Comeback 1992

Chapter 892: good news

  Chapter 892 Good news keeps coming

Chance! An opportunity for Jingfang Company to expand the global share of LCD panels.

   After full competition in an industry, industry giants will inevitably emerge.

  As for the grand occasion when a hundred flowers bloomed in the industry, it will naturally disappear.

   If Jingfang Company wants to eat more meat in the LCD panel market, it naturally has to kill other wolves.

   If you want to fight, you must fight the weakest one.

   On this point, Han Songlin believes that South Korea will also cooperate tacitly.

   "Jingfang Company has to build a large production line in the past two years to seize as many markets as possible."

  Tang Yan: "It costs a lot to build a production line!"

  A 7th generation line can only be built with an investment of tens of billions.

   "Money, isn't it just for spending. Moreover, it is a good thing that Jingfang Company builds more production lines, which can promote the development of Shenwei!"

  Tang Yan didn't know what to say, could it be that only Shen Wei was important?

   Well, Shenwei is indeed very important, the core enterprise of the entire Huaguo semiconductor industry.

  The technological breakthrough of Shenwei is related to the development of the entire Huaguo semiconductor industry.

   Time slowly comes to April, which is the month when spring is full.

  A good time for outings.

   Various clubs of Star University organized various activities on campus on weekends.

   For example, the Hanfu event!

  The renaissance of Hanfu is a manifestation of the awakening of the consciousness of a great nation. Han Songlin suddenly found that more and more girls in the school began to wear Hanfu.

   Suddenly it became a fad.

  Han Songlin glanced at Han Yufei who was holding his hand. Han Yufei was also wearing a Hanfu.

  Usually, Han Yufei likes to wear this.

  Han Yufei never seemed to care about her clothes, but she never seemed ugly.

   This is very interesting.

   Also, at home, under the influence of eyes and ears, the aesthetics of clothing will definitely not be bad.

   "In school, are there many people wearing Hanfu?"

  Han Yufei nodded lightly: "There are many, and some people wear them during class."

  Han Songlin smiled lightly: "Mainly girls?"


   It is actually not too strange that this happened at Star University.

  Self-confidence can be seen in every student of Star University.

   Being able to enter Star University means one thing, you are better than ordinary people.

   Star University has carried out that kind of patriotic education that nourishes everything silently. On the campus, there are a large number of statues of Chinese historical celebrities.

   In addition, the compulsory course of Star University has the history of Huaguo.

  On April 7th, there was a news from Baodao that Dayou Optoelectronics merged with Guanghui Electronics.

  They will complete the formal merger in October.

   If the merger is completed, the total production capacity of the 5th and 6th generation TFT LCD panels of Sundayo will rank first in the world.

  Xindayou will occupy 20% of the global panel market share!

  A rather exaggerated data.

   There will be 1 6th generation factory, 3 5th generation factories, 1 4th generation factory, and 3 3.5th generation factories.

   It also plans to produce 7.5th generation panels for the 40-inch TV panel market in the fourth quarter.

   Especially the production of 7.5-generation panels in the fourth quarter is a big stimulus for Jingfang Company.

  Jingfang Company has intensified its research on the 8th generation LCD panel production line.

  In addition, the construction of the 6th generation and 7th generation production lines has also accelerated.

  The 6th-generation production line began to be officially put into production in mid-May.

  The 7th generation production line also officially started production in October.

   Huge changes in the LCD panel industry are nothing to Han Songlin.

  He paid more attention to Xinghai XAC’s official delivery of the first MA700 to Tieba International Airlines.

  After the MA700 is delivered, it will be used by Tieba International Airlines for its domestic routes.

   When it was delivered, a rather grand delivery ceremony was naturally held.

   This is also the first export of Huaguo's self-developed civil aviation passenger aircraft.

   In terms of meaning, it is naturally quite important.

  After getting the first overseas customer, the sales market of Xinzhou 700 was suddenly opened.

  In May 2006, MA700 aircraft successfully obtained the airworthiness certificate of Thousand Islands.

   Paved the way for the export of MA700 aircraft to Southeast Asia.

  As an archipelagic country, the Thousand Islands can only carry out land transportation within the island. As for the transportation between islands, it belongs to air transportation and shipping.

  Air freight is naturally the most convenient way.

  Qiandao Pigeon Airlines is a state-owned airline in Qiandao, and it has shown great interest in MA700.

   After all, the MA700 aircraft is much cheaper than the international aircraft of the same type.

  As a low-cost airline, Thousand Island Pigeon Aerospace needs this kind of low-cost aircraft.

   And most importantly, MA700 can obtain FAA and EASA certified aircraft.

   In terms of quality, there is definitely no problem.

   MA700 can successfully obtain the certification of the two most authoritative aviation organizations in the world. It must be said that it has a lot to do with Europe and the United States not paying much attention to regional airliners in the aviation field.

  In addition, the aviation market in Huaguo is developing rapidly. If Huaguo wants to buy an airplane, the United States and Europe have to think about it.

   They are all worried, if you give it, but if I don’t, then Huaguo won’t buy the plane.

  Qiandao Gehang came to discuss the purchase of MA700, but there was a somewhat unexpected but reasonable thing.

  When Han Songlin heard the news, he wasn't surprised at all.

   In terms of corruption, the Thousand Islands are very serious.

  Even the leader is greedy, don’t the others?

Just kidding.

  Gehang came to Xinghai Xifei to talk to people who took the initiative to ask for benefits, and did not hide that kind at all.

  After knowing this, Han Songlin didn't say no.

  But Xinghai Xifei is required not to get involved in this matter.

   Xinghai Xifei must be like a pure girl, without any dirt.

   Not even a record of bank transfers can be left.

  How can this work?

   Of course it works.

   Forgot Bitcoin?

  Bitcoin has only appeared for more than half a year, but its price has risen to one dollar each at this time.

  This has some meaning.

  No one is behind it, it's not normal.

  Bitcoin's fame has attracted the attention of many people.

   I won’t say much about the dirty things behind it.

  Anyway, Thousand Island Pigeon Airlines and Xinghai Xifei signed an order for 30 aircraft, which is simply amazing.

  In the next few months, there will be frequent reports of Xinghai Xifei's success.

   Signed aircraft sales contracts with several countries in Southeast Asia, and sold them in Africa.

  Xinghai Xifei also agreed to lease an aircraft first, and then buy it when it feels good after using it for a period of time.

   After all, the price of an airplane is a little expensive.

   Xinghai Xifei has to keep up with after-sales service, after all, these third-world airlines are somewhat unreliable.

  Because of their maintenance, one of them fell from the sky every now and then, ruining the reputation of Xinzhou 700.

  This is a bit too irritating.

  (end of this chapter)

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