While Su Chen was living happily with the Lolita Princess, the cute guard, and the mature queen, on the other side, on a mountain in the territory of Havoniva,

17 or 18 wanderers were hiding halfway up the mountain, hiding from all angles. They were obviously on guard against anyone approaching.

And in a cave halfway up the mountain, there was a voice plotting a sinister plan.

“Is it better to step on it?”

“Don’t worry, boss! There will be absolutely no problem!”

“Then have the personnel in the palace been arranged?”

“Don’t be like last time in Aizeli Country! You failed me at the critical moment!”

“Just be at ease this time! Boss!”

“With the help of that adult, I bribed all the chefs in Havoniva!”

“And they were all unaware of it! So this time it was absolutely foolproof!”

“I’m telling you this! If you fail again this time, I’ll bring my head to you!”

“Okay! You used this trick well! Even if one person didn’t dare to release it, the others would have released it!”

“but…If the dosage is too high, won’t there be any problems? ? Our employer has emphasized to us that no one should die!”

“If someone dies, I won’t give you the remaining commission!”

“Don’t worry, boss! That kind of medicine will only make people weak!”

“And I didn’t give each of the cooks much!”

“Just take all those quantities into account!”

“They will just feel powerless, but the duration of their powerlessness will be short!”

“And I have the antidote here!”

“Good! Now it depends on whether the employer will seize power or not!”

“And from the information that sir gave us, the next heir to the Strayu Empire is also there….”

“And the male Saint Mechanic next to them, remember to kill him first! In case of any changes!”

“”Okay! Boss!”

From their conversation, it was clear that it was an important official in the Kingdom of Havoniva who raised the banner of rebellion against the queen.

Then he hired these ronin, intending to cooperate with them from the inside and outside to seize control of the kingdom in one fell swoop!


In the residence of the captain of the Havoniva soldiers, a conversation between father and son was taking place.

“My Lord Father! Now everything is ready!”

“All that’s left is the general attack tomorrow morning after the queen and the others finish breakfast!”

The only son of the guard chief Xin Guo Dacheng.

Xin Guo Xiaocheng couldn’t help but say excitedly when he looked at his elderly father.

“Hmm! When you patrol outside the Kingdom Palace tomorrow, you have to keep a close eye on what’s going on inside!”

“Once the Queen and the others finish their meal and the drug takes effect, we will rush in immediately to control the situation!”

“As for those ronin disguised as guards…After the deed is done, kill them directly in the palace!”

“They announced to the public that they had assassinated the queen, and we”

“He is the hero who captured the assassin!”

“Good day, father!”

“Okay, now that we have explained everything to those ronin, let’s go back and rest!”

“Get ready for tomorrow!”

After hearing what his father Xin Guo Dacheng said, Xin Guo Xiaocheng did not leave immediately.

Instead, he looked at Xin Guo Dacheng and said,”Father, after killing the queen tomorrow, the remaining things, such as those officials…”

“Okay! Didn’t I tell you before? You don’t have to worry about the officials. I’ve already made the arrangements!”

“You just need to kill the queen and those wanderers! Remember, no one should be left alive!”

“You know what I mean? I’m already old, and you’re the next king!”

“So don’t leave yourself open to future troubles because of a moment of weakness!”

“They must be killed without mercy!”

After hearing what Xin Guo Dacheng said, Xin Guo Xiaocheng naturally knew the priorities.!

“I understand, Father! I will take care of it!”

“Then I will go back first. Father, you should also go to bed early.”

“After all, you will be with other United officials tomorrow….”

“Okay! Let’s go back!”


After saying that, Xin Guo Xiaocheng directly left the study.

In the study, only Xin Guo Dacheng was left.

He is already in his sixties and almost seventy years old this year.

He just wants to experience the power of the king before he dies!

He is now sorting out tomorrow’s plan in his mind.

All the officials who can be won over have been won over.

There is no problem in this aspect. After tomorrow’s matter is accomplished, those officials will naturally support him.

The remaining matter is his son Xin Guo Xiaocheng.

He asked Xin Guo Xiaocheng to hire a group of ronin.

Let those ronin pretend to be palace guards tomorrow.

Tomorrow, those ronin will enter the palace, and his trusted guards will set up a dragnet outside the palace.

And the moment he and his son come out of the palace, that will be the death of those ronin!

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