
A place full of adult romantic fantasy, where one feels numb all over and adrenaline surges uncontrollably, longing to meet her Mr. Right by accident, and then live a daily life like in a girl's comic!

But, today.

Sakura Hibiki's expectations were shattered.

She clenched her fists and glared at the frivolous man in front of her.

No matter what, she would not admit that this person was her wonderful"encounter"’!

"What a joke, it's just a bottle of wine, and you're trying to extort 100,000 yen from us!"

Just now, Sakura Hibiki accidentally bumped into someone, causing the wine in the other person's hand to fall to the ground and break.

Although Sakura Hibiki apologized sincerely at the first time, the other party did not accept it at all and only asked for full compensation.

Sakura Hibiki bit the bullet and asked the price.

The other party replied"100,000 yen".

So, the dispute arose.

""Hey, Hibiki, why don't we just give the money?"

The one who whispered to Hibiki Sakura was her good friend who she met recently at the gym, Akemi Sou-ryuin from the same school. The beautiful girl with long black hair, beautiful face, and perfect body that even models can't match was very eye-catching. When she spoke, the frivolous man's eyes almost stuck to her. A malicious smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"It doesn't matter if you don't compensate me, just come and have a few drinks with me, and we can be friends."

"Who wants to make friends with someone like you?"

Sakura Hibiki said angrily.

Then she got a response that made her even angrier.

"Ah, forget it, I'm not interested in fat people."

The frivolous man waved his hand with disdain.

"You...what did you say! ?"

Sakura Hibiki opened her eyes wide.

Fat? How was she fat?

Although compared to Zhu Mei next to her, her skin was a little yellow, her body was a little shorter, and there was a little insignificant fat on her stomach and legs, but even if she couldn't be called slender, it couldn't be related to"fat", right? If you really want to care, at most it's...slightly fat!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

It seemed as if a ball of black air rose from her body.

Zhu Mei next to her didn't dare to speak.

"Fu... Xiang, calm down, it's only 100,000 yen, I'll pay for it."

Thinking about it carefully, this kind of thing is also related to her.

Because she keenly felt that the other party seemed to be suspected of intentional.

Even if she guessed wrong, it was she who suggested going to the bar today.

I just didn't expect that there would be such a despicable person in the bar recommended by Mr. Jie Xiong, and they happened to run into him.

"Bingshi, judging from your expression, do you know those two girls over there?"At the bar not far away,

Yato watched the excitement with interest while glancing at the bartender.

"No, I don't know him, but I think I heard Jiexiong mention him."

As Bingshi Ryo said this, his eyes changed.

"Jie Xiong? I remember, is he the coach of the Silver Gym? I went there twice and he gave me a lot of advice on buying equipment."

Yato recalled.

Then, he glanced at Himuro Ryo.

"Do you want to help?"

"If it was someone recommended by the street hero, then there is no reason for me not to take care of him. Moreover, that guy dared to cause trouble in my territory, I have to let him know what the consequences will be."

Himero Ryo's face was calm, without obvious anger, but the low pressure on his body was so terrifying that even mosquitoes and flies dared not approach.

When he said this.

Things suddenly changed.

It was Sakura Hibiki.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Finally, she couldn't help it.


She swung her right fist at the man.

In the eyes of professionals, the technique of this punch was extremely crude, and a normal person might be stronger than her in a fight.

But the power contained in this punch was far beyond the imagination of the onlookers. It is no exaggeration to say that the air was blown up!

The frivolous man's weight of more than 100 pounds was like a large piece of garbage in front of this punch. The whole person flew up, passed over the heads of several booths, and hit the wall directly.

Like a fish without bones, he slowly slid to the ground.


Yato was stunned.

The drink in his hand fell on the table and broke into pieces.

But no one would pay attention to him now.

Although the slow rock music was still playing, the attention of the people in the bar was attracted by Sakura Hibiki.

"I say, is Jie Xiong's gym a genetic modification research institute?"

"……I don't know."

Himuro Ryo's expression was not much better than Yato's.

