A week goes by in no time. It was a week when someone invited me every day to enjoy it.

I remember going to the ranch with Aisha and the others.

I was surrounded by a bunch of coosies, and after I let them moff me to see if this was it, I rode a silo bear and watched the ranch relaxed.

After that, I bought new land to expand my ranch grounds. Since it is defensive from external enemies, the scope of our land is reserved only to the outer boundaries.

Everyone else says you're moving, but I'm the only one who can relax.

Truth is, if nothing happens, I don't have a job at all, do I? So you can enjoy your dream Nettle life.

It would be nice if I meant a vacation for about two weeks, but it's not a good idea to sit around saying I haven't had a job all the time. I think I'm going to be stunned like this.

I know. What about my livestock spirit?

But even those who are not so motivated to work do nothing and blur, they say, "I don't know what to do."

What a thought, the day quickly ended when I was feeding the pigeons in the park.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Good Chen. We'll be there by this evening. '

By the time the sun rises in the morning, Felix will contact me over the comms.


What about Frey?

She lives in a Titania room. I've always had gargoyle operations, so I eat in my room, and rarely come out of the room except when I'm in the bathroom and in the bathroom.

Along the way, I had talked in the way of Frey, who was worried and focused.

At that time, she said, "No problem. Before I met the saints, I was in the wild for more than a month in operational action," he said.

The Demons thought it would be better to think a little bit more about overwork. Exactly in front of Frey, though I never put it in my mouth.

That's why I went back to my home to talk to Frey.

Are you still asleep?

I knock on the door of Titania's room, even though I think it pulls my hair behind me.

Tons of...

"Are you a saint? Please, come in."

"Where I'm tired, I'm sorry. What about Titania?"

"I'm still asleep. But it's time to wake up, and even if the saints go to bed, joy won't hurt them."

"Well, I guess so."

"Even so. Neither do I. You can come anytime! Even in the same room!

Aha - I pushed a weird switch.

But I'm glad I'm doing the same. For this matter, you don't have to worry.

Gachari - Pathan.

Open the door and close it immediately.

"Wear clothes or wear sheets!

"I don't care"

"Because I can't help but care!

"Was he so... unbearable to see..."

"No, because that's not true. You're going to have eyes on your body."


You crazy bitch!

Glad to see you naked or something......

Take a big, deep breath and open the door again.

Gachari - Pathan.

Open the door and close it immediately. What a deja vu.

Now you're coming to the door!

What are you doing, Frey?

"So get your clothes. Well, I'll keep asking from here."

"Oh, no..."

The door knob's working!

Clever. I push the door knob.

But Frey is stronger.

I'm still fine. Not in a hurry. This door opens inside. Just pull it so it doesn't open, and we can talk.

You might think you're lucky to see Frey naked. But would you like to see a crazy woman naked when she says, "Look, look."

If you're ashamed of me, I'd like to see this one too... No, I'm not forcing myself to take a peek. It's an analogy.

All right, you gave up or you lost the power to pull. Let's keep the door shut.



Bar reading. Bar reading. That scream.

I just got relieved, poked at my surprise, pulled the door at once, and out of balance, I got on top of Frey.

"Because I'm trying to stand, but if I grab my arm, I fall again"

"This place is a promise when you stand, don't you touch it? Rather rub......"

"Here, uh!

What are you talking about when Titania says she's sleeping there? Wasn't Frey like this... more like this when we first met, like a national official?

Since when have you been such a crazy bitch? Oh, but if you're in working mode like when you're coordinating with the Demon Nation, it's the same as before.

Maybe the on-off is the fierce type.

Be someone who fits with you.

"So don't grab my arm and pull it"


With the scream of bar-reading, he's trying to pinch my knee with his thigh...

"Give it up, man. Look, put on the sheets."

I was finally getting up, and now I'm stretching my tail to my feet.

I tried to grab his tailtip and keep him from moving any further, but I had a bad feeling about it and I wouldn't touch him.

"That, Fuji, good morning? Do you want to sleep with me?

Wow. Titania's up and running.

Is she still nagging, huh, and she's stretching and rubbing her eyes?

"Let's sleep together, it's still early in the morning."

Frey put his arm around me.

"You're wazzing... really already. I was hoping to hear how the Demons are progressing, but not later."

"Is that what happened?"

Instead of feeling it on his arms, he leaves, and Frey kneels on the spot. Naked.

But I'm doing the wings forward, making sure they're invisible.

Apparently another switch came on.

I don't know about this from the start......

The head of the demon clan and his escort are on their way.

"When are you going to arrive?

"For this minute, we expect to arrive by noon tomorrow. I can't move at night."

"Roger. Will the Principality of Crystal Palace be quicker when it comes"

"If so, is it today for the Principality?

"Yeah. I'm going to call everyone after this. Trying to get ready for acceptance."

"I understand. I'll get dressed soon, too."

"Okay...... wait, tell him to get dressed after I leave"

"I thought it was too soon."

"No, I'm going to have to broadcast it to everyone else, and you don't have to rush that far,"

I'm not listening.

Open your closet and put your underwear on...... I immediately turned my heel back, and I speak to Titania as I recall.

"Titania. I'll see you on the first floor."

"Yeah. Get dressed and you'll be right down."

It was me walking out of the room with my right hand up and flickering.

Frey just asked me how far the Demons were coming, but you're oddly tired......

After this, he broadcast on the example Pimp Pomp Poop and told the Maluburghs and Lütiers to come to the rally point.

The rendezvous time was about lunch, and it was out......

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