Comeback 1992

Chapter 1024: fuse

  Chapter 1024 Fuse

   After consolidating the development achievements in the capital, Didi Travel began to expand outwards. According to Han Yumeng's plan, it will spread across the country within two years. At this time, Didi is traveling in China, and its biggest competitor is not others, but taxis.

   As for black car drivers?

   Most of the black car drivers have been recruited.

  In mid-September, Didi Chuxing started to go online in Shanghai, followed by Yangcheng and Shenchuan.

  As long as the markets of these four first-tier cities are occupied, it can basically be said to be invincible in the world!

  The four first-tier cities account for more than 10% of the country's GDP and have concentrated countless outstanding talents.

  By October, the top ten cities in China have already launched Didi Chuxing.

   Didi Chuxing is like a storm, sweeping the country in just a few months.

   Didi Chuxing can develop to the whole country in such a short period of time, and the support of the Xinghai Group behind it undoubtedly played a considerable role.

  For example, when Didi Chuxing expanded, it never lacked funds.

   And in late September, something happened.

  Penguin launched a new software called QQ Computer Manager.

  During the promotion, Penguin also made a small move, that is, binding with QQ forcibly.

  As the No. 1 antivirus software in China, Sanbailiu was terrified of Penguin's computer housekeeper.

  Because this is the core business of 360.

   Now my core business has been invaded by others, and it is still the dominant Internet company in Huaguo!

   Everyone knows the horror of penguins.

  The 3Q war officially broke out.

  This is the first time that Huaguo Internet companies have put competition in front of people.

   All of a sudden, the entire public opinion is paying attention to this matter.

  Han Songlin was also quite stunned. He had already told Penguin to adopt an open strategy. Why did this thing still happen?

  Zhu Xiangping gave Han Songlin all the information of both parties. After this incident happened, the Secretariat had already noticed it.

   Then, some are dumbfounded!

   It feels a bit like the meaning of one's own people beating one's own people.

   "Boss, in 360, Skyfire Hammer Investment holds 20% of the shares, and in Penguin, our Xinghai Group holds 40% of the shares."

  Han Songlin pinched his chin and looked at the information. It seemed inevitable that the two would fight now.

   It's just that Penguin is doing well, why develop a computer housekeeper?

  This business is not a major business for Penguin at all.

  Stop it now?

   Or, wait?

   "This is really flooding the Dragon King Temple!"

  Zhu Xiangping smiled lightly. There are too many companies in the entire Xinghai system. In Huaguo, many companies can be more or less related to Xinghai Group.

  Subsidiaries, Sun companies, and Sun-Sun companies will not be mentioned.

   In other words, Xinghai Group has thousands of foreign investment and shareholding companies.

  This is still the Xinghai Group, plus the Skyfire Hammer investment and THC investment, the number will be even greater.

   In addition, there are some companies invested by the following companies themselves.

   Now it can be said that no one can understand the galaxy system clearly.

  The Xinghai system is like a big tree rooted in Huaguo, with intertwined roots.

   "Boss, why don't you call the two companies and tell them to stop?"

  Han Songlin glanced at the report about Penguin collecting user data.

   Actually, this is a tacit matter of Internet companies.

  Most of the users also know about this matter. Whether the chat records are stored in Penguin's server, is this considered the greatest privacy?

  As long as it doesn't affect the use of anything, everyone doesn't care about it.

  Anyway, everyone is a small person, and no privacy is so precious.

   Could it be possible to report a movie after watching it online?

  For Internet companies, do they know about watching movies?

   "Let the Penguin side not use QQ to forcefully install the computer housekeeper. Competition is okay, but it must be a fair competition. Each of the two companies depends on their own abilities. In addition, let Sanliu also withdraw the bodyguard software."

   At this time, the 3Q battle, which was the biggest hot topic on the Internet, ended without thinking.

   directly surprised all the netizens who were waiting to watch the show, what does this mean?

  I have all my pants off, so just show me this?

   There is also a reason why Han Songlin hurriedly stopped the 3Q battle.

   After more than ten years of brutal development, Internet regulation has begun to be formally noticed.

   And this 3Q war is a trigger event, which made the country strengthen the supervision of the Internet.

  The two 3Q companies suddenly shook hands and made peace, causing many netizens to discuss for a while.

   Then someone threw out the major shareholders of the two companies.

  Both companies are listed companies, and shareholder information is publicly available.

  But in normal times, who will check this!

   It’s too late for everyone to watch celebrity gossip and all kinds of rumors online.

  But this list of shareholders became popular all of a sudden.

   At this time, Weibo has been released, how fast the information spreads.

  Looking at the major shareholders of the two companies, everyone understands why they suddenly shook hands and made peace.

  These two companies are not the same!

  The family can still fight?

   The reason for the sudden handshake and reconciliation has also been found out. It must be the Xinghai Group, which is the mother-in-law, who spoke.

  After all, at the beginning, the words of the two companies wishing each other to die were still in my ears!

  At this time, an article in a newspaper is like dropping a bomb on the already turbulent water.

   The storm suddenly rises!

  What article?

  People's title is like this: The behind-the-scenes controller of Huaguo Internet!

  Is there a master behind the scenes of the Internet?

  In the report, they listed in detail the Huaguo Internet companies held by Skyfire Hammer Investment, THC Investment, and Xinghai Group.

   Then, everyone has a look, all the Internet products that I use frequently are on this list.

   It shocked people all of a sudden.

  Han Songlin was also confused by such a rapid change in public opinion.

   Yesterday we were still discussing the 3Q war, why are you talking about me today?

  When the topic shifted to Han Songlin, I couldn't stop it.

  Many media suddenly seemed to have a collective climax.

  There were more reports about Han Songlin in an instant.

   Fortunately, Han Songlin has been fairly decent all these years, and he hasn't done anything nasty.

   Otherwise, under such a heated discussion, all kinds of things will inevitably be shaken out.

  Many people are afraid of being noticed. Once the attention is high, there are many hidden things that cannot be hidden.

  After being exposed, it will be smashed to pieces.

  In this wave of reports on Han Songlin, people's attention to the 3Q war has been completely diverted.

  I felt that it was simply that nothing was discussed internally.

   Instead of paying attention to deep-seated things, this is an expansion of capital.

  After continuous accumulation of Internet capital, it is now gradually becoming stronger.

  The discussion about Han Songlin was not eased until the National Day.

  Because the National Day is off, everyone goes out to play and does not surf the Internet.

  The focus of news reports is also on travel.

  For example, the scenic spot has turned on the crowd mode or something.

  (end of this chapter)

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