He looked at Sakura Hibiki as if he was looking at some rare creature.

"But I am sure that this girl is not simple"

"You don't even need to tell me that."

Yato rolled his eyes and put away his surprise.

"Why don't you go and help call an ambulance or something?"

"Indeed, I can only provide this level of"help."

Himuro Ryo smiled bitterly.

He originally wanted to help them out, but in the end, Sakura Hibiki knocked the other person down by himself.

It was still such a terrifying punch.

Even from the perspective of an outsider, it was still frightening.

He even doubted whether the unfortunate frivolous man was dead.

"Don't worry, he's not dead yet, she hit him on the shoulder."

Yedou said slowly, as if he had guessed what he was thinking.

""Hey! What did you do to my friend?"

The silence was broken.

Perhaps noticing something strange, several tall and strong men appeared in front of Sakura Hibiki and Akemi.


After throwing that punch, Sakura Hibiki seemed to realize that he had done something wrong, and his momentum disappeared all of a sudden. When he heard others questioning him, he shrank his head in fear.

"Are there any companions?"

Bingshi Liang put down the hand towel and prepared to walk out of the bar, but Yato stopped him.

"I'll do it. I know those guys. They are from the underground group nearby.���Those idiots can't explain it in a few words. It's not right for a bartender like you to fight with customers, right?"

"……Hit him harder."

Bingshi Ryo said after a pause.

Indeed, with his status, it is not good to fight with customers, which will bring a lot of negative impact to the bar. If he is not very familiar with President Oya, he will be fired.

But Yato has no such concerns.

"I've called the police, let's wait for them to come and solve the problem."

Pulling Sakura Hibiki behind her, Zhu Mei stepped forward, raised her fair and graceful neck, with an extremely serious expression, and a smart phone in her hand to warn the other party not to mess around.

But she still underestimated the courage of the people on the opposite side.

Although they rarely make trouble, they are more ruthless and smarter than ordinary gangsters.

They know that even if the police come, it won't be a big deal.

To put it bluntly, is fighting a big deal?

Several men snorted coldly, ready to take the people away first. Whether the police come or not, it is no longer convenient to stay here.

Seeing the other party's actions, Zhu Mei's breathing stagnated, and her big eyes were full of doubts. As a young lady, she didn't understand why the other party was not afraid of the police.

"Zhu Mei, you retreat."

Sakura Hibiki gritted her teeth and suppressed her anxiety.

She was ready to fight with the other party again.

There was no word"surrender" in her life motto.

""Okay, okay, you step back too."

A hand suddenly fell on Sakura Hibiki.

The girl felt a small but irresistible force pulling her back a few steps.

"Wait a minute... who are you?"

Sakura Hibiki raised her head and stared blankly at the strange man who appeared in front of her.

"A man who likes to fight."

Yato grinned.

While clenching his fists, he walked towards the men.

"Who are you……?!"

The same words came out of the mouths of those men.

However, unlike Sakura Hibiki, their expressions were not as if they had seen the dawn, but as if they had seen a demon.

The next moment, the onlookers in the bar witnessed a very exciting fight.

Several strong men were beaten unilaterally.

They couldn't even touch the corners of each other's clothes even though they tried to resist.

In less than five seconds, they all lay on the ground.

It is worth mentioning that no damage was caused to the surroundings.

The guests who were close to them seemed to be appreciating a ramen chef performing live ramen at close range. It seemed full of tension, but in fact, he was free and easy.

If fighting has art, then this must be it.

"So cool... and so handsome!"

Sakura Hibiki's eyes widened.

A strange feeling arose in his heart.

It can't be wrong.

"I seem to be in love"

"That's right... huh?"

Sakura Hibiki nodded in agreement subconsciously, and suddenly felt something was wrong, and subconsciously looked at Zhu Mei beside her.

At this time, Zhu Mei's face was flushed.

Her breathing was rapid. She looked like something was wrong.

Ahaha, Sakura Hibiki's mouth twitched, and she was speechless for a moment.

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