alone? Or, you didn't call anyone else?"

At the door, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's teasing voice sounded.

"Please don't misunderstand me, Shiyu-senpai! The others haven't come yet."

"That's it!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu sat across from An Tan Che with long legs.

"Shiyu-senpai, what do you mean by sitting across from me like this? Can't you sit next to me?" An Tanto pretended to be angry.

There is no footsteps outside the door, Ying Lili hasn't come yet, so you can restore the relationship with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu in advance. Anyhow, this place is a memory of the past.

The right time, the right place and the right people, couldn't be more appropriate.

Even if Ying Lili may already be on his way, Azu Toru still chooses to seek wealth and wealth.

But Toru An's words had no effect on Shiyu Kasumigaoka. After she sat down calmly, without even looking at An Tan, she took out her notebook and started to tap the keyboard.

Naturally, An Tan will not wait to die.

He got up, and then came to sit down next to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't look at An Tan Toru, but stared at the notebook. An Tantoru also took a look.

What is displayed on the laptop screen is a line of text, needless to say, this is the code word of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"Is this your new novel?" An Tan asked.


After Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu finished typing a paragraph, he nodded and said, "Yes."

Although only one word was returned, it was better than no response at all. It doesn't matter if you return, as long as you return.

"What's the name of the new book?" An Tan Che continued to ask.

At present, Shiyu Kasumigaoka has not released a second novel, but Toru Azumo remembers that she will continue to write one in the style of the last time.

""Innocent One Hundred Pa"."


This one is still the same as the previous one, and the plot makes people feel stomach ache. Although Toru Azutsu has not seen it in his previous life, he still knows the style of the content. To describe it in two words, it would be "baixue".

Although "Bai Xue" in this world was first mentioned by Toru An Tan with Shiyu Xiazhiqiu...

But now is not the time to discuss novels. Toru An Tan is to increase the relationship with Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

"Senior Shiyu, it's great to be able to sit with you like this again!"

"Huh~" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu shook directly, "What are you doing? So nauseous!"

"Ahem, who made me like Senior Sister Shiyu so much!"

An Tan Che also felt that the words just now were a bit numb, but he was so thick-skinned that he would not be numb by himself.

"You don't come here! I know you are just a big carrot, and I can't be fooled by you again." It's a pity that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu doesn't eat him.

An Tan Che knew that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu still had him in his heart, but at this time the relationship had just picked up, and it was not suitable for attacking too aggressively, otherwise it would be counterproductive.

"Sister Shiyu, I want to hug you!"

Sitting next to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, An Tantoru could deeply appreciate the attractive figure of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and his inner desires would be aroused. Of course, Toru An Tan didn't want to be anxious, he wanted to try what Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's bottom line was against him now.

The two are already knowing the relationship, so it's good to be simple and rude.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stopped her movements, looked at An Tan Che, and said, "You have so many new friends, who can't you hold?"

No rejection!

"But I just want to hug you at the moment!"

"Heh, hug if you want, can I still stop you?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked indifferent.

"Then you agree?"

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu did not answer, but Toru An Tan took it as an acquiescence.

An Tan Chee stretched out his hands and gently held Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu in his arms.

The familiar scent hits his face, but before An Tanto can feel it, the sound at the door almost scared him to death.

"What are you doing?"

At the door, I don't know when Ying Lili was already standing there calmly.

This expression An Tan Che didn't know what it meant, but he let go of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu in an instant. And when Xiazhiqiu Shiyu let go, he saw the upward corners of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's mouth.

Shiyu-senpai, you actually calculated me!

"Ying Lili, you are here!" An Tan smiled flatly.

He didn't understand that he hadn't noticed Ying Lili coming. Not only that, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu actually noticed it, what a hell!

"What? It turned out to be you golden retriever!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said lacking interest.

"Xiazhiqiu Shiyu!" Yinglili's face was calm.


Different from the previous gnashing of teeth, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was a little surprised.

Ying Lili didn't pay attention to Kasugaoka Shiyu. She looked at An Tan Toru and said, "Toru, is she tempting you again, stay away from her!"

"Huh? Oh!"

Toru Azu also didn't expect that Ying Riri didn't show the same irritability as before, which made him know for sure that Ying Riri was really different from before.

What is the reason for this? It can't be because of two shots, right?

An Tan was incomprehensible. After all, when he attacked Yinglili at night, he hadn't felt the change of Yinglili. When I feel different, I wake up after two injections.

It can't be because of this, right?

After leaving Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, An Tan Che did not come to the other side to sit down, but once again came to his previous position-the head of the table.

Although Ying Lili's current changes made him a little scared, he couldn't make Kasugaoka Shiyu sad because of this. He could only sit in the middle. Although it was not sitting next to one of them, it was equivalent to sitting next to them.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu clearly saw An Tan Che's intentions and snorted to express his disdain, but he did not show any dissatisfaction. This wave of An Tan Che's approach barely passed, but-

"Is it a little narrower here?" Ying Lili moved a chair and sat beside Toru Azuzu.

An Tan Toru: "..."

Okay, Ying Lili is really different!

It's so strong.

If this were left in the past, Ying Lili would not have been able to take the initiative to sit next to An Tan Toru, unless someone stimulated her.

Of course, it's not that the former Ying Riri didn't like An Tan Toru, but her personality was just like that. but now......

Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at the gap between Ying Riri and Azu Toru, less than a fist, then turned to the notebook and continued the code.

"Then what, you two don't need to introduce each other, right?"

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu did not show An Tanto took the opportunity to start business affairs.

At this time, only talking about business can prevent special situations from happening!

"Is she also one of the members?" Ying Riri asked.

"Yeah. I forgot to tell you, Shiyu-senpai is a popular novelist~ She wrote the "Love Metronome" that you liked to watch before," said Toru Azumoto.

"What?!" Ying Lili couldn't believe it, she looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, "You wrote the "Love Metronome"?"

"Trouble bring your honorific, I am also your senior sister anyway." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said calmly.

"Um..." Ying Lili was a little unconvinced.

"So, what use is she?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked.

"Ahem, you should have heard of Yinglili's pen name-Eri Kashiwagi."

"Heh~ She is Eri Kashiwagi? Can't tell!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Ying Lili unexpectedly.

"Kashiwagi Hideri", this name is basically known to anyone in the house world. What's more, Ying Lili still has "Spirit of the Halberd Eater" serialized in the watch world. This manga is now a popular work!

"To each other!" Ying Lili said with a curled lips.

"Ahem, you two are the script creator and the original artist." An Tanche interjected.

"What about the others?" Ying Lili asked.

"Leave the rest to me!"

"So this club is the three of us?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked.

"Ahem, there are backup personnel, but they are not needed for the time being."

"All right, I don't care."

"Toru, I support you unconditionally."

"Ahem, let me show you our game plan."

An Tan Toru took out a business plan from his schoolbag and put it on the table. There were two English words on it.


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