Comeback 1992

Chapter 1035: big eater

  Chapter 1035 Eat a big family

  Dark paint, this is stealth coating. In terms of exterior design, the entire evil-killing drone adopts a large delta wing design.

   This is also the best design for humans to achieve supersonic flight today.

   On Zhuxie, it is equipped with two kinds of engines: turbine engine and scramjet engine.

  The combination of the two engines allows Zhu Xie to control the speed flexibly.

   Not only can cruise at low speed, but also can fight at super high speed.

  The continuous working time of the super-combustion engine is calculated in seconds, and the super-combustion engine on Zhuxie can work continuously for 200 seconds.

   This is already one of the most advanced levels in the world.

  This aircraft also has a bad point, that is, the air stagnation is not good.

  If the missile is mounted, it can only stay in the air for an hour and twenty minutes.

   That is to say, its combat radius is quite small.

   But in the desert country, this is nothing at all.

   No matter how small the combat radius is, it is enough to cover the whole country.

   "How can such an advanced drone be exported!"

   After learning more about the performance and technology of Zhu Xie, the military people were very angry with him.

  Zhu Xie said that it is the most advanced drone in the world, no one can object to this.

  There are too many advanced technologies applied to the aircraft.

   should never have been exported.

   Isn't this a technology leak?

  Han Songlin didn't speak at all, but looked at the people of China Aviation Industry.

  As the second largest shareholder of Xingfei Industry, China Aviation Industry also came here today.

  Although China Aviation Industry is the second largest shareholder of Xingfei Industry, it has no management rights in Xingfei Industry.

   Only financial supervision.

As the general manager of Xingfei Industry, Sun Zhixing had to stand up and speak out: "The research and development cost of this drone is too high. Xingfei Industry does not have enough funds to continue investing in research and development, so it can only find ways to raise funds. You can’t even see machines now, things that don’t make money can’t always exist in our Xingfei Industry.”

  The man wanted to say something, but was stopped.

  In Xingfei Industry, there are extremely many projects, and some projects have financial support.

  Projects of this type naturally have to be reported to the state.

  But many projects are self-developed projects of Xingfei Industry, and these projects are self-raised by Xingfei Industry.

   The military will spend money to buy the research and development results if they want them.

  The fact that the drones made by Xingfei Industry shot down two third-generation fighter jets of John State quickly spread throughout the world.

  As a listed company, the stock price of Xingfei Industrial was naturally affected by this.

   directly rose by 36 percentage points.

  Xingfei Industrial is listed in Xiangjiang, so there is no price limit.

  The logic of the stock price rise is quite simple. This drone can shoot down the plane of John State, so what about other countries?

   John State's aircraft is also the most advanced in the world.

   Other countries will definitely buy it after seeing it.

  UAVs are very cost-effective compared to traditional fighter jets.

   After all, training a pilot is expensive.

  John Guo waited for Hua Guo's reply, saying that this was a normal business transaction that had been completed a long time ago.

   Now that Huaguo has sold the product to the desert country, Huaguo does not interfere with how the desert country uses the product.

  John Kingdom didn’t want to get anything from Hua Kingdom either.

   I just want to give an explanation to the country.

   This hard-won authorization to carry out air strikes on the desert country is now being slapped in the face.

   Then it is natural to divert the attention of the public.

   A slaying evil, now there is some momentum that one man is in charge of the other.

  The air strikes on the desert country have also stopped now.

  Of course, at this time, Camel Kingdom came to the door.

  As the largest dog family in the Arab country, Camel Country has always wanted to be the boss of the Arab world.

  But in these years, there have been people competing with Camel Country for this position.

  Before it was the country of Iraq, and now it was finally destroyed by the country of the United States.

   But followed by Persia.

  I bought a lot of weapons and equipment every year, and the equipment of Camel Country can be called luxurious in the world.

   It's just that its combat effectiveness is, to be honest, it really has to be a big question mark.

  The weapons and equipment are ready, but no one believes how strong the fighting power of the Camel Kingdom is.

  Camel Country said as soon as it came up that it wanted to buy the same unmanned fighter jet as the desert country.

  Camel Kingdom has obviously considered it carefully. Even the people in the desert country can control this unmanned fighter jet, and they must be able to control it.

   This plane is great!

   You don’t need anyone to drive it. If you buy a hundred, wouldn’t you be invincible?

  That's a good idea!

  Xingfei Industry warmly received the people from Camel Country.

   While Xingfei Industries was negotiating with Camel Country, the desert country was also in full swing.

  The Desert Kingdom used drones to fight rebels.

   It’s really one-on-one.

   Instead, the momentum of the rebels was directly suppressed.

  Han Songlin was slightly surprised when he found out about this situation.

  The situation is a bit wrong, why does Kazhafei still want to raise Xiong?

  Before Han Songlin returned to Rongcheng, he received a message.

  The drone was destroyed by someone!

   Not destroyed in the air, but destroyed at the base.

  When the drone was lifted into the air to fight against the rebels, the fighter jets of John State directly carried out a raid and bombed the base where the drone was located.

   Then, blow up the drone directly.

   It's really not surprising at all.

  UAVs have to rely on the system to fight, and it is impossible to exert their full combat effectiveness in the hands of the desert country.

   "If the wreckage of the plane is obtained by Western countries, there will be no problem, right?"

  Sun Zhixing said with a smile: "Don't worry, boss, even if they get the wreckage of the plane, they will not be able to reproduce it. The most important thing about the evil-killing drone is its artificial intelligence system. The system has a self-destruct program."

  The artificial intelligence system on the entire aircraft is the real core of the entire drone.

   Without this system, the combat effectiveness would drop a lot.

  For example, judging the target of the evil drone does not mean that it only uses radar to judge, but also uses an optical camera to identify the target.


  That's just radar stealth, not optical stealth.

  This technology has not been mastered by many companies around the world.

  Han Songlin nodded lightly, as long as there is no problem.

  The drone was destroyed, and Kasarfi hurriedly contacted him and said he wanted to buy it again.

   This is definitely not possible. As a responsible big country, Huaguo will naturally not violate the resolutions of the United Nations.

  Actually, the whole world hates Kaslafe very much.

   Otherwise, when the United Nations passed the resolution, why didn't any of the council members object?

  No objection, but support.

   On the contrary, the negotiation with Camel Country went smoothly.

  Xingfei Industries stated that there are still many problems with the evil-killing unmanned fighter jets.

  Especially after actual combat, many problems have been found and need to be improved.

  Although Xingfei Industrial sold the aircraft, it has always been able to receive the data transmitted by the aircraft.

   Because there are problems, it needs to be improved, although the delivery time of the aircraft will have to wait until next year.

  Although the aircraft will not be delivered until next year, the money must be paid first.

  A 30% deposit for an aircraft.

  (end of this chapter)

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