Comeback 1992

Chapter 1048: Acquire European teams

  Chapter 1048 Acquisition of European teams

   After several days of rain, it finally cleared up today.

  After the sun cleared, you could feel a wave of heat permeating the air in an instant.

   "Is it worth buying a European football team?"

  As for football, Han Songlin knows very well that it doesn't make money at all!

   Regardless of whether football is the number one sport or something, there are very few football clubs in this world that make money.

  Of course, teams like Arsenal and Manchester United, as well as Real Madrid, are doing very well commercially, let alone.

  Tang Yan took a water bottle and carefully sprayed water on the green plants in the office. On weekdays, Han Songlin didn't take much care of these green plants.

   "Uncle, haven't you noticed that in recent years, our domestic enterprises have begun to go out more and more?"

  Han Songlin: "Isn't it a long time ago for domestic enterprises to go global?"

  Tang Yan put down the watering can helplessly: "Now domestic companies are beginning to participate in international competition more and more. Our brand companies are also constantly expanding their share in the global market."

   "Didn't you notice that our company has significantly increased its advertising abroad?"

  Han Songlin couldn't help pondering for a while, this is true.

  Advertising abroad has indeed begun to increase.

   For example, Chenxing Company.

  It is called Chenxing in China, and Mercury in foreign countries.

  Chenxing Company can be regarded as an international company, occupying a quite high proportion in the global smartphone market.

  The success of Chenxing Company has also driven a series of domestic companies to achieve great development.

   In the European market, Chenxing Company and the American Fruit Company compete at the same time.

  Nokia, the king of mobile phone companies in Europe at the time, has sold its mobile phone business to Wind Corporation of the United States.

  Wind company originally hoped that after buying Nokia's mobile phone business, it would improve its ecological chain and launch a mobile phone equipped with the mobile version of Wind system.

   But for a long time, there was not much movement.

  In other words, many products have been launched, but there is not much response in the market.

   This point is undoubtedly quite uncomfortable.

  What is Nokia doing now?

  Although the mobile phone business was sold, they are now a communication equipment manufacturer, and they are still doing well.

  Large companies want to collapse directly. To be honest, it is very difficult.

  As long as you have enough capital, you can still live well if you switch to another way to live.

  Tang Yan talked about a set of data: "Last year, Chenxing's advertising investment in Europe reached 60 million US dollars. In addition to advertising on TV, the Internet, newspapers, magazines and periodicals, there is also advertising investment on football."

  Han Songlin asked strangely, "Are you still advertising on football?"

   "In 2010, Chenxing Company placed an advertisement on the stadium advertising screen."

  Han Songlin knew about this, because he saw it.

   "In addition to Chenxing's advertising investment, Xingfan Semiconductor also chose football as the carrier of advertising. In addition, Furui Automobile is the same."

   "Several companies add up, anyway, the advertising investment of 100 to 200 million US dollars has not been lost. In the future, the advertising investment will definitely become more and more."

   As for advertising, it can be said that they attach great importance to it.

   Holding the idea that the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys is absolutely unacceptable in the era of market economy.

  This is an era of competition, it is necessary to let consumers know your products quickly.

  The aroma of wine must be smelled by consumers first!

  How did Fuller Wine Industry get started?

   Anyone who knows the history of the Xinghai Group knows this.

  Fuller Liquor relied on the CCTV advertisements at that time.

   Just because Fuller Wines won CCTV's first bid, and then it soared into the sky, out of control.

  Fuller Liquor Industry is in the early development of Xinghai Group, but it is very beneficial to support the development of the group.

   Without the advertisements of that year, the current Xinghai Group may not exist.

  Tang Yan said seriously: "Football, as the number one sport, has a strong influence in Europe. Moreover, European football matches have a strong influence all over the world."

  Han Songlin leaned on the back of the chair. He remembered that for a while, Huaguo's capital quickly acquired some European clubs.

   Said they bought it for the development of Huaguo football?

  This is pure bullshit.

  No one's money is picked up for nothing, and they will not be wasted.

   "It is feasible to acquire a football club as an advertising platform. However, which club are you going to choose?"

  Tang Yan: "The team from the bullfighting country can be from La Liga or La Liga. I am more inclined to buy a second-tier team."

  A first-tier team, no matter what, will have a bit of arrogance.

   If you want to buy, buy the second-tier team.

   Want the kind of team that has a certain glorious history, but has no money, and it is best to run a difficult team.

  If this is the case, the entry of new capital is like the arrival of the savior.

   In many things, it will be much more convenient.

   "I am going to make an acquisition in the name of Xinghai Group."

  Han Songlin shook his head and said: "Don't use the name of Xinghai Group, it's not necessary. Just invest in THC."

   Tang Yan frowned and said: "In the name of Xinghai Group, it can enhance the reputation of Xinghai Group in the world."

   "The reputation of the Xinghai Group does not need football to improve."

   It doesn't matter whether Xinghai Group is famous among ordinary people or not.

   Seeing Han Songlin's insistence, Tang Yan didn't say anything.

   Instead, he talked about another thing, which was also about football.

  In the past, Xinghai Group once invested in a team, and it was not called Xinghai Group Investment. Fuller Wine invested in a team.

  It was originally used as an advertising platform for Fuller Wine.

  At that time, Fuller Wine Industry won the bid king of CCTV, and it also won it for three consecutive years.

   Investing in football advertising becomes dispensable.

  So the football team was transferred out.

   But in 2001, Shuchuan Quanxing no longer invested in football, and the team was transferred to DL Shide, the overlord of the Chinese League at the time.

   Then Shide suffered.

  The team was taken over by a local company in Shuchuan, but the team invested too much.

  After a long time, the team was taken over by Xinghai Real Estate, and then directly changed its name to Shuchuan Athletic.

  In recent years, the football atmosphere in Huaguo has not been very good.

  Xinghai Real Estate is purely raising the team, strictly restricting the team's expenses, and the players in the team are not top players.

   And I also like to mention youth training players to play football. If they play well, they can be sent to Europe to play football.

  Anyway, Shuchuan Athletic is a **** team in the Huachao, with no worries about relegation and no hope of winning the championship.

   What AFC Champions League, then don't think about it at all.

   "Last year, Yangcheng Hengtai acquired Yangcheng Sun God. This year, Yangcheng Hengtai has a very strong momentum. I feel that the football market may be about to explode again."

  Han Songlin smiled. He naturally knew that, driven by Yangcheng Hengtai, football would become popular again in China.

  To be honest, being a football fan in China is quite painful.

  The past few years have been good, and I can still find some people who like to watch football games together.

   Waited for a few years and stopped watching the game.

   Not to mention playing football.

  “Compared with football, I am more optimistic about basketball.”

  Tang Yan: "Xinghai Real Estate also has a basketball team!"

  (end of this chapter)

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