As the sound sounded, a transparent light curtain appeared in front of Campbell

Physical fitness: 0.4

Skill: None

XP: 100

Instinctively, Campbell felt that this experience was because he had just killed the man, but this was not a good place to study this thing, because of the remoteness of the place, there were few pedestrians passing by, and no one should have seen the scene of doing it himself….

Campbell walked quickly down the alley, the man was a member of the biggest gang in the neighborhood, and it would not be a good thing if someone found out that he had killed the man.

“Kan… Campbell, it’s you” Turning the alley, Campbell bumped into a beggar head-on, and after the other party shook his head and found that it was Campbell, he greeted Campbell very unnaturally.

Looking at the other party’s somewhat dodging eyes, Campbell’s spirit tightened, directly pressed the other party to the wall, pulled out the dagger and placed it on his neck, the other party’s age is about the same age as Campbell, and he was directly suppressed by Campbell when he had a mind to calculate or not.

“You see?” Looking into the other’s eyes, Campbell looked at this man about the same age as himself with stern eyes.

“What… What, I don’t understand what you’re saying. The other party avoided Campbell’s gaze and spat out a few words.

Looking at the other party like this, even Campbell, who had not studied interrogation, could easily distinguish the fact that the other party was lying.

“Swan, I’ll only ask again.” In a stern tone, Campbell pressed the little beggar in front of him, that is, Swan, and the dagger slowly forced, removing a bloodstain on Swan’s neck.

“I won’t say it, Campbell, you believe me, I definitely won’t say it” Swan’s tears and snot all flowed, looking very miserable.

Campbell, who looked at the other party like this, also hesitated all of a sudden, although he had just killed the gangster, but after all, the other party had killed “himself” once, and if he did not resist at that time, his scarred self was beaten once and estimated that he would not be able to survive today.

But the Swan in front of him is different, he has no grievances with himself, but he accidentally saw the scene of his own hands, if he killed the other party because of this, Campbell couldn’t make up his mind at all.

“Dead!” A loud call made Campbell nervous all of a sudden, coupled with the faint sound of footsteps, made Campbell give up his intention to do it, and if he did it now, it was easy to be discovered.

“Okay, I believe you, but don’t let me hear any wind, otherwise…” Campbell made his tone fierce, looking at Swan’s vigorous nod, Campbell touched Swan’s head with satisfaction, removed the dagger, and quickly left.

When he returned home, Campbell sat down against the wall, and immediately grinned, it was not without cost when he just started the effect so well, his arm seemed to be cramped, and in order to deter Swan, he had to pretend to be fierce, and did not dare to show this scene outside.

After resting for a while, Campbell recalled the light curtain that appeared in front of him just now, and seemed to detect Campbell’s thoughts, and the light curtain appeared in front of Campbell’s eyes again.

Physical fitness: 0.4

Skill: None

XP: 100

“Don’t you even have a hint of information” Looking at the light curtain in front of him, Campbell was a little confused, he didn’t know what this thing could do, thinking about it, Campbell focused his consciousness on the column of physical fitness according to his experience of reading novels in his previous life, to see if he could get any useful information.

“Whether it takes 100 experience to improve fitness to 1. Yes/No”

As Campbell focused his consciousness on the physical fitness column, the light curtain changed again.

Touching his chin, Campbell felt that he seemed to understand something, this light curtain was similar to the system in the novel he was reading, and it seemed that he could improve his physical fitness through experience points.

Learning from the experience just now, Campbell used his consciousness to lighten the choice of yes.

Immediately Campbell felt the change, as if there was a stream of heat flowing through his body, and the body’s body temperature seemed to rise a little.

After the end of this heat flow, Campbell was surprised to find that all the injuries on his body had healed, and the original bruises had also returned to the normal color of the skin, Campbell stood up and exercised, feeling that his body seemed to have become much lighter, and his strength was much greater than before.

Turn on the system again – Campbell decided to call the light curtain a system in the future, and the original 100 experience points disappeared, but instead the physical fitness jumped from 0.4 to 1

Physical fitness: 1

Skill: None

XP: 0

“It doesn’t look like this thing is an illusion, but what does that skill mean?” How do you get skills?” Campbell was a little curious, since this system can really improve his physical fitness, then the interface of that skill is only expected.

In this cannibalistic world, Campbell is full of longing for things that can enhance his strength.

After all, although the wall is tall, it is not safe, and in the future, the super-large giant and the armored giant will destroy the wall, and if there is not enough strength, even survival cannot be guaranteed, let alone ensure the things they cherish.

Only strength can make people truly control their own destiny, and Campbell now clearly understands this.

Campbell turned on the system again to see how much experience it would take to improve his physical fitness to two, and when he didn’t know how to learn skills, Campbell could only concentrate on improving his physical fitness.

“Does it cost 300 experience to improve physical fitness to 2. Yes/No”

“300 experience, according to the situation just now, do you need at least three lives? No, since killing people can gain experience, killing animals or something makes no sense and can’t get experience, let’s experiment first” Campbell still subconsciously avoided the option of killing, he had survived in a harmonious society for twenty years in his previous life, and he had developed Campbell’s habit of dealing with people, unless there was a special habit, it was difficult for Campbell to change at once.

Since it was not early, Campbell did not continue to go out, and there were no animals in the town at this time, if you want to live animals, it is better to wait for the morning market, when there will be hunters to bring some game to sell.

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