Come To the Second Element, Show Your True Skills

Chapter 47: Fumino Furuhashi joins the luxury package

   The three of them were eating lunch in the activity room.

   This time, Toru Azumino is sitting with Mai Sakurajima, and he is delivering the yellow version of Pokemon to Mai Sakurajima.

   Xiazhiqiu Shiyu ate quietly, she was planning how to make An Yun Toru show interest in her. If it is in the end, she doesn't mind having a thorough relationship with An Tan.

   An Tan is so handsome, has good grades, and the dishes are so delicious, not to mention writing novels like her, and the two have a common topic. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu still liked it.

   What's more, she has no desires and desires. The novel is now on the right track. There is no need to worry about learning. She has already been recommended by the school and can be directly recommended. It is not impossible to have a relationship, and it can also provide inspiration for novels.

that is......

  Kasumigaoka Shiwa glanced at Mai Sakurajima. She, a good sister, seemed to have a good affection for Toru Azumino, which made her feel a little sorry for Mai Sakurajima.

   Take one step at a time.

   "Pass it on to me, too."

  Xiazhi Qiu Shiyu came to the other side of An Tan Toru, and gave the phone directly to An Tan Toru.

   An Tan Toru took the cell phone and passed on the Pokemon to Kasumigaoka Shiba. After the transmission, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not leave, and the three of them ate side by side like this.

   Although something was wrong, I didn't think much about it. Toru Azu is even more happy that the two elder sisters are with each other.

   After eating, Mai Sakurajima opened the Pokemon. After having experience, Mai Sakurajima didn't ask any questions, but she couldn't choose Pokémon at first, which puzzled Mai Sakurajima. Fortunately, I gave a Pikachu.

   Mai Sakurajima still likes this electric mouse very much. And Pikachu is not as fat as he was at the beginning of his previous life. It's skinny, very cute, and is loved by girls.

   An Yun Che's Twitter is still posted by people from time to time about his own Pikachu.

  Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also started to play. She also likes the game of Pokemon, and she is not in a hurry to make a plan when she comes home from school.

   I don’t rush to write the second volume of the novel. However, with the confidence of Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, she doesn't think her novels will rush.

   The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the phone started to get hot after playing for a while. And there is no air conditioner or fan in the activity room. The wind from outside the window is hot.

   The three people planned whether to install an electric fan in the activity room. However, An Tan was very rich and generous, and directly installed an air conditioner. To enjoy is to enjoy the best.

   As long as the school pays money, it will take the initiative to pretend to you. An Tan Che transferred the money to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, after all, she was the minister. Toru Azumino and Mai Sakurajima accompanied her to find the instructor, and then handed the money to the teacher.

   The efficiency is very fast. The teacher said that the air conditioner can be installed at night, and of course there is no need to pay the electricity bill.

   The lunch break is almost there, and the three of them return to the classroom.

   This time the three of them came back together from another place, and the people they saw had a new understanding. But the relationship between the three is getting better and better. Others realize it.

   After all, Toru An and the two senior sisters walked together simply from the beginning, and now they are talking and laughing, but the students are all watching them.

   The only thing that doesn't care about this is Ying Li Li. She is very sweet with An Tan Che, and doesn't think An Tan Che will empathize with each other. What's more, "The Spirit of the Halberd Eater" has been successfully signed in, and an editor has contacted her. The time is to meet on Friday this week, and the serialization will begin next week.

   It's a pity that Toru Aizumi didn't know what Ying Riri thought. Otherwise, I must say: I'm sorry, Ying Lili!

  Friday Hyuga, who is in the same class as Ying Riri, is worried, and will always fall in love over time. She thinks that An Tan Toru will get along with Sakurajima Mai and Kasumigaoka Shiba like this, she will definitely like them. And she can do nothing. The two are not in the same class, and she usually has no access to An Tan Che. Occasionally passing by Class A, Azu Toru is also sleeping. The only chance to get along with An Tan is to rely on her sister.

