The time of the killing was nightfall.

The conditions are satisfied.

There was thick fog at the scene of the killing.


The target of the killings was women.

Target confirmation.


Our Lady of Disintegration (Maria_the_Ripper), real name Liberation!

The pitch-black dagger shone with a dazzling glow, which symbolized the light of mortality.

As long as this blow hits, if all three conditions are met, whoever will be killed under the Dissolution Virgin.

The internal organs are thrown out, the intestines and stomach are cut off, and any woman will be absolutely inescapable.

Jack used his breath to mask this rank skill to eliminate his footsteps, even the sound of his heartbeat.

Then through the cover of thick fog, he walked to Atalanta’s side.

As long as “two six seven” hits the next blow, this heroine from Greece will be disemboweled.

At this time, Atalanta did not know that Jack had left the place.

Atalanta’s fingers were still on the bowstring, and a huge magic arrow was still condensing.

The next moment Jack rushed towards Atalanta, ignoring that the aura shield would fail due to the attack.

After all, as long as this blow hits, as long as this blow hits, Atalanta, who is a female hero, will at least lose her combat effectiveness.

The white figure rushed towards Atalanta with a black glow.

And the cat-eared lady who puts her finger on the bowstring also feels her own crisis.

She looked at the menacing blow, and an incomprehensible smile crossed her eyes,

She activated the treasure that she had been hiding

The treasure she didn’t want to use.

The next moment, Our Lady of Disintegration pierced Atalanta’s body.

But the innocent smile on Jack’s face was replaced by fear.

Quite simply, Our Lady of Disintegration undoubtedly pierced Atalanta, but could not disembowew it as Jack thought.

Instead, he was caught in Atalanta’s body, and what should have been a cruel laceration turned into a stab wound that did not mean much to the heroic spirit.

Atalanta now became even more beautiful.

The long pale green hair on the body turned a dazzling silver, and the place where the original clothes were covered was replaced by black hair.

The originally clear turquoise pupils were covered by murderous red intent

Even her cat ears turned silver. And she carries a huge wild boar’s head on her shoulder, symbolizing her great achievements.

A faint silver light flowed on her body, a light that symbolized divinity.

The treasure called the Boar of Divine Punishment was inscribed, and Atalanta changed from a bow knight who was not good at melee combat to an extremely savage berserker.

The strength of the tendon has been greatly improved from the original C to A, and what is even more terrifying is that she has obtained the powerful recovery power of the Calydon wild boar.

The next moment, the pitch-black dagger was squeezed out of her clean lower abdomen, and her abdomen returned to its original state the moment the dagger left.

Seeing Atalanta receiving such a deadly treasure as if he was unscathed, even Jack felt helpless.

After all, the Disintegration Virgin is her strongest means, and even this is easily blocked by the other party, and she has no other means to hurt her for the time being.

Moreover, feeling that the opponent’s strength and durability have greatly improved, if Jack rushes up to fight with him, it is likely that she, who was originally as poor as the Huns, may easily be directly defeated by Atalanta.

So it’s time to distance yourself.

Just as Jack was about to distance himself from Atalanta.

Atalanta moved, carrying a huge storm of wind, rushing towards her at a speed that Jack could not understand.

How could it be so fast!

Jack could only quickly pull out the other two Disintegrated Virgins and lay them in front of Hun in a vain attempt to resist the blow.


The next moment, Jack was slapped by the huge force coming from in front of him, and the huge force imprinted her deeply on the wall.

The power from the boar of divine punishment makes Atalanta’s tendons far exceed level A. And with the blessing of high strength and agility, Atalanta’s movements cannot even be captured by Jack.

How so!

Jack, who was slammed against the wall, swallowed the blood gushing from his throat in a vain attempt to get out of the wall.

But the next moment, the arrival of the next blow made her completely knocked out.0………

The entire wall of the Templar Church was shattered, and Jack flew out with the fragments of the wall.

At this moment, half of the church collapsed, burying Atalanta in the form of a wild boar of divine punishment.

However, in just an instant, Atalanta shattered the masonry on his body and rushed towards Tosakachi.

Having activated the “Boar of Divine Punishment”, she treats everyone present as enemies, including the Master who gave her magical powers.

Seeing Atalanta rushing towards him, Tosaka did not panic, he slowly raised his right hand, which was interlaced by eight spells, and activated one of them.

Sensing that the Ling Spell was activated, and seeing the vermilion light gradually lit up on the Ling Spell, Tosaka ordered to Atalanta who rushed towards him.

“Decree the curse, Atalanta, the boar that lifts the divine punishment!”

As the spell flew in front of Atalanta, the black fur that had originally covered Atalanta’s body receded, revealing a clean white body.

The originally silver-white hair turned emerald green again, and the eyes returned to a turquoise color.

Looking at Atalanta, who looked weak, Tosaka sighed softly.

Then the next moment, Tosaka threw his trench coat on Atalanta’s body, blocking Atalanta’s stunning style.

Although the dense fog has not completely receded, there is still a man like Yan Feng Qili here after all.

Although Yan Feng Qili will definitely not appreciate this kind of beauty, if he is allowed to see it, it will be a big loss.

With this in mind, Tosaka, who already regarded Atalanta as his possession, quickly covered Atalanta with his trench coat.

Immediately afterwards, Tosaka looked at the wall of the church that had not yet collapsed.

The fog cleared as Jack was slapped, and Tosaka clearly saw a figure nailed to the wall by a crimson spear.

That was exactly the words that had just tried to challenge the top heroic spirit of Skaha with his human body.

There is no doubt that his defeat was quite complete, and the blood stains on his body also meant that he experienced an extremely tragic battle.

However, for Yingling, this is meaningless! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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