Come To the Second Element, Show Your True Skills

Chapter 73: Shiyu Xiazhiqiu has become poisonous!

   After leaving the haunted house, Toru Ansun saw Kirisu Maifuu who was waiting outside.

   "It came out so fast?" An Tan asked in surprise.

   Kirisu Nodded.

   She is really unimpeded, walks calmly from start to finish, and ignores the "ghosts" that appear. The staff along her way are a little autistic, and the sense of accomplishment in the past has to be shattered by Kirisu.

   Kirisu Masuu glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu who appeared behind Toru Azu, and didn't say anything. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu also walked to the two people casually.

   It was still early, and the three experienced other projects together.

   Except for the Ferris wheel, almost all three of them played. After having dinner in the restaurant in the amusement park, he left the amusement park.

   After leaving the amusement park, Aizun Toru took a taxi, first sent Kasumigaoka Shiyu to the tram station, and then returned to his home.

   got out of the car and opened the door. After Kirisu got in, he took off his shoes and threw himself on the sofa. Today was exhausted for her, it was rare not to spend it at home. Although it's not bad, Kirisu Matsumoto still doesn't want to have another time.

   "Don't call me next time, I won't go out again!" Kirisu's voice was weak.

   "No problem! Next time!" An Yun Tetsu agreed.

   The two rested for a while, and then went out to fill the granary. Kirisu really didn't want to come out again, but Azu Toru can't drive, of course it's useless to drive, and he doesn't have a driver's license. The most important thing is that Kirisu Maho still wants to eat delicious food every day.

After    came back, put the ingredients in the refrigerator and chilled, and An Tan went back to his room. He is going to finish painting the second generation of Pokémon today, after all, it's just the last few. And he had already eaten dinner, and he didn't need to make it anymore.

   Back to the room, An Yun turned on Twitter. After uploading the two songs "The Moonlight is Beautiful" yesterday, he didn't pay attention. Today I played with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu for another day, and now I don't know what the response is.

   [It sounds so good! ! ! ]

   [A year old fan is very touched! ]

   [Why can't I download it! Charges are fine, old thief An Tan, let me download it! ]

  [That is, quickly upload it to the music platform! ]

  [Author, is this singing girl your girlfriend? ]


   An Tan Toru also plans to upload these songs to the music platform. Listening to songs in this world is also charged, and if An Tantou uploads the song, he will still have money to get it. He is going to talk to Maki then. After all, how can the lead singer have no money to get it.

   But An Yunche guessed that she wouldn't want it either. She was originally a rich woman and she didn't lack money at all.

   Turn off Twitter, and Toru Ansun starts to draw Pokémon.

Um? Did you forget to complain about it? Forget it. Toru Azu said that the person who spoke well but had an abnormal brain is not worth remembering.

   I finished painting Thunder King, Yan Emperor, and Shui Jun yesterday. Today I will paint Young Gilas and its two evolutions, as well as Rogia, Phoenix King, and Shirabi. Feng Wang is still more troublesome, and the rainbow color scheme is not very easy to handle.

   When An Tanto was halfway through painting the Phoenix King, the phone rang and glanced at it. It was brought by Shiyu Xiazhiqiu. Thinking of painting Feng Wang first, he didn't answer the phone. After playing twice in a row, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stopped playing. An Tan Che took the opportunity to finish painting the Phoenix King quickly.

   After finishing the painting, Toru Azutsu began to call Shiwa Kasumigaoka.

   just rang twice and it was gone. An Tan Che was rejected.

   Dare to refuse to answer my call? An Tan Che decided to forgive her with mercy, so he called again. This time it was stronger than the first time, and it hung up after four beeps.

   An Tan Toru: "..."

   There was only three incidents, and An Tan Toru made another phone call. This time Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu finally answered the phone.

   "Which one?"

   "What do you mean?" An Tan gritted his teeth, he knew that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was pretending.

   "Isn't this An Tan, a busy person?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu turned on the taunt mode.

   "I was really upset just now! Didn't I call you back?"

   An Tan Tetsu didn't intend to have the same knowledge as Kasugaoka Shiyu, after all, he has a large number of adults. Although he didn't answer the phone just now... but who made him suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is really uncomfortable not to finish painting.

   "I thought someone wouldn't even answer my phone." Although Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was still taunting, her tone had improved a lot.

   "Why don't I answer your call?" An Yun Che was a little confused.

   "Someone is not interested in me after all!"

   Ah this... Could it be-jealous?

   An Yun couldn't help but cheer up. He forgave Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's tantrum just now.

   "Ahem! So what did you call just now?" An Yun Che changed the subject, and he couldn't answer the words of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu for the time being.

   "I wanted to thank you, but someone doesn't seem to want to accept my thanks."

   "What thanks?"

   "My novel can be written fluently, it seems that the method you said is quite effective!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said very happy.

   After she returned home in the afternoon and opened her notebook, she wrote novels very smoothly, without the feeling of Cavin at all. I kept writing until I just called An Tan, but he didn't answer! Thinking of this Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, he was angry.

   So far, only An Tan Toru has ignored her, but the relationship between the two is very good. And she couldn't do anything with An Tan! This made Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't help but shake her legs again.

   "This matter, don't you have to thank me in a hurry? Wouldn't you be able to meet at school tomorrow?"

   "Huh! Just say it without my thanks!"

   "No! I mean you don't need to worry..."

   There was a beeping sound on the phone, and Shiyu Xiazhiqiu had hung up. An Tan looked at the phone speechlessly, he felt how Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was like taking a gun, so grumpy!

   Did you come to your aunt?

   can't afford to offend! Can't afford it!

   Put the phone away, and An Jun Toru continued to draw Pokémon, only the last Shirabi (Shirabi) was left. After painting it, An Tan Che will be able to spend more time every day.

Um? There are more and more money, why do you feel more and more busy? An Tan couldn't help thinking about this issue.

   Two days later, on Wednesday, the third volume of "Sword Art Online" was released.

   "Sister" is and it is also where Ben Zina started.

   There is still a while before the lunch break, An Tan Cheer took out his phone to pass the time and opened Twitter.

   [The rise of the sister party! I knew that my sister at the beginning had a play! ]

   [This wave is the victory of sister control! Asuna is gone! ]

[impossible! I will always like Asuna! ]

  [Asuna is the main palace! ]

  [Author, is your girlfriend your sister? ]


   An Tan quit Twitter violently, not because of the abnormality of his brain, but mainly because he has no sister! Life without a sister is incomplete. An Tan Cheer intends to wait for his parents to come back and ask him if he has a cousin.

  Since there is a cousin, it’s not too much to have another cousin, right?

   An Tan Toru remembered that Kirisu had a younger sister, but she seemed to be older than him. Eh? Isn't this another cousin? But An Tan Che wanted a cousin.

   After all, he is also a sister-in-law!

   The bell rang after class, and Toru Azuwa woke up Fumino Furuhashi, and the two went to the activity room of the Department of Literature. The four Bentos that An Tan Che had made became five. However, with the temptation of gourmet food, Fumina Furuhashi is very obedient to Toru Azumino.

   But Kasumigaoka Shiba has been very unfriendly to Azu Toru recently. Since the call that day, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu has become more and more rude to An Tan Che. From time to time, he made two sentences, and his words were sharp, and his tongue became more and more poisonous.

   But An Tan thought that this was proof of a good relationship between the two, so it didn't matter. Moreover, the poisonous-tongued Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was the one Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was familiar with in An Tan Che's memory.

  Don't say it, listening to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's mocking tone, it is still quite touching!

  Who can refuse a venomous senpai!

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