PS: The one in the middle is Lashala, the one with red hair on the left is Kaiya, and the one on the right is one of the harem members who will appear later.

White Bird City.

This is a city flying in the sky.

Or it can be called an aerial battleship.

After all, its appearance is just like a battleship.

It’s just that there are flowers, trees, and its owner on it.

And now.

In a place in White Bird City.

The voice of the owner of this White Bird City can be heard.

“Kaiya! Is this summoning really reliable?”

“People from another world, etc., in previous records….”

“It seems like a person from another world has been summoned to our world….”

“Most of them are not even as good as the natives of our world, right? ?”

“If not better….How can it be valuable?”

The person who spoke was a cute girl with blonde hair, or a loli.

Judging from her height, she was about 7 years old.

At this moment, she looked at the magic circle in front of her and spoke to the red-haired girl who was a head taller than her standing behind her.

However, from her last sentence, it can be seen that compared to whether the people in the other world are stronger or the original people are stronger, she actually cares more about the subsequent value behind strength or weakness.’!


After hearing what the blonde girl said, the red-haired girl standing behind her, whom she called Kaiya, was silent for a moment.

Then, with a helpless look on her face and an expression of”not understanding how your Highness thinks”, she spoke:

“Your Highness Lashala! I think I need to remind you!”

“I have been trying to persuade you to give up summoning people from another world!”

“But wasn’t it you who insisted on holding this summons?!”

“You ask me this question now! Why does it feel like…Is it the same as what I recommended to you! ?”

Because she is 3 years older than Lashala, her thoughts are relatively more mature.

She doesn’t think His Highness Lashala will summon any powerful people from another world.

It is even possible that the summoned ones are not human!

After all, in this world, there are many cases of summoning animals from other worlds!

Lashala, who was standing in front of the magic circle, heard the complaints of the girl named Kaiya behind her.

A touch of embarrassment flashed across her face.

But because Kaiya was standing behind her, she didn’t notice

“Eh!? Ahahaha~hahaha~I…I’m just too concerned.~~”

“Don’t mind it, Kaiya!”

“After all, with a star sign as good as today’s, it may take three to five years to come! It would be a shame not to summon someone from another world!”

“Then, let us two good sisters come and witness the moment of miracle together!”

Looking at His Highness Lashala who was full of energy, Kaiya just perfunctorily said weakly:

“Well…As long as you are happy, Your Highness….”

She didn’t care about Kaiya’s tone. After all, she and she were used to each other’s temper and habits.

“¥%……@@##¥……”Come on! The extremely powerful alien from another world!!!”

Lashala summoned them with a meaningless oath.

The magic circle in front of them lit up with a dazzling white light!

They couldn’t help but close their eyes.

——Right and wrong, Europe, all depends on this one move!


In the dazzling white light, a muscular male figure appeared in the center of the magic circle.


Maybe it was the protection mechanism of the people in the other world.

Or maybe it was the”great will” in the dark.

Although in this extremely dazzling white light for ordinary people.

The male figure who was summoned did not feel any discomfort.

The dazzling white light seemed to be completely non-existent to him.

At this time.

Su Chen, who was summoned to the other world, just stood blankly in the center of the magic circle.

He was doing his daily routine and typing hard.

As a result, when the enter key was pressed, the Orange Melon typing software did not jump to the next line.

It jumped directly to the other world! ?

As a street writer, he said that he knew this sudden situation very well!

Isn’t this the plot of being summoned to another world?

As an author, he usually thinks about traveling to another world.

It must be much more than ordinary people!

And more eager than ordinary people!

But, shouldn’t you give me a system or a cheat code first?

At least a main god space is fine!

And then travel through it?

What’s going on now?

——Enter key ‘golden finger’?


He didn’t have time to take a closer look at the two beautiful girls in front of him.

He was just looking for his ‘golden finger’ as usual. He came to another world and showed his real ability?

That would require a golden finger and his own unremitting efforts!

How can a good cook cook without rice? ?

“Golden finger?”

“Deep blue! ?”

“Lord God!?”

“System! ?”

Fortunately, the system didn’t play any tricks on him!

When he silently recited the system in his mind, an electronic synthesized voice came from his mind.

【Ding! The Dimensional Treasure Box system has completed recognizing the owner】


Listening to the voice in his head, Su Chen was indeed very happy.

But he did not show any overly excited words or actions.

As an adult, he is good at disguising his emotions.

What’s more, he deals with these”systems” every day! They are old acquaintances!

What kind of system does he not know! ?

Of course, this is also related to his personality. He has always been like this. He rarely has any”overly” excited words or actions.

As long as it does not reach his threshold, he can face anything calmly.

At this time, the system has been loaded.

【Loading completed! The Dimensional Treasure Box system is officially launched】

【Dear master, the Dimension Treasure Box System is officially at your service】

【The treasure chest system divides the treasure chest levels into bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond levels.】

【These are just the most basic ones. Please explore other types with confidence.】

【Also, I would like to remind you that although bronze treasure chests are the lowest level, they can also give you very powerful items.】

【I can only say that the probability of getting good things at the bronze level is the lowest, but it is not zero. 】

After this emotionless electronic voice finished speaking.

A world map appeared in front of Su Chen’s eyes.

PS: This PS is for the brothers who know this show. We are not involving the three goddesses! It is simply the world of the Holy Pilot! It is useless if you don’t go to the world!

PS2: In addition, this book is also a response to a brother’s idea, and it is also my own idea. The current anime is basically those few worlds, and even the plots are basically the same, so I opened this book, and I hope that the brothers can support it more in terms of data.

After all, if the data is not good and no one reads it, it is purely for love. To be honest, my brother’s current financial conditions cannot do it/covering his face to save face

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