Comeback 1992

Chapter 1038: effect

  Chapter 1038 Role

   This is the first time that Han Songlin watched Huaguo's first aircraft carrier up close.

   During the refitting process of this aircraft carrier, the Xinghai Group also made great efforts.

  For example, the deck steel of an aircraft carrier is produced by Xinghai Special Steel.

  In addition, the arresting cables on the aircraft carrier are also produced by Xinghai Special Steel.

  The electronic chips used on the aircraft carrier are designed by Xingfan Semiconductor and manufactured by Xingda Technology.

  The power steam turbine of the aircraft carrier is not manufactured by the Xinghai Group, but the manufacture of the steam turbine has a lot to do with the Xinghai Group.

   Huaguo Erzhong's Dongmengshan die forging press processed steam turbine components.

  Han Songlin: "Is it okay to take a photo and post it on Weibo?"


   You don’t live on an alien planet, so you naturally know what Weibo is.

  Now Weibo is quite popular, and young people are "knitting scarves" with their mobile phones.


  Han Songlin naturally knows how to keep things secret. Instead of taking pictures in the cabin, he stood on the deck of the aircraft carrier and took a selfie. He took a photo of the aircraft carrier.

   And the accompanying text said: "This aircraft carrier looks okay!"

   This aircraft carrier is a verification aircraft carrier. What Huaguo needs to do is to master the full set of aircraft carrier technologies.

   After all, no one will help Hua Guo with the aircraft carrier, and it can only rely on itself.

  In today's world, the United States is one of the countries that can build 60,000-ton aircraft carriers, and the other is Hua, which has just learned.

   As for other countries?

  Sorry, none of them work.

  The aircraft carrier is called the embodiment of the strength of modern industrial technology. If the industrial population is not enough, it cannot be handled at all.

  At the construction site of the aircraft carrier, Han Songlin accidentally discovered a very interesting thing.

   Here, there are quite a few students who graduated from Xinghai Institute of Technology.

  Xinghai Technical College is a school that specializes in training high-tech workers. After more than ten years of development, Xinghai Technical College has been recognized by all parties.

  From a junior college, it was upgraded to an undergraduate school.

   Among the students recruited by Xinghai Technical College, most of them are students of technical high school, belonging to the upper level of technical high school.

  This kind of school did not exist in Huaguo in the previous life.

  I went to a vocational high school, and although I was able to take the college entrance examination, I didn’t have a special university to provide advanced education for technical students.

  Xinghai Institute of Technology has a large number of level 8 skilled workers.

   There are retired workers as well as working ones.

  Xinghai Institute of Technology has sent a large number of outstanding technicians to Huaguo over the years.

   It doesn't seem strange to see them at the construction site of the aircraft carrier.

  A leader said with a smile: "In terms of vocational and technical education, Shuchuan is the best in the country."

  The seeds sown more than ten years ago are finally harvesting, and Han Songlin is really happy.

  The strength of a country's industry depends on whether it has a large number of qualified industrial population.

   Let’s just talk about this aircraft carrier.

   There are three jewels in the crown of the shipbuilding industry: aircraft carriers, LNG ships and luxury cruise ships.

  These three types of ships represent three different industrial directions: ultra-complete industrial systems and integration capabilities, the pinnacle of finishing technology, and the ultimate in ship design.

  What does it take to build an aircraft carrier?

  Perhaps the words revealed by Makarov, the director of the Black Sea Shipyard, are of great reference value.

  600 related majors and 8,000 supporting manufacturers, a great country that needs strong organizational and execution capabilities!

  The meaning behind these words is the industrial population.

  Want to build an aircraft carrier, not only these people who build it on site are involved.

   There are more than one million people behind the aircraft carrier.

  Many people don't even know that what they produce will eventually be applied to the aircraft carrier.

  Han Songlin smiled, but did not speak.

   In terms of high-quality technicians, Huaguo still lacks overall.

  Han Songlin's Weibo post caused huge waves.

  Usually, Han Songlin doesn't post much on Weibo.

  But every time you post something, the influence is particularly great.

   Regardless of the pursuit of wealth, whether he likes or dislikes Han Songlin, or various reasons, anyway, Han Songlin has a particularly large number of fans on Weibo.

  Out of ten people who play Weibo, five or six people may follow Han Songlin.

  No way, Han Songlin is so famous in China.

  People often leave messages under Han Songlin's Weibo: "Father Han, can you marry Han Ting to me!"

  Han Songlin didn't feel awkward when he saw these words.

  He is also a member of Sand Sculpture Netizens.

   At least it used to be.

   Now Han Songlin can't post random comments online, otherwise, accidents will be too easy.

  The news of the Huaguo aircraft carrier instantly became the focus of attention of the entire network.

  Why is it so silent, Huaguo even built an aircraft carrier.

  Just now, some people were arguing online about whether China should build an aircraft carrier.

  Supported opinion: Huaguo is a big country and should build an aircraft carrier.

   Opponents think: China does not fight wars, and aircraft carriers are expensive, so they should not be built.

  Han Songlin didn't know that the Internet had gone upside down, so he visited the aircraft carrier and even went to the power cabin.

   This aircraft carrier is a conventionally powered aircraft carrier. As for the construction technology of nuclear powered aircraft carriers, Hua Guo has not mastered it yet.

   Now, there are still many technologies that need to be broken through.

   In the next step, the first thing to do is to build an aircraft carrier completely independently.

  Go through the entire construction process.

   It's not like this time, it's just a modification.

   Wait until the self-built aircraft carrier comes out before we can say that Huaguo has truly mastered the complete set of modern aircraft carrier construction technologies.

  Now that everyone has come to Lianda, Han Songlin also went to inspect Huixiangyuan Northeast Company.

  Huixiangyuan has become the top three grain and oil companies in the country at this time, and its products for consumers include staple grains such as flour and rice, as well as edible oil.

  Canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, etc.

  Han Songlin naturally didn't come to see Huixiangyuan's sales. He was mainly concerned about Huixiangyuan's land lease in North Russia.

  At this time, Wen Yue gained a lot of weight after giving birth.

   She was too thin before, but now she looks more feminine.

   "In Northern Russia, we leased 3 million acres of land to grow soybeans. The annual output is 450,000 tons, with an output value of 1.8 billion."

  Han Songlin: "After planting 3 million mu of land, it's only 1.8 billion in one year?"

  Wen Yue stared at Han Songlin with wide eyes: "Boss, aren't you too unreal right now?"

  Farming land is not a very profitable thing.

   Can you not cultivate the land?

   That is obviously not acceptable.

   "Boss, although it seems that the output value is very small, the profit is quite good. The annual profit can reach one billion."

  Billions in profit, this sounds pretty good!

  (end of this chapter)

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