Although he was very frightened, as a church that could pull up a church, although he did not achieve his goals at all, he also pitted himself on the front line of the battlefield.

The Pope undoubtedly has an excellent psychological quality, even if he is scared that his heart rate increases by three times, he can generally control his movements, and does not make a foolish move to throw the sword out.

“O great gods…,” the Pope tried to understand what was going on first, and it would be better to learn more from this sword.

“Stop saying those palatial words.” The blood-red vertical pupils on the hilt of the sword, as if they had insight into people’s hearts, stared at the Pope with a smile.

“You don’t believe in God at all.”

“How so?! My respect for the gods comes from the heart! Although I don’t know why this sword can see through his thoughts, as a veteran old liar, he instinctively tries to ask the Pope to ask for his suspicions.

The next moment, the Pope felt that he couldn’t breathe at all, no matter how he tried to inhale oxygen, the feeling of suffocation became bigger and bigger, and he wanted to throw away the long sword on his body, but his body was completely unable to move, even if he was about to lose consciousness due to suffocation, his body still maintained a standing posture.

“In front of me, do you find lies useful?” Before the Pope completely lost consciousness, Campbell withdrew the suppression of the Pope’s trachea.

Countless crystalline filaments controlled the Pope’s body, and without Campbell’s permission, he could not even move a little finger now.

Even some filaments have penetrated deep into the Pope’s body, and from Grisha’s medical skills, Campbell has learned a lot about the structure of the human body.

As long as those parts are not some objects with rejection reaction, even if they penetrate deep into the body, there are no side effects, Campbell is clear.

“It doesn’t matter if you disrespect me the most, your ability to pull up such a church is not bad. I value your abilities, not your respect for me, understood,” Campbell said lightly as he breathed heavily.

“Know: Road.. Gulping for breath, the Pope had never felt that air was such a beautiful thing.

“If people appear before and perform miracles, can the credibility of religion continue to increase? Mr. Pope, I look forward to the day when the Church will become the strongest Church within the walls. ”

With a pleasant smile, the red vertical pupil stared at the Pope, Grisha’s collection of books was really a good thing, but it lowered the pigment in the eyes, and in the pupils slightly bloody, Campbell was able to create such a red eye.

Of course, without the control of the body given by Campbell’s giant state skill, ordinary people will have no use even if they know it, and can only be regarded as cold knowledge.

“Let me see that while you next spoke, the black crystals seemed to flow through the Pope’s body.

Then it turned into a pair of black crystal full-body armor, and the Sheng Sheng wearing crystal armor was twenty centimeters taller, one head higher than the surrounding crowd.

With an incredulous expression, the Pope gently waved the black crystalline sword that had closed his vertical pupils, and the weapon that he had to pick up with two hands seemed to be nothing in his hand.

Even there was a whizzing sound in the air, showing the great power of the gentle wave just now.

Gently took the first step in the direction of the giant, the scenery in front of him suddenly became blurred, and when the Pope realized it, he had reached the giant’s side.

Seeing the fearful face of the giant, the Pope subconsciously took the long sword in his hand and swung it towards the giant.

As if cutting through tofu with a sharp blade, the giant’s feet were easily cut off by the Pope.

The giant who lost his balance overwhelmed in the direction of the Pope, and the Pope, who had realized something, did not dodge, slashed the long sword in his hand upwards, and the weapon more than two meters long divided the fallen giant in half.

A knife cut off the giant’s head, trampling the back of the giant’s neck into meat mud, and the Pope stepped on the giant’s head with one foot and raised the black longsword high with one hand.

“Don’t look at the giants in front of you with fear, look at them with hope! For the Lord is our Lord and will lead us beyond the giants. ”

The Pope shouted in a reverent tone, saying that the highest state of fooling people is to fool oneself.

“The Lord is with us until the end of the world!”

The refugees, who were originally shocked by the unknown changes that had occurred in the Pope, also followed the Pope and raised their right hand high, knelt on the ground and made loud prayers.

Behold the pitch-black armor, it must be the gospel of the Lord that has given us the power to hunt giants.

“The name of this sword is, Hunt the Giant Great Sword! Those wielding this sword will have the power to hunt giants! ”

The Pope’s face turned red from the loud shouts, which also embarrassed his age.

The congregators kept repeating the Pope’s words, shouting the name of the Great Sword of the Hunter.

No, no, be patient, my embarrassment is about to commit again.

Campbell, who took this scene into his eyes through the sword body, felt that he couldn’t help but turn the eyes above the sword body into black crystals again.

I was just a whim just now, since I want to travel through the world in the future, it is good to form a force of my own to deal with some debris from other worlds.

There was a suitable team right next to it, and I wanted to test my new abilities, and things developed like this.

But….. Is that still fun?

The main reason why the Pope was able to exert so much power just now was because of the armor on the Pope’s body.

It is not a simple armor, except for the outermost layer is a layer of hardened crystals, the main component inside is actually muscle fibers.

That is, the muscle fibers on Campbell’s current body, the Pope is like a layer of biodynamic armor.

Through Campbell’s inhuman-like strong muscle fibers and strong stretching and contraction ability, even if it is a child who wears armor without the power of a chicken, he can exert Campbell’s three-percent strength.

But higher ones can’t, human flesh is too fragile, even if buffered, but higher strength is not human flesh can withstand, and ordinary people’s reflex nerves are not enough to harness higher levels of power. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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