   Sister Liuli, give me strength, your sister's lifelong happiness depends on you!

   Back to the class, An Suzuo took a seat. All the girls in the class looked at An Tan Che. Recently, they felt that An Tan Che was getting farther and farther away from them.

   The most annoying thing is that they spend five days a week with An Tan Chee day and night, but they still can’t get close to the water. Do you really want to watch An Tan Cheor be taken away by others?

   The sight of the girls around An Tan Toru felt it, but An Tan Toru didn't understand why. but it does not matter! An Tan Teru gave a refreshing smile at the source of his sight.

   Those girls melted directly, and their hearts were satisfied in an instant.

   Forget it, it doesn’t matter, it’s enough to see An Yun Che’s smile!

   The girls are chatting happily again.

   His surrounding eyes disappeared, and An Yun nodded. There is nothing that a smile can't solve, if there is, then another one!

   But the weather is really getting hotter and hotter, and An Tan Che doesn't want to sleep much anymore.

   Even though the left guard Fumino of the left guardian Fumino of the left guardian of An Tanto slept with his head sideways, his brows were frowned, and his bangs were clinging to his forehead because of sweat.

  In other words, Fumino Fumashi is also from the Department of Literature!

   An Tan Toru stretched out his evil left hand and poked Fumino Furuhashi's slender waist with his index finger.

  Fumina Fumina Furuhashi is really slender, and there is no meat on her waist. Toru Azumoto can feel the tightness of Fumina Fumina Furuhashi's waist.


   Fumino Fumino Furuhashi was poked awake, confused for a few seconds, and then glared at An Tan Toru.

   "An Yun Toru, why are you poking me again!"

   An Tan Toru used to poke her waist for waking her up. However, it has been gone recently, but Fumino Furuhashi didn't expect Azu Toru to come again today.

   "Ahem, let me tell you something."

   Frowning and staring are so good-looking, it deserves to be called Sleeping Beauty in the future.

   "What's the matter?" Fumina Fumina looked at An Yun Toru suspiciously.

   people are so good-looking, but they like to use their hands. Don’t you know that disturbing people’s sleep is the most hateful?

   "Did you join the Literature Department?"

   "Yeah, what's the matter? You don't want to enter, too? Don't think about it, the literature department only accepts women, you have no hope!"

   An Tan Toru: "..."

   is the Sleeping the village still not connected to the Internet? Did you sleep when you came to school! ? I have been in the literature department for more than a week!

   "Well, I'm already a member of the literature department."


   Fumino Fumino was taken aback, didn't Shiyu-senpai say that she only accepts girls? Forget it, it's none of my business, I just want to sleep well.

   "Then what do you want me to do?"

   An Tan smiled thoroughly, and said, "The weather is getting hotter and hotter recently. Do you want to sleep more comfortably?"

   I'm interested if you want to talk to me about sleeping. Fumina Guqiao came in interest.

"How to say?"

   "The activity room is equipped with air-conditioning, don't you want to go there to blow the air-conditioning during lunch break?"

   Fumino Furuhashi's eyes lit up.

   "The activity room is actually air-conditioned! When did it happen? Great, there is a good place to sleep."

   "I just installed it today, let's take you there tomorrow."

   "Okay! It's a deal, remember to call me tomorrow!"

   With a good place to sleep, Fumino Furuhashi rarely sleeps anymore and hums happily. It seems that sleeping has become the number one event in her life. But it didn't take long before she went to sleep on her stomach again.

  ...An Yun Toru has nothing to say.

   It is a pity that the right guardian does not belong to the Department of Literature, so it is difficult for An Tan to take her with her.

  Rizu Ogata, the right guardian, sat calmly and read the novel without sweating, which was incredible.

   Doesn't make sense, then Yue Hung, is it true that he doesn't sweat? An Tan thought curiously.

   Say that heat can promote blood circulation like? According to the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, it may grow longer...

   Cough cough, watch the ball with civilization!

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