Comeback 1992

Chapter 1028:

  Chapter 1028

  In a laboratory building of Star University, Han Songlin was sitting on a chair by the window. Outside the window, it was drizzle, and the cool wind blowing through the open window was refreshing.

  Han Songlin smiled at the corner of his mouth, staring at Han Yufei who was chatting with a small mouth. He could understand every sentence Han Yufei said, and after linking it together, he didn't know what he was talking about.

   There are a lot of professional words.

   Fortunately, Chinese does not need to speak every word to understand, and Han Songlin can still understand the general idea.

  Han Yufei asked them to redo a certain system and algorithm.

   Research artificial intelligence on the ternary computer.

   For this reason, a ternary algorithm and a ternary computer programming language were specially developed.

   After all, the ternary computer is not the current mainstream computer, and many things are lacking, so it has to be done from scratch.

  Thinking about things, Han Songlin couldn't help being a little dazed.

   "Dad, Dad, what are you thinking?"

  After Han Yufei finished explaining the matter, she saw Han Songlin in a daze.

  For Han Yufei, her biggest task is no longer to do a specific research, but to control the overall research direction and plan the research route.

   There is never a shortage of people who do specific research, but those who can control the overall situation are very good.

  Han Yufei is growing rapidly, and has begun to be the person who controls the overall situation.

  Furthermore, with so many people in the team, Han Yufei didn't need to do anything specific.

  Han Yufei now has more, and is still constantly enriching herself.

  She is still young, not yet twenty years old.

  Han Songlin looked up at Han Yufei and motioned her to sit down. Looking up at her, it was also quite tiring.

   "I'm thinking about one thing, what is the future of computers?"

  Han Yufei looked sideways at her father, with a wide smile on her lips: "Dad, I should consider this issue!"

   There is nothing wrong with talking!

   But why does Han Songlin think that there is something in these words?

   "Yes, I just need to give the money." Han Songlin decided not to think so much.

   For scientific research, you have to trust professional researchers.

  Because of this belief, they gave Han Songlin too many surprises.

  For example, lithography machines, Huaguo’s lithography machine technology is no worse than foreign ones.

  Even if ASML has already built the EUV prototype and is ahead of Shenwei equipment in this field, so what?

  As long as Shenwei Equipment continues to develop, it will always catch up and surpass.

Han Yufei smiled, wrapped her arm around Han Songlin, and said coquettishly: "Dad, you don't just give money. You are our researcher, and you are a strong backer. We know that with your support, Dad, we can feel at ease to do research.”

  For the huge R&D team under the entire Xinghai Group, Han Songlin is really there, so much worry.

   You only need to focus on research, and basically don't have to worry about other things.

   The group will solve all the things that can be solved.

  Things that are difficult to solve, try to solve them.

  For example, marriage.

  Xinghai Group often organizes various youth fellowships, and all those who participate in the fellowships are single men and women.

  Han Songlin patted Han Yufei's head, it felt so good to be needed.

  In October, apart from the two scientists from Huaguo winning the Nobel Prize, there were other things that attracted great public attention.

  The cheating words first appeared on Huaguo Network.

  Yes, the matter of "my dad" happened just this month.

  When Han Songlin saw the news, he couldn't help shaking his head, how could there be such a stupid person.

  When Han Yufei saw the news, she was very angry and said, "This person is too arrogant. He is nothing."

   As she said that, Han Yufei also posted on her Weibo: "What is your father to make you so arrogant."

  The corner of Han Songlin's mouth twitched. He knew that Han Yufei's words meant adding fuel to the fire.

  Yes, Han Songlin didn't stop it either.

   Originally, it was a matter that attracted great attention from the public, but because of Han Yufei's Weibo, it suddenly attracted more attention.

  At the same time, everyone's perception of Han Yufei suddenly became more and more different.

  In the past, in everyone's impression, Han Yufei was a genius.

  The kind of celestial figure who lives in the clouds, making people inaccessible.

   But when Han Yufei posted this on Weibo, everyone instantly had an emotional resonance.

  She is the youngest star academician and scientist in Huaguo, the third princess of Xinghai Group, the youngest winner of the Fields Medal, and an absolute genius.

   Various titles have been assigned to Han Yufei, and countless people have deep expectations for her.

   At this time, people discovered that Han Yufei was the same as everyone else, emotionally.

   would be outraged by the same thing.

   Two days later, Han Songlin saw another piece of news about the follow-up.

  Looking at Han Yufei who was swiping her phone, she found a new joy, that is, chatting with a group of sand sculpture netizens on Weibo.

  Is Han Yufei's influence so terrifying?

   has gone beyond science!

  No, it should be said that in this incident, Han Yufei was the only public figure who spoke.

  Others kept secret about this matter.

  Han Songlin quickly put this matter down, and then on the 20th, another event that made people full of anger happened.

   After hitting someone with a car, instead of rescuing him, he stabbed him to death!

   Such a conscienceless thing is really appalling.

  On the contrary, Han Songlin sighed, and now the cameras are all over the city, and he can find people.

  The good security environment in Huaguo has never been due to the improvement of the quality of the masses.

   It was because the police improved their ability to solve crimes, which greatly frightened a group of people.

  October passed quickly.

  November is also considered stable.

  December, because of the awarding of the Nobel Prize, it seemed a little different.

  Wei Liangcai and Gu Wenbin took the special plane of Xinghai Group to receive the award.

   This kind of courtesy is a must.

  In addition to receiving the award, they also asked them to take their families to Europe to have fun together.

  If you come back, you will naturally return by private plane.

   Can play for a week.

   This year's Nobel Prize Ceremony was broadcast live on CCTV.

  The last live broadcast of the award ceremony of the Nobel Prize dates back to 2002.

  When Wei Liangcai and Gu Wenbin gave speeches, they used Chinese, and they were both pretty good at English.

   But just don't use it.

  They came here on behalf of Huaguo, on behalf of Xingchen Academy, so they should have the pride they should have.

  Han Songlin couldn't help smiling when he heard the words of the two thanking him.

  Drinking water does not forget the well digger, which is very good!

  (end of this chapter)

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