I was alone with the Duke, but I'm busy with the Duke anyway.

So I decided to use my accommodation prep time to hold talks with him.

Get Frederick to show the people he brought to the inn, and me and him will move to the guest room he left at Fujima Hot Springs.

I didn't know the opportunity to use this place would come soon...... it's a room I made with Klaus in good shape, right?

This room is about fifteen tatami tatami in size and is made in pure Japanese style.

There was an enclosure in the center, and the others were laid with tatami. A barrier window is provided on the opposite side of the entrance, and when you open this place to the side, the edge faces for a plank bump.

It's connected to the outside from the edge, but it's a little garden. It's equipped with a restraint shield.

- Capone.

Sounds good. You're weirdly calm. Shiitake sounds.

"Here. I don't have a chair, so I want you to sit on the futon. I'll have my legs broken and I'll be fine."

That's the Duke. There's nothing confusing about being led into this room that's only uncomfortable. At least on the surface.

When you claw over the futon, the Duke sits in the same way.

"It's just stuff you've never seen. Is everything made by the Great Mage?

"Yeah, I just made this place. What? I need to ask you a favor, okay?"

"Let me know"

"It's just us. Can you do me a favor and feel shattered? Just for today."

The Duke didn't even show himself touring, but put his hand on his chin beard, and nodded when he fumed.

"I understand that. Outside you... I want you to forgive me for acting like I love you."

"I see... you are a cut after all. He's Maluburg's father."

"That's all Maluburg and Felix admire. I know you're more intimate in nature than in awe."

You have that parent and that hatred...... no. You mean there's a genius Maluburg.

He used to see me behaving like a waza and majesty.

But he was supposed to maintain my "authority" in order to advance the talks with the Demons.

I wonder if he is because his own son's name came out of me as an example, he smiles softly and continues his words.

"Maluburg has already surpassed itself. The brilliant Great Mage (Maygus) would have noticed."

"I'm the Duke... I don't know Mr. Maximilian very well. But when I first met him, he acted, he made decisions, he thought flexibly... he was an excellent trader."

"Embarrassing. excessive words to me like destroying my country."

"Of course. I know Maluburg is a genius while he's born. He is highly capable of learning and adaptive. There's something about being a little busy and a little bit of a prank guy."

"Well, is Maluburg there? A prank is. The Great Sorcerer is admired by me."

A duke who delightfully narrows his eyes.

"I wonder if so. I'm old enough to think of him, but I think he's a friend. I've talked to him a lot, and I've come this far."

"Was I? Maruburg's head was so cut off that he approached His Holiness the Wise Mage."

Instead of approaching, the moon and spoon are different......

But in front of the Duke, I couldn't be honest enough to tell him, I just had to have an ambiguous grin.

"He was oblivious to people, and he gave me suggestions about the city's architectural plans, about the Duchy of Crystal Palace and about the country of man."

"I see. So you served to fill the wisdom of the wise. That kid, he's too hung up. The principality didn't push her out of business, she cut the principality."


"That kid understood. that the Principality can no longer avert the path of doom."

"Was Mr. Maximilian and Maluburg the only ones who knew that the Principality would perish?

"Master Left. Everyone thinks the country is eternal. But this time, the Great Sorcerer made his way to live in our Principality. Without your help, it was a dream story of a meeting with the Demons."

The Duke understood. The Principality of Crystal Palace has no more.

But I was agreeing that it was impossible to avoid the path of doom. Still, I guess I didn't want to give up.

I don't know how long it lasted.

Whether it was a year before I came, or three years ago, the area is unknown. Only one thing that is clear is that by the time Maluburg came to the prairie he had already given up.

Whatever you do, there is no future in the Duchy of Crystal Palace anymore, and it will perish nearby.

Is that why, even if the nobles and his sons were doing whatever they wanted, they were letting them do it? I don't know in his heart.

If you know you're going to perish, you can at least let the people escape to a safe place or something, I guess because I don't know about the Duchy of Crystal Palace.

Entry into the prairie was also intended to compensate for the food shortage, but it may have entrusted a great deal of hope and searched for new heavens and earth.

"All I do is live up to my meeting with the Demons. I'm not going to interfere beyond that. I'm not on either side of the Demons or humans."

I understand the situation.

But the Demons also have demonic circumstances.

All I wish for is peace, but it's only the Principality of Crystal Palace and the Devil Nation that we have to discuss.

It makes no sense if I say "get along" with my powers.

I think it's different to hold it down with force and say, "It's peace" and "It's peace".

"I understand. Your temperament, what it means to have dined so far. What I wanted to talk to you about was my boys. I would like to receive the opinion of a third party and wise Great Mage (Maygus)."

"I ran ahead of you. You weren't consulting with the Demons. What do you mean your sons?

In his talks with the Demons, the Duke didn't want to make contact with me to facilitate the negotiations.

But you don't just want to talk to the public, do you?

"I have three sons besides Maluburg and Felix, Finn, Ernst and Herman"

"I do have five sons in all."

"Yes, my eldest son Finn and my second son Ernst were fighting over the seat of the next Duke."

"It's not what my oldest son inherits."

"Usually you are. But even if Finn succeeds him, he won't be able to stand up."

"I see... so you want my opinion on your successor?

"Yes, my successor came with a 'realism', so embarrassing story, that there was no difference in who would inherit after me, and I did but let it remain. He said it would be better if we could enjoy it now than hold it down."

I know what you're trying to say.

If you're going to perish anyway, you mean you want at least a little fun.

That made it possible for the country to survive depending on negotiations with the Demons.

But what happened because I hadn't raised my successor properly?

Exactly. You'll be studying and practicing as an exchanger, but should I see that you haven't liquidated your relationship?

"From Mr. Maximilian's point of view, what are the three of Finn, Ernst and Hellman like?

"Right. Fins are easy, but there is something brittle about them that is not powerful enough. Ernst has a sweet side for being too upward oriented. Hellman's only interested in making money."

"Hmm...... is Hellman not interested in politics?

"When it comes to the whole country…"

It's a difficult problem.

It's best that Finn and Ernst get along, because Ernst won't admit Finn......

"It's hard to achieve. Maybe Mr. Maximilian thinks the same thing..."

"Be sure. Can I tell you something?

This is my plan.

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