Comeback 1992

Chapter 1014: charitable

  Chapter 1014 Charity

   Whatever you do, always have a goal. The establishment of the Jiuding Club will naturally be the goal.

Han Songlin: "I took the lead in establishing the Jiudinghui. At the beginning, I thought it would be a platform for everyone to communicate with each other. In the past, after the Spring Festival next year, a group of business owners in Rongcheng would find a time and make an appointment at Let's chat together and talk about what we plan to do in the new year."

   "Communicate with each other and see if there is an opportunity for cooperation."

  “However, I don’t think it’s enough just to be a platform for mutual communication. We also have to have a common goal.”

   "I make friends, and I like to make like-minded friends."

   "Our goal should be to make Huaguo a better place. It is not our goal to surpass America or something. We should make Huaguo better day by day."

   "Once upon a time, when the ancients imagined an ideal society, they said that a Datong society is the most beautiful. I don't know whether or when a Datong society can be achieved."

   "However, I think we should take action to support the old and the young. We are the pioneers of society, and we should have the responsibility and obligation to shoulder social responsibilities."

   "So, I propose that we set up a Jiuding Charity Foundation!"

  In addition to directly donating money, you can also donate goods to hold charity auctions.

  Establishing a charitable foundation, everyone is quite concerned about it.

   "Jiuding Charity Foundation mainly does two things. One is to provide support for widowed elderly and orphans, and the other is to support children from poor families to study."

   "Our strength is limited, so we should do these two things well first. We will do it in Shuchuan now, then in the southwest, and finally spread to the whole country."

   As for the whole world?

  Han Songlin didn't mention it, it's not that time yet.

   Tang Yan sat under the stage and applauded gently.

  Uncle, are you ready to change your focus now?

   It is obvious that Han Songlin has less and less management of Xinghai Group.

   Most of the things are handed over to the General Affairs Department for handling.

  Han Songlin just signed and signed.

  Jiuding Charity Foundation was registered and established soon. On the day of its establishment, it received nearly one billion donations.

  The money will be used to build nursing homes and orphanages, and to support children from poor families to study.

  In the next few years, as the aging population continues to intensify, the pension issue will become a big problem.

  Han Songlin is going to make some arrangements in this area, at least try to prepare some nursing homes with a relatively good environment.

  He has heard that the demand for beds in nursing homes will be quite large in the future, and the prices are quite expensive.

  Although I don’t want to say it, Xinghai Group has been established for 20 years in three or four years.

  Xinghai Group has already started to retire a group of employees at this time, and in another ten years, more employees will retire.

   Regardless of their retirement life, there is no problem for Xinghai Group.

   After all, to put it bluntly, Xinghai Group is an enterprise.

  It has become a social consensus that enterprises do not care about the retirement of employees.

  The former state-owned enterprises took care of everything, but they dragged the enterprise to death.

  Han Songlin felt that the Xinghai Group had to be responsible for this matter.

  Furthermore, when this matter is done, it should be shown to other employees.

  For employees, they naturally hope that the company they work for is a humane company.

  At the meeting of the General Affairs Department, Han Songlin brought up the matter of building a nursing home.

   "In the past, some of the group didn't notice this. We have a lot of employees, and they are basically outside in normal times. Parents at home, there is no way to be filial."

  “Without the support and understanding of employees’ parents, can our employees work in the company with peace of mind?”

   "Employees work for the company, and we have to make them feel at ease. Therefore, the matter of nursing homes should be a focus of our work this year."

   It is obviously impossible for all the elderly parents of employees to enter the nursing home.

   Those who are physically fit are unwilling to stay in nursing homes.

  Mainly those who are lacking in self-living ability.

   What's more, there is only one person in the house, and I don't know what really happened.

  Tang Yan leaned back on the chair, put her hands on the table, and looked at her fingers.

   It seems to be watching, how is your nail polish?

  As the Minister of General Affairs, Liu Yuan glanced at the others. The General Affairs Department is the general manager of the bank.

   It's just a name change.

   Liu Yuan, as the minister of the General Affairs Department, also has four vice ministers at the same level.

   If there is anything, the five of them discuss it.

  The five people are in charge of their own affairs, and if there is anything difficult to decide, they will discuss it.

   If the five still cannot decide, report to Han Songlin.

  Liu Yuan: "Boss, is this nursing home built nationwide, or only in Rongcheng?"

   "Of course it has been built nationwide. Moreover, if it is to be built, it must be built better."

  Han Songlin thought about it, it is now 2010, and the urbanization rate of Huaguo will continue to increase in the next few years.

  In 2009, the urbanization rate of Huaguo was 46.59%, and by 2017 it had reached 58.52%.

  Think about how much the city will expand in the next few years with so many people entering the city.

   That is to say, the current suburbs of the city will become urban areas in the next few years, with many tall buildings.

   What does this mean?

  At this time, after a short-term decline in the previous two years, domestic housing prices quickly rose again.

   "The environment of the nursing home must be improved. Especially the green area, a good environment can keep people in a happy mood."

  Han Songlin continued to talk about his own ideas: "For nursing homes, just like hospitals and schools, employees have to pay for it themselves. However, there will be discounts. They will also operate externally, and use external operating income to ensure the normal operation of nursing homes."

   "This is a commercial project with public welfare."

  Commercial project with public welfare?

  Can commercial projects still have public welfare?

  I have all kinds of thoughts in my heart, but I can't express them with my mouth. Instead, I agree with Han Songlin's statement.

   means that while making money, we should not forget the fundamentals of being a human being.

   Tang Yan looked at Han Songlin in surprise. She thought that Han Songlin was going to be like schools and hospitals again this time and stop making money.

   Naturally, there is no need for Han Songlin to deal with the matter of the nursing home. After the confession, within a month, the inspection report of the nursing home in the provincial capital was first submitted.

  The nursing home of Xinghai Group combines the elderly care and the elderly activity center.

  In addition to the land for greening, there is also a land for growing flowers and plants in the nursing home, and you can even grow some vegetables.

  (end of this chapter)